The Prince of Tennis Super God System

Chapter 1082, Chapter 1082 of the Prince of Tennis

"You are the legendary ... Lukui!" Carti looked at the six old man's face, "" Can only have the spirit of the spirit from that space, it seems that there is not false. " ! "

"31 is spot!" Sasuke's first eyes saw Yu Zhibo spots on the ground, and his right hand immediately put on the waistt holder.

"Don't be nervous!" The six cactors put their hands. "Before they became the tail column, so once the end of the beast was taken out!"

"It's because I want to use the tail beast, and I will finally fall in this way!" Sasuke's cold glance lying on the ground.

At this time, the thousand-handed columns went to Yishibo spots to look around and looked at Yisibo spots.

"Is it a column?" The spot was slowly opened.


"Whether it is me, or you ... these things in front of us are what we can't pray!" Yu Zhibo said very reluctant.

"I know, there are many things that I can't do when we are still alive, so you must pay it to the next generation ... Do you do this?" The thousand handles slowly replied.

"Oh ... you have not changed, or so naive ..." The shadow of the Night Broken in Yuxi Bao, "Maybe the little ghost is right, our eyes are too small, there is no way to understand all things. Really, the power I pursue is just a cloud smoke ... "

"Comic ... I'm a ridiculous!" Yuxi Bao pointed to slowly closed his eyes, no longer opened, a generation of Xiong, running through the entire nihid story, this is dying in regret.

The thousands of hands are also lonely, and the common dream of he and the year is also a lot of clouds.

"Big Brother, now it is not a feeling of injury." The hand is obviously more concerned about fighting, he turned to look at the old man.

"Six adults, you just said that there is no way to feel that night long wind is the little ghost and big ▉ Night?" Qianli's mouth asked, "What do you mean?"

"Specific situation, I can't know that the teenager should not be our world, he has the same power as the mother!" The six old man looked at Sasuke and Naruto. "My time is not much, the rest is I will give you, the reincarnate of Athens and Ashura! "

"How do you unlike this unlimited month reading?" ▉▉ Ask the key issue.

"Infinite month read surgery has not been unsuccessful, prove that my mother has not died!" The six cactus replied, "If my mother returned to this world again, the reincarnation of Athens and Ashura must seal her. Then in the same way, the two people will be confused! "

"Of course, there is a more direct method ..." Lu'an Road.

"What method?" Qianli asked.

"Thoroughly eliminate my mother's will, of course, this is almost impossible ... My mother is not dead in this world, as long as she returns to this world, I can absorb all people Chakra, Then unlimited resurrection! "The six old man explained.

"Well, the next thing is handed over to you!" The old man watched the Naruto and Sasher, and then cured into a small smoke disappeared between the heavens and the earth.

"Hey! Six Old Old Bo! Wait, you haven't saved long wind!" Naruto shouted in the direction of the six old man disappeared.

"Naruto should not worry, I believe that the long wind will come back!" Carti right hand presses the shoulders of the Naruto.

That said in the mouth, in fact, Kakasi is not sure, after all, even the legendary six cactors can't induce night long, no one can say that the long wind in the morning is now life.

Medium in the small world.

Night wind is not dead, and it is still excited.

On the grass in Xiaomili, Xiaoli's grass, the tail of the tail is still constantly oppressing her space against the small world.

"Can this beak can make such a big space?" It is the fear of the darkness of the black ball, and the biggest secret of the night long is far beyond his imagination.

"Mother, what should I do now?" Black and I have an urgent question.

"You ask her to use it, she is now unknown!" The night is cold and cold, looking at the black sphere hidden behind the night, the night, is also trim.

In this small world, the night growing is absolutely controlled, no matter what is black, what is hidden in this small world, the woods are good, the lake is 033, in fact, there is nothing.

"Now let you taste what is called true super gravity!" The night's hands were on the show, and I made a down-pressure posture.

bass! The small day of the small sky behind the night is once again flash. Since the moment of the big torch, the night is pulled into the small world, the god tree is constantly absorbing the large tube wooden glow night. Chakra.

At the middle of the small sky, the big torch has completely cut off the links between the Nango World, which means that she doesn't have a way to absorb Chakra, all the unlimited moon readings of the world, and there is no way to make spatial cracks.

Because this is the world of night, the night of the night, any of the laws here is the night-long style, and there is no ability to open the space crack to escape this space.

Unless she can destroy the entire small world, it is like the spear of the night, the spatial space is destroyed.

!! When the night's wind is compressed, the gravity of the entire small world will change in an instant, and now the gravity of the body, the body's gravity is more than 10,000 times.

The tail, the black ball of Ten tail is directly dropped directly, and the gravity is pressed into the earth's dirt, don't say it, I can't move!

Chapter 1011, small heavens and earth

"Mother! Save me!" The black sent a scream.

"Shut up!" The night's right hand, and the black is directly pulled by the night, and it is next to the trees of the small world.

At this time, the gods of the Xiaocheng flicked, and the black has never had to come and continue to suffer all the energy. Then, the black mud that did not consciously became the black mud under the gods, swallowed down. .

"Now I am now!" When the night's eyes, I looked at the big tube Hui Night. There was the original strength of the trees of the gods in the world, which is the most important thing of the night.

"Ah, ah!" The big tube is constantly emit sharp, and she is all boiling white hot flame.

"Don't call, you are called bad throat and don't use it!" The night is handsome.

!! The grass ground under the night, instantly rose two rock giant hands, and continuously patted the big tube Hui's night tail and was killed. [] The huge body above the ground.

At this time, the overall cylindrical might shrinks into a sphere burning a white flame.

Booms a loud noise, shooting two rock giants on white spheres in an instantaneous break.

"Well?" The night is slightly frowned. At this time, the flame above the white sphere gradually [fading], the entire sphere turns black, and it looks very familiar.

"Isn't it just seeking jade? Or oversized!" The night-long wind rang to become the tail and Yuxi Bouvet after the tail of the tail, and they have this black sphere behind them, which is to seek jade.

But such a big kind of jade is still surprisingly surprised.

In addition, the white flame gradually became a humanoid's big tube Hui, at this time, the big tube Hui's night recovered the previous human form, but there was a huge jade behind him.

Moreover, the big tube Hui's night is actually a bondage of the rules of the lively small heavens and the earth, and suddenly fly to the air.

At this time, the big cylinder is solemn, she has already learned the terrible space of the night, and she feels her strength is constantly lapse.

The huge trees that are not far in front of it makes her fear, that kind of spiritual percentage that is huge than the fire shadow world, which makes the big tube Hui night try to escape this space.

Bang! The huge sight of the big torch of the night is a dozens of huge darts began to turn behind her.

The wind of the call, spread the space of the small world in Baili. If it is a general space, it will be shaken up. However, the energy level of Xiaocheng is not the world's low-level world of the world or Ice. of.

The co-tube Huachang night wanted to use the trunk into the speed of the darts, the crack fleeted to escape this space.

"Oh ... Joke! If you make you escape, this small world is not awkward." "Night, the right hand is directly launched against the big tube," death! "

Night winds have lost their patients who continue to play with the big torch, and he urged the god tree to urinate the law of Xiaocheng to the limit.

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