The Prince of Tennis Super God System

Chapter 1083 of the Chapter 1083 of the Prince of Tennis

At a time, the space around the body around the mood of the night is slowly expanded into a sawtooth spatial crack.

! In an instant, it was originally completed that there was a big cylinder that had just used the Ten Takla recovered to be largely unloaded in the air, and the whole body was split in an instant.

Just like a puzzle of puzzles, there is no punch, and the movement of the spatial wooden glow night is broken into pieces.

The magnitude of the mood of the night is too low. The energy in Xiaocheng is too strong in the face of her place, in the world of Xiaodiandi, the strength of the big Mu Hui night can not play.

I haven't enhanced a lot of tricks, and I have been torn with a space of the night. It is not anxious to send the scream before the death.

Bang! After the mood is torn by the space, the nine light columns are drilled in her body. It is nine big beasts.

"Wait!" The night is still not coming to order the god tree, Xiaohe's gods will automatically pull the light columns of the nine colors to their side.

The top of the light column gradually reveals the appearance of nine tail beasts, but immediately absorbed by the martial arts.

The total amount of Chakra absorbed by Chakra, which is absorbed by the god tree before the night is absorbed by the Shenshu.

bass! The whole trend that was originally squeezed by the night-long wind began to shake, just like a delighted child who got candy.

This time, it is not only branches, and the trunk of Shenshu is also growing. The diameter of its backbone is directly up to hundreds of meters directly, and the height is even more elongated, directly plugged into the chaos of Xiaotian Among them.

In short, you can't see your head. The trunk branch of the whole god tree is disconnected to cover the range of at least a small world.

"I am going ... this is too big!" Even the night grew well looked at the golden god of golden trees and couldn't help but admire.

You can imagine a tree that is more than ten times more than the aircraft carrier, what is the feeling of you, that is very small.

When the Shenshu was inhaled, the Shenshu finally stopped growth, and the space in Xiaocheng began to spread all the squares.

Every breath, the space of the entire small world is like a completely changed.

A larger lake, a broader forest, as well as an omoisy grass.

Night-lasting wind can't help but fly to the high altitude to watch the space extension of the entire small world, that sense of accomplishment is unable to describe words.

Just like you play the game of simulated business classes, the country you have established is expanding around the world.

The entire extension continued for more than half an hour, and the night length has no way to estimate the size of the small world at this time, because it is too large.

Night wind is only a little bit of its own attribute list, which is clearly written in Xiaocheng (102.521 million square kilometers)!

The unit of super-god system can understand the size of the small world at this time.

What is the concept of tens of thousands of square kilometers, that is, the area of ​​China's land is bigger than the night grows! (Good Li Zhao)

Such a big space, the night, the wind, I feel that it is somewhat in a small world. Of course, the area of ​​Xiaocheng is very far away from a real world, but it is now a broad enough.

I have to know that the small world before the night is just over 100 miles!

"I didn't expect the nine tail beasts to expand the small world to this point, haha!" Night wind couldn't help but laugh, and the eyes turned into white long flow in the air.

Then there is the source of the navigated world and the Chakra and genes of the big torch!

PS: It's a new world, it is ready, first sell a Cat. In short, it is a high-level place, and the strength of the night is now the low level, there is no meaning. Of course, there is a football kid before I promise, I will open after the dunk and the next world. After all, I have not completed it. After all, the elementary school is seen, I have been over, I have forgotten it.

Chapter 1012, absorbing the source

Chakra, which absorbed the nine big beast became super god, and the golden light was flashing, and the hundred-meter diameter trunk was full of golden contexts, which had gold liquid [body] energy.

Although the energy level of Chakra, Nangham World, it will not stand more, not only to expand the small world to the point of tens of thousands of square meters, but also let the aura or energy of the small world or more intensive.

The night's wind is in a small world, and it feels that he is constantly supplemented by the body energy that is exhausted because of the lunar war.

Of course, the night's current attention is not in small heavens, but the top of the head is covered with white long flow in the air.

The night-catching wind can also feel the consciousness of the big tube Hui, and once the white long flow is returned to the Naruto World, she still rely on the "Mayqi Zero" Kra rapidly resurrection by absorbing all the ninja.

But now in the space of Xiaocheng, the night cost is naturally impossible to give her this opportunity, and the big fish that is not easy to capture before the eyes.

"Go!" The night's hands were exhibited, and the invisible gravitational farm turned on in Xiaocheng.

In the small world, the power of the atmosphere of the night is the n-fold of the nature world, and the white long flow among the high altitude is pulled down directly.

The hands are inherent, the gravitational field is instantly transformed into a repulsion field, and the night-long wind is forcibly compressed into a few-meter diameter white sphere.

At this time, there is no such thing as a long-lasting command, and the Xiaoti Dynasty is already automatically released.

The suction of the Shenshu, which has a very fast growing, is more exaggerated than before, and the Lord of the small world of the night, almost is all over the ground by this suction.

"I kao ... God, what is your plane! It's more anxious than Laozi!" The night's wind turned his head and looked at the god tree.

At this time, the white sphere is already automatically flying to the trunk of the god tree, and the beginning of the law surrounded by the god tree.

"How many source power will there, what will change in Xiaocianiti, or what kind of fruit is it?" Night live winds began to go under the gods, sitting on the trees of the god trees [out] .

The roots before this god tree are quite huge, which is simply a round platform.

When the night-length wind disc is sitting on the root, you can even feel the excitement of the entire small world, just like a heartbeat.

This feeling is very wonderful, just like a small sky.

bass! After a few weeks next to the white sphere next to the god tree, the Shenshi finally started to absorb the energy.

White spheres begin to flow out of white crystal clear liquid [body] is directly absorbed by God's large trunk.

The whole god tree turned from a golden light into a white light, and the souventron's main energy started crazy, a white light column shot directly to the night.

The night is very windy, "This is a pure energy, and it is much more than Chakra!"

In the first moment, the night long style feels that his body dryness is full, and the body starts to be painful. It is necessary to know that the flesh intensity of the night-catching flesh is quite high.

But there is still an ill-pain in an instant, which is imagined how terrible energy among the white light columns.

Of course, the night-catching wind can guide the energy into the tree root, then return to the god tree, and finally used in the small world.

However, night-long winds don't want to waste this opportunity to improve their strength. This energy feels more than Chakra, and the night-length wind is estimated to be doped with the source of the world.

Although there are not many, the source of origin is quite rare. It is the birth of the nature of the nature of the nature of the world.

Without any hesitation, the night-catching winds started crazy to run the imaginating power of the prison, injecting this vulgar and unprecedented energy into the microparticles in their body.

What didn't think of the night-length wind is that when I inject this energy into the tenth fine particles in my body, I have previously been a lot of energy. There will be a stone sea.

And this time I turned on a fine particle in an instant.

Roar! The dragon in the back of the night is instantly appeared. The dragon is like a shadow of the ten dragon icons in the back of the night!

"I am going ~ ▉ is too strong!" The night did not hurt the double boxing. Of course, he can't be too excited, and there is still an energy injection into his body.

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