The Prince of Tennis Super God System

Chapter 1084 of the Super Short System of the Prince of Tennis

At night, this time, simultaneously fills the energy at the same time in the other ten in his body.

At the same time, the night growth is open to gravity, so that huge white light columns will gather as much as possible to themselves.

This is quite risky. Once the night's body can't bear such a large energy, he will directly explode.

But the night is not wanting to waste this opportunity. If a particle is lit, the night long wind will waste a lot of this sperm.

The pure energy of these passes will be used by the Shenshu to make a small world, and the change in Xiaocheng is already satisfied with the night growth. Now the most important thing is to improve their strength.

Because the night cost does not know what the world will be thrown into the world, it is the king of the king as much as possible before this.

"Ah!" Too many energy has been pulled out of his own body by night, and his whole body is torn, and the mind is like a night, and it can't help but scream.

Because the energy is too much, even if it is implanted in the tail, it will explode instantly.

Moreover, the energy of the night and long injection is sustainable.

"Buddha statue is gold!" The night's wind opened the Buddha statue, the whole person was shining, and the vain of the Buddha is slowly launched after the night length.

The pain of night long wind is also one of them, and the night-long wind rolls use this extra energy to break your body.

Each night's body is destroyed, then it is repaired by fine energy.

At the same time, ten fine particles in the body of the night long-in-pure energy began to slightly roar, which is a sign before lighting.

It is less than a minute, which is less than a minute from the night long-winding, and this is called the speed of the fast-growing speed.

But the opportunity is this, the night is eye-catching, and the nasal feelings, starting full absorption of pure energy, perfusion of ten microparticles, and breaking its body with excessive pure energy.

This process can be said to be painful and happy ...

For a while, the golden light excited by the white trees and the night length of the gods were filled with the white trees, and the air was white, and it was close to the ground, especially the night.

1013 chapter, strength crazy

Roar! Not long after, the dragon in the back of the night is suddenly bigger, and at the same time, there is a ten-hour, the legendary dragon icon is finally condensed!

The one-time heart of the night-long's heart is light, and the ten fine particles among the body. At this time, the night is full of twenty twenty-shining particles all over the body.

Night wind got the force of twenty dragon icons, before, it has been said, this is not a simple.

Before the night's wind, the force of the nine-headed dragon icon can hang the ultimate BOSS big tube of the fire shadow world, and now the night is still the force of the twenty dragon icon, this is not the strength of the strength.

The specific effect is also verified by actual combat.

At this time, the white sphere surrounded by the Dunk diameter of the gods is already disappearing. All the energy of the big tube Hui Hui night is absorbed by the Shenshu, there is no waste.

At this time, the night long wind in the golden light is finally slowly opened, and he also wants to continue to move the idol of the gods in the hobs to lit more particles in the body.

The more the micro particles, the stronger the strength of the night, and the higher the probability of survive in the new world or is the probability of Wang said.

But let the night grow some unfortunately the white light column is just disappearing, and it is a bit of starlight, dissipating in the small world.

The energy 31 of the big cylinder Huachang Night has been absorbed!

In fact, the Chatura of the big torch is not too much. The previous and night-long wars have consumed a lot, and the pure energy obtained by the night long wind is actually the source of the world.

However, the density is very low, but even if so, the night growing is still in the case of the ten fine particles in the body at one time.

It can be seen that the source of this source is much more difficult than Chakra, and of course it is also very difficult.

Speaking of the bottom or the rating of the world's energy is too low, let the night long-term cultivation, the gods, the gods, the gods, the gods, and the powerful, very hard.

Therefore, the night-catching wind is now especially desirable to go to a relatively high-level place world, but it can't be too high. Because it is too high, it will be killed by a spike, and I haven't played.

Of course, this is not a nightly wind that can be chosen. The powerful night length is still in the supernatural system.

"Well! Forget it, you can do ten fine particles in one time, it is good!" Night wind, every muscle is in the body, there is an explosive force.

Although the Buddha is not upgraded, the night-length wind feels that his strength is at least doubled, and the meridians are getting more and more wide.

After exploring his own body's refining, the night's eyes will be placed again in the space of Xiaocheng.

Although the night lengthy wind is already a great force into its body, there is still a lot of energy loss, after being absorbed by the Shenshu, it is used in the space for the small world.

At this time, the small world appearing in front of the night wind is no longer a meadow, but a variety of landforms.

There is a grassland, there is a mountain [Qiu], there is a river, there is a waterfall, there is a sand, there is a plain ... The whole is a brand new world, and the vital life makes the night long eyes.

At this time, the landforms of the small world and the nigramid world are similar, which seems to be highly similar to the true power of the fire.

The edge of the small world is still a chaotic, the purple chaotic sea is much larger than before.

Of course, it is difficult to see the edge of Xiaohe, because it is too big.

For these this creation of the small world, the night-lived wind is happy.

The more the terrain of Xiaocheng is more and more like a world, although the real world is far more than the difference, such as there is no intelligent life. Set

That is to say, the small world is actually in a growing childhood stage, but it is already a big step compared to it.

A variety of landforms make people feel vain, the space of 10,000 square kilometers throughout the small world is just like a veraintic planet that is not being embedded by any life.

Of course, the night-catching wind is not prepared to transplant the lives of other worlds to Xiaotian, because the foreign life, the small world will automatically reject, the migrant life and the small heavens and the earth are low, and there is not much significant.

Only waiting for a certain level of small heavens and the earth, then you have to give birth to life, this is a relatively robust and reasonable approach.

"Yes! Yes!" The night is very satisfied with the change of the small heavens and the earth, and the branches of the big god trees are also growing more fruit.

This time, the night-length wind has not yet clear the fruits. It can only be said to be thousands. Every one is shining, and there is energy in flow.

Night wind knows that this energy is not a general energy, which is the fruit of the power of the source, although the content may be low, but its energy is not a comparative.

In addition, the night is still discovered on this god, and the other fruits are golden, and these quantities have about 100 fruits but white.

"Is this?" The night is windy, let this hundreds of white fruits floated in front of themselves, "This is the result of the body of the body!"

When the night is growing, I have seen the fruit after the god tree absorbed the night Jun Ma Lu, but this time the white fruit looks more advanced.

"If I have not guess, this should be the gene of the big tube Hui, it is worthy of the origin of the body, the energy of the bones, the energy of the bones is too much than the night, Mr. Luqiang!" Night does not have any Hesitating, open the mouth directly to pour the hundreds of fruit into their mouth.

These white fruits are turned into a warm flow into the belly of the night, then automatically dispersed into the bones in the body.

boom! The bones of the night, the whole body is boiling, burning on white fireworks.

But the night is not feeling the pain, but it is unusual.

His bones are being made by this white flame, becoming more robust, and higher density.

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