The Prince of Tennis Super God System

Chapter 1085 of the Super Short System of Tennis Prince

bass! bass! ~ ▉ ▉, the bones of the night, the whole body is instantly extension [out], and the night's wind is like a hedgehog, and it is a bloody bone.

The night long wind pulled out a bloody bone knife from the shoulders, of which crystal blood color energy is flowing, it seems that the cold is willing, it is simply a well-created artifact.

"Well! It seems that my blood drills have been upgraded to the limits of the fire in the world, that is, the level of the source of the mood!" Night-lasting wind is 643 points, nod, with a bone knife Ahead.

boom! The grass in front of the night wind split, and a deep crack appeared in front of the night.

"Yes! This last harvest is really not small! Haha!" The night grew up.

This time, the night, the wind gains, not only the small world, but the space of Xiaocheng has expanded to a relatively broad realm.

And greatly enhance your strength and prepare for the next world.

In addition, the bloody border of the night long wind is also upgraded to the vertex, which can be said to be good news.

"Okay! I will go back!" The night grew blows out of the list of tasks, where the last ultimate task, the night grows has not completed, and the night is still need to unlock all people in all people in the fire. .

The heart is turning, and the night is back to the battlefield before the fire.

"Is it a long wind?" Kasi is surprised to look at the night's wind in front of him. He didn't think that the night is really so fast.

"Ah! Kassei teacher!" Night costs sounded in the space of Kakasi and others in front of the night, forgot to save them.

I hurriedly glanced at the battlefield, Sasuke and Naruto and Aku, and there were still the first four generations.

"Well ... It seems that you are saved!" I thought in the night.

"Haha! I know you won't die!" The Naruto excitedly shouted in front of the night.

"Kid, Hui Yi?" The thousand hands is still more concerned about this problem.

Chapter 1014, leaving

"I am killed by me!" The night is cold, "You don't have to worry that she will be resurrected!"

"What!" Everyone in the field rose big mouth, a unbelievable expression.

Just six old men also said that his mother is not dead, now the night's live wind said that the big torch is killed by himself, how can this not make people feel incredible.

"If it is true, you will trouble! How to unlike the infinite month reading now?" The wave of the water is worried.

"Six Old Bo said that as long as it comes to the eye and the beast, Chakra can unlock the infinite month reading. Now that since the old mother has been killed by the long wind, then I and Sasuke should be able to unlike this! "Naruto turned his head to see Sasuke.

"I have no problem, but I have a condition!" Sasuke suddenly faced.

"What?" The night is cold and cold, "This kid will not be committed to the second disease!"

"The current five shadows in the unlimited month reading!" Sasuke flashed the beautiful light.

"Well?" Everyone was first.

"Sasuke, what are you saying again?" Kakasi frowned asked.

"I just want to destroy everything, but now it's different, I must first destroy the rebuilt, will carry the dark history of the village, and clean it with this Ninja World!" Sasuo said.

"I said that the thing I advocate is - the revolution!" Sasuke said very in the second, this kid is not light, and has not got rid of the tragic fate of the latter, but also indulge in the world.

In a sense, Sasuke became a new Unexpected Boss, and more than the strength of Yuxibo spots, because he has completely gains the force before the reincarnation!

"You said the revolution! What do you mean?" Kasi asked.

"Sure like the spot, becoming an uneprical factor, big brother, I have long said that I have to remove him!" A pair of thousands of hands, I have already guess the expression.

"Yuxilia's teenagers, do you really want to do this?" The killer saw the shadow of the spotted.

Snapped! Sasuke did not answer, but his hands directly.

"Bulk Star!"

Bang! At a time, the earth under the people is keeping shaking, Sasuke wants to sleep all people, and then deal with the current five shadows, then build a new world.

"Do you do not exist?" The night's hard wind can't stand the second goods, and the night cost is slightly down.

boom! The invisible force farm opened, and the ground of the entire battlefield instantly recovered calm.

"Well?" Sasuke frowned, and the night of the night is actually completely limited to the explosive stone of his full force.

"Revolution? I leather you MB!" The night-long wind and right hand, the invisible gravitational field turned on.

At this time, the energy in the night-catching body is transforming. From Chakra to a more advanced energy, any of the roughness of the night, even if it is a avive, it can't be in the same day.

boom! Sasuke instantly found that he could not move it all, and pulled it with the night long and hard-born to calm down.

The night long wind single hand clasped the neck of Sasuke, got it directly.

Sasuke feels that his neck is faster, it is not able to breathe at night, and his ability to move in his own turn is actually unable to use at this moment.

Because the night length is just using an absorption ring, it will take a sure to help the whole body Chakra.

"Changfeng, don't!" Naruto looked at the painful expression.

"Forget it! Look in the son of the Naruto, just rare this time!" The night's wind will then throw it to the side, and fall on the ground.

At this time, everyone looked at the expression of the night, and the power of the night, the power was now showing. It turned out to help the power of Dharo's power, just as it was just as simple as killing an ant. .

"This little ghost has grown to transcend the extent of the big tube Hui night!" He was a horror of the day, he looked at the night's hurry from a silent trainee ninja to now this level.

Its time is just a few more than a year. This record is not only before, but it is even more difficult to have.

"Okay, my time is not much, I don't count on the month reading! I can solve alone!" The night's wind flew directly on the sky.

"What do you want to do with the breeze?" Akai and others looked up at the night's night.

call! At this time, the night length of the night took a breath, and he began to shine in the golden light, and the dragon elephant pentium was in front of the night.

This time has more than twenty heads, almost obscured the entire sky of everyone.

When everyone is surprised to look at the turbines of the head.

When the night's wind opened his mouth, "I woke me up!"

The dragon icon after the night length of the wind began to roar, and the momentum was shocked.

The sound waves have been overwheldous, spread throughout the world.

At this time, Carti and others in the night long body can't help but hold your ears, because the decibels of this sound are too high, almost shocked their body.

But no matter how they cover your own ears, because this dragon is just like blowing directly in their mind, not from the ear.

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