The Prince of Tennis Super God System

Chapter 1087 of the Super Short System of Tennis Prince

"Eat, still don't eat?" The night grew right hand grabbed the water pipe, and thought it was hungry for a few seconds.

"Take him! Eat!" Mind in the night, "I am Beye, chicken flavor, crisp!"

On the side of the water pipe into your mouth, you started to eat the fluid food among the vitamin system.

"Not bad, there is a bit sweet!" It's going to be a fluid food, but it is not difficult to eat, but it is far more than the things you eat.

In less than five minutes, the night long is breathed, and all the fluids of the Vitamic system are breathed, but the stomach of the night is still screaming.

After eating this fluid food, the night grows is actually a more hungry, and there is only 0% of the reserves of the vitamin system in front of the display, which is nothing.

"What is going on? How can I be so hungry?" The night is soaring, "I should not be the first superhen system user who starved to death?"

1016 chapter, new attribute

Now that the night-length wind is in this vast and universe, even if the night grows wants to force down, there is no planet around the radar, even if there is any life.

If you are hungry, there is no way, and the night-catching wind only calls out the hyperincidence system's system mall, and begins to exchange the food in the mall with the exchange point.

The night-long style is not really like to use redemption points to redeem the daily necessities, but now in the universe, the night grows does not have any way, only exchange points to exchange food.

Sorry is that the exchange points required for food is very low. Of course, there are some ordinary foods, and if it is like a food, it is very expensive.

Of course, there is no food gene in the body of the night, so these antidiants are not used.

Night live winds began to exchange a lot of bread, steaks and calories and calm ordinary ingredients, and then a desperate eating.

Night wind never had so much things, and I have a big for dozens of hours.

When the night lengthy winds saw that their exchange points were less than 70,000, only 150,000, the night cost is also a bit surprised, the light is eating this ordinary ingredient, and the night's wind is actually hard to eat. Drops of 70,000 redemption points.

This is no longer able to describe the big stomach king, this is called a super stomach king!

belch! It's hard to play a full, the night is finally stopped, and the stomach is also slightly swelling, and finally it is full.

"Okay, now take a look at the changes in my property and super god system!" After you have enough, the night-catching winds have a change in mind to find out that they entered the Dragon Ball World.

"Superning system, open my properties panel!" The night's heart is in the heart.

"Okay, the owner!" At this time, the night-catching blindfolded a list of new attributes.

This hyperincidence system did not have a sprartine before, and the universe is a starry sky. Moreover, the night grows in the universe now, and there is no need to virtual.

This superhen system is obviously simple, its property panel is more simple, and there is not so much in the night's performance. It is the special effect of transition animation, which is simple to pop up a panel in front of his eyes.

The panel is written under the superhen system 3.0, the superhen system is upgraded again, and it has entered 3.0 era from 2.0 era!

"I don't know what changes in my property!" The night costs have a hunch, "I don't know if there is any effect in the Final efforts of the world."

Night long winds are quite awkwardly focused on the property panel.

Users: night long wind

Combat power: 512

Title: Super Shen-level slaughter (100% resumed in vivo), legendary player (strength bonus), butcher god (external addition 90%)

Age: 15 years old island

Converted Points: 150000

Draws: 4 times "

Bloodcrapers: Undead Wizard, Saiyan

Have skills: idiots in jail, outside the body, Buddha statue, blood in burning (this goal technology)

Special skills: standing on sleeping god level, cooking god level, musical instrument god, unrealistic

Has items: small world, undead rod, intermediate mirror generator, advanced morphological generator, advanced comics generator, Hui Night ring, absorption ring

Systematic evaluation: WARNING, there are many high-order energy warriors in the world of Dragon Balls, please use users to quickly improve their strength, or wait for you only dead.

"My kao, Laozi is only more than 500 in the air shadow world, and is you funny?" The night's hard work can't help but open.

"Due to the relationship between the world space of the Dragon Ball, the ability to shrink the user is normal!" The superhen system is ruthless.

"Ri!" Night wind is also very helpless. Although he did not turn it again into a slag, more than 500 combat power is not the number expected by night long wind.

Originally long winds thought that he was in the world's crazy combat power to the Dragon Ball world, at least 5,000, did not expect the super-god system to limit the combat power of the night long to one-tenth of his idealization.

"Well ... If you want to go to the earth, my ability should still be top, anyway, there is a super-god system and small world, can't die!" The night grew away.

Although it is quite dissatisfied with the superhen system, the night growing is now only accepted. Anyway, every time they cross the new world, they are quite bitter when the night is beginning.

··· ▉ ▉ · · · ·

This time I have had a lot more than before, I have to be a lot, this is still a result of hard work.

The previous level has become a simple and bright combat.

Looking down, the title has also changed, except for the previous super-level slaughter, the legendary player did not change, the title of the killing of the god before the night became the title of the god.

The addition of awareness is also 90% from 50%!

"Well! This is good!" Night Changfeng finally saw a good news. "It seems that it is to kill the big tube Hui Hui night, the superhen system will be promoted!"

..... [.......

Message is not much more important for a practitioner, and the night is high, and now it has been 90%, and its understanding is definitely a enchanting.

As for the age, the night is 14 years old from the nigs of the world, and it has grown one year old and has become 15 years old.

The next is the number of lottery, the night-long wind does not use the lottery, it is worried that he will be passed to a high-level place. When you turn over, you will only look at the lucky draw system!

"Frightened brother is wisdom!" Seeing the remaining four lottery times, the night cost is a little proud.

Next, it was originally a column of the blood session, it became a blood, and its change was a bit surprised.

"KAO! Laozi's kaleidoscope writes the wheel, and has just advanced blood color bones?" Night wind couldn't believe his eyes.

The kaleidoscope writes the eyes and the body of the body disappeared. The fire of the undead became the undead wizard.

What is even more wonderful is that the night grows a new bitter, Saiyan's blood!

"Nima! I said how I am so hungry! It turned out to have a Sairai bitter!" Night-length wind and scarked, think about this race is not a food! "

"It's no wonder that I am full of food, I feel more than this world!" Night winds, this understands why he will be so hungry before.

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