The Prince of Tennis Super God System

Chapter 1088 of the Super Short System of the Prince of Tennis

"Saying back, super god system, I am not easy to get the write-wheel eye and my body of my body?" Night long can't help the loudness to ask Supernither system.

1017 chapter, goal: Earth!

"Back to the master, writing the wheel and the corpse bones and the rules of the Dragon Ball world conflict, so it has been automatically erased. In order to compensate the owner, the system has made the owner's ordinary human blood!" Super god system Cold ice drive.

"Forget it! This time I will not care, no next time!" Night long style is very cheap, he is actually in the supernant system in the number of lottery times.

However, it is clear that after several upgrades have been upgraded several times, its bug is less and less, which can make the BUG that uses the best.

This night's losses losses the Words and corpus in the Dragon Ball World. It can be said to be a big profit.

Saiyan's blood-looking night-hearted sees in the special store of superhen systems, the number of lottery required is an astronomical figure, which is much higher than the write-wheel eye and the bones.

Of course, the writing of the night's waves has already opened the way to the kaleidoscope, and the bone of the body has finally reached the strongest bloody bones, which is much stronger than the ordinary blood session.

So two add up, the system is reluctant to determine, and finally compensate for a Saiyan's bloodline, 31 and night-long's blood can be said to be quite thin.

Generally speaking, the higher the blood concentration of the seasons, the stronger the initial strength and the ultimately possible, such as the Prince of the Saiyan, the blood concentration is very high, and the combat power is very born.

The night-catching style of the Saiyan blood is poor than Kartrot in the original, is still poor.

However, the quality of the night is far more than Kartrot and Bergiita, which is ambient, and many times represent a speed of growing.

In addition, the night's wind has a tough heart.

When I came to the world of Dragon, there was still a little uncomfortable at night, but now the night is very windy, the more powerful world, the faster your growth.

In the test of life and death, they can become a real power, and the night grows, and firmly believe that he can finally be super in this world, grow to Bicarot and Begita.

Of course, this requires time and constant efforts.

Although the two of the two major blood jaws and the bones of the bones have been erased, the fire of the night long wind is preserved, and it has become the undead wizard.

Undeading witch is a kind of bloodline, more like the advanced version of the Undead, in addition to summoning the undead creature, there are other capabilities waiting for night long wind to develop.

As for skills, the most important idiots in the night, the prison, and the Buddha is all reserved, because it is a flesh skill, the system has no restrictions on the ability of the flesh.

Of course, it is the ability of God's imitation, and there is also a spear of the gods in the body, and the new skills after the night length of 20 microparticles are retained.

The meaning of these two skills is much greater than his thin Saayan descent, and these two skills are the gods skills of the flood.

Its power and cultivation is far more than any blood and exercise skills in the Dragon Ball.

"Call ... very good! As long as these two skills are just good!" The night grew well.

In addition, there is a life-spirited life skills of the night, which is only a bloody skills in the fighting world as before and before.

Of course, there are special skills of unreal, this is a bit used. If you use this skill, you can use a variety of skills that have become a gray-shadow world.

For example, Shen Luo Tian Zun and Vientiane Tricks, these two skills night longships are very like, but they have been gray, there is no way to use in the Dragon Ball World, let the night grow very regret.

With illusory truth, although the time used is limited, it is always too good.

The items don't have to be said, the ring of Xiaoti, Hui Night, the ring of absorption is still there.

It can be said that the super-god system is still a more thoughtful, although the night-catching wind is greatly limited, but most of its ability is still preserved.

Especially in Xiaocheng, it can be said that the most important treasure of the night, the night long wind hidden approach feels that the small world will become the key to him to get rid of the chain of superhand system.

The last night's long wind is the list of tasks of the superhen system. It is also empty, it seems that the night's long wind has not activated the guidance task in the Dragon Ball.

"Right, let's take a look, where is the destination of this spacecraft!" Night wind reminds the navigation system that opens the spacecraft.

The destination of this flying is started on the glass in front of the night. It is actually a place called Alpha Planet.

"Kao! Where is this?" Night wind did not hear this planet completely. "It seems that I have been arranged by the system, it is to conquer Alpha planet!"

"What Alpha Star, Ghost Know Island! Or go to the Earth!" Night costly kept the various buttons on the hand.

"Warning! Warning! The spacecraft will deviate from the original route, will land to an unknown planet!" The artificial intelligence of the spacecraft reminded the two speakers after night.

"Shut up!" The night is in the back of the night, directly put the two lamas to the 120 concave, still rushing to the white smoke.

"Haha, I am a wit! Fortunately, I am redeem the operation knowledge of the spacecraft, or it will be sent to what Alpha Star!" Night long-lasting angle slightly.

"Target - Earth! Enter deep sleep, then wake me up after landing!" Night wind knockded the keyboard next to your hands and gave the spaceship to the final order.

There is no way to enter the deep sleep, if you have been awake, if you have been awake, with his current Saayan's blood, the stomach will be hungry, and only the precious exchange point is exchanged.

In the end, the night growth is really likely to be starved to the earth.

"Deep sleep start ... 5 ... 4 ... 3 ... 2 ... 1! Enter success! Target location 1256: 555: 5454: 444: 12, super-space Space Jumping!"

Among the spaceships, the white lights gradually extinguished, and the night is soon entered a deep sleep under some kind of gas released by the spaceship, and the spacecraft also disappeared in this universe space, drilling into a colorful worm. hole.

The night-catching aircraft is not an ordinary spacecraft, but a senior high-altitude spacecraft that can cross the insect cave!

1018 chapter, hit the dead!

I don't know how long it took, the night's long wind was awakened, not awakened by the prompt of the spacecraft, but was awakened by a drama!

"I am going ... What a plane?" The night is rushing to press the opening of the left hand.

bass! The ball-shaped glass in front of him became transparent, and a large blue planet appeared in front of the night.

"Good spectacular!" Night wind couldn't help but sigh, "This should be the globe of the Dragon Ball World!"

Although the space before and night is not a place, it is still a kind of intimate feeling.

The whole blue planet shines under the sun, shining with blue light, looks like a shiny blue gem, no one first saw this scene won't be horrified.

Because it is so beautiful!

However, the night's heart is now attracted to the bright red on the screen in front of the screen.

"WARNING Spaceship energy is insufficient, space jump failure, spaceship will be urgently lost!" The bright red font allows the night long-term wind and heartbeat.

"MD, actually said that energy is not enough, if you are far away, I will fall into the wormhole, I don't always come!" The night's long-term wind thought was afraid.

Bang! At this time, the ball vessel finally entered the atmosphere of the earth, and the spacecraft was shaking more intense at this time.

And because the energy of the spacecraft is almost exhausted, the landing system cannot be opened, causing the velocity of the spacecraft to the Earth's surface.

Bang! In the MO of the atmosphere, the tail of the ball spacecraft is burned red, even the signs of melting.

"Super Short System ... I cao your uncle, you will arrange such a bad spacecraft!" The night is broken, and the back is also a fire Lala's burning.

"Buddha statue!" The night cost directly opened the Buddha's gold, although in the Dragon Ball World, the flesh of the night, the flesh of the night is suppressed, but in the current planet, the flesh strength of the night long is still a enchanting level. level.

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