The Prince of Tennis Super God System

Chapter 1089 of the Chapter 1089 of the Prince of Tennis

At this time, the night's wind is shining with a little golden light. When the Dragon Ball is the world, the night grows Buddha is not as bright as before, it is like the special effects of the special effects from Europe and the United States to the special effects of domestic anti-war films.

However, the effect of the Buddha is still good, the burning in the back of the night is not a burning.

The night long-lasting, crispy legs, sitting in this spaceship, urging the Buddha statue, and the night's heart is sick with this high temperature to break your body.

bass! The spacecraft and the atmospheric Mo are rubbed, and the sharp tweet is issued. The speed of the spacecraft is getting faster and faster, the temperature in the spacecraft is getting higher and higher, up to 10,000 degrees, the entire spaceship burns, just like a meteor hits the earth.

Bang! The spacecraft is finally the gorgeous impact on the earth!

Substant is a place where the spacecraft land is a deep mountain forest, so there is no major casualties, but only a big pit in a hillside.

! The night length of the wind slowly opened a foot glass door in front of it!

"Raw this planet! Rule this planet!" After the night-long wind jumped out of the spaceship cabin, it was already a broken spacecraft. I didn't know where to hide a speaker, and the broadcast is like a command that has been set before. .

"I ruled your uncle! I almost didn't bake my little child. You broke the spaceship!" The night grew up, and the heavy kick on the spacecraft of black smoke.

The bombard, the spacecraft was kicked out by the giant force of the night, and directly embedded in the rock wall of the opposite cliff.

The next second, the night long-term wind, the spacecraft smashed down, there is a flower elderly in Tang Yi.

"I will go ... I won't have a traffic accident!" The night grew rushed down to deep pit and helped the old man.

This poor old man is full of confocation, yet is not angry.

"Dead?" Night is very speechless, "The grandfather, can you blame me, we must blame the dead super-god system!"

"Poor old man ..." The night grew with the body of the old man, just found a place around, dig a big pit to the old man, buried the old man in, and made a simple grave.

"Lao Bo, you go into an easy!" Night lived on the grave.

"The teacher is unfavorable!" The night is very speechless shook his head. I just came to the earth. I didn't have no reason. "Well, forget it! Anyway, this black pot is definitely not me back, super god system The pot is told! "

On the dark pit, there is a small road.

Night winds move forward along this small road, and finally came to a small temple style, there is a well in a well, and the door is open, which is obviously someone else.

"This house will not be the old man?" The night's wind pushed half-hidden house.

The room is not big, that is, twenty or thirty square meters, the furniture inside is a good, wooden bed, broom, wooden table, wall, even a lot of dry goods.

However, the night-catching look is that a lighted boutout on the front of the table, this beads are very familiar.

"Haha, isn't this Dragon Ball?" The night grew the wind and grabbed the dragon ball, and he was still pressing the pressure.

The general gem is slightly squeezed by night long wind, 100% broken, and this dragon ball is not a little, there are four small stars.

"This is not the four-star dragon ball!" The night is laughing, "I am running, I have a dragon ball!"

"Four-star-beaded ... Wait!" Night long wind suddenly thought of a question, looked around, and saw a flaming stick at the window of the night long wind wall.

"This is ..." The night's wind put the red stick, "Is this a wishful?"

"Long! Long! Long!" The night grew wind turned the red stick in his chest, and his mouth (Zhao) was in the middle.

bass! The red stick is actually a constant growth, from the length of the one meter directly to four or five meters!

"It's like it!" The night was very shocked.

"Four-star bead plus like it!" The night long-lasting brain flashed, "Scorpio! I just killed the old man who didn't be the original Chinese Sun Wukong. What is the old man? I am familiar! "

"Well! Forget it, this is a superhen system intentionally arranged!" Night-lasting wind did not hesitate to push the black pot to the supernitious system.

"Well! The earth is really my blessing. I have got two treasures!" The night's wind will throw it into the small world. As for the four-star dragon ball, it is redeemed by the night, and the rope is directly Hanging on his neck.

"Hey ... There should be other Dragon Ball owners will automatically get on the door!" Harvest two treasures, the mood of the night is good.

1019 chapter, come to the lottery time

"Yes, or come to see what changes are there!" Night live wind is still very dissatisfied with your current combat power.

Although the night's strength has achieved more than 500 combat power, it seems that this is not enough in the night.

It seems that more than 500 combat power is already topped on the earth, but the night long eyes are not the earth, but the whole universe, in the universe, the earth is really small.

Night-hard wind wants to survive in this Dragon Ball world, you must improve your strength as quickly as possible, and the fastest improvement method is undoubtedly relied on the lucky draw system.

In front of the hot world, the night's live wind can be more than a year, and it is a lucky draw system.

The night's wind once again hopped on the lottery, of course, the superhen system after the reform of the night is still there, there is still no way to see the character value, so the value of the people in the night is still unknown.

On a futon sitting in the hut, there is a bit hesitant, "I still don't smoke," this is a problem! "

Today, I killed the old man and Sun Wuki. It is definitely not high, but the night's live wind has also got a good value and four-star dragon ball, which seems to be good.

"Forget! Take him, let's take a look at the -887-draw system change!" Since the last time to draw a lottery world, the time of the last lucky draw is for a long time, I will press . Can't live.

"Super god system, open the sweepstakes!" The night's heart is in the heart.

"Okay, master! The lottery system is open!" The system is cold and ice.

Snapped! The previous cool is different. After the superhen system enters the 3.0 era, even the lucky draw system is also simmering.

It is still a familiar disc, but it seems to be simpler than before, the hue is also light tones, which looks a little small style.

Of course, the night is not concerned about these, and he cares about something in the plaid.

At a glance, the biggest change in the disc is that the lattice is less than before, and the previous lucky prices have at least 30 plaids, and now the night is roughly estimated, or twenty.

"KAO! The interfacial shrinking will be, it is the lattice of the lucky draw system of welfare!" The night grew away, and the more happened to the super god system.

Due to the long-term growth rate of the night, the world's growth rate is too fast, far exceeds the expectation of the superhen system, so the superhen system is clearly limited in the Dragon Ball World.

"Is there a lottery now?" The suggestion of the hyperincidence system sounded in the night.

"No!" The night is immediately refused, "What is anxious, I haven't seen something yet!"

This time the lucky draw disc and the last difference are not big, there is a spot, where the spot stops in which fan-shaped plaid, the night grows will take the things in the lattice.

The night-catching wind began to focus on the plaid of the disc, as long as the attention is concentrated into a plaid, the look and name of the item in the plaid will appear, this very convenient advantage has retained.

The night's best noticed or the big blessing, it's right, every winning prize in a world will have such a prize.

Pumped into the word, just won three items at one time.

"Yes! At least the big prize is still!" The night length is a point, and it will pay attention to other plaids.

The night long did first notice that the entire upper half of the disc is a variety of tricks.

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