The Prince of Tennis Super God System

Chapter 1090 of the Chapter 1090 of the Prince of Tennis

The first is that the gas circle, the pattern that is thrown in the night-long-lived brain is a shape of a disc.

For this trick, the night length of the wind is very deep, and the original is the strongest trick in Kelin. This kind of move is to concentrate all the gas in the palm of your hand, and the powerful moves issued in the form of the disc.

Night-catching is very clear. Remember that Klin hurts the trip to the trip to himself, even cut off the tail of Fliha!

It can be said that this is a very powerful trick in the early stage of the dragon ball world!

"Well! This is good!" Night-lasting style nodded.

One of the aquaries next to the gas circle is a dance air, the icon is a small person flying in the air.

The dance air is originally a trick that Hexian is flying in the air. It starts only the people who have the crane fairy will use, such as Tianjin rice and dumplings. Later, the main role of Basic Dragon Ball learned this.

In the late Dragon Ball, people who do not dance the sky are embarrassed to say hello.

Originally, the long wind gods can directly fight the imperial gravity, but reached the Dragon Ball World, this skill is gray down, can't be used.

Night Changfeng is now in urgent need of a trick that can fly in the air, and the dance is a good choice.

"The dance air is not bad, but I can exchange the teaching tool in the super god system. The current demand is not very big!" The night's wind shook his head and put the dance air on one side.

Next, I will happen to make the night's spirit spirit. It is the king of the king.

The so-called kings is not a boxing method or directly attacking the opponent's move, but the power of your body. speed. The average number of attack power and defense power is increased.

In the impression of the night, the king is ordinary, doubled, twice as many as twenty times.

This is a very classic trick in Dragon Ball, and is also very suitable for night long wind.

The physical quality of the night-long wind is also the kind of flesh strength, if there is a blessing of Wang Xialu, it is more horrible.

And the shortcomings of Wang Xun's shortcomings have a great load for the body. If you use the multiples of the range of your body, the body will fall.

For night-long winds, this is not a problem, the night cost has a Buddha statue, and his body is finally made of the source of the world. It is considered twenty times Wang Xing to the night long wind. Not a load strength that cannot bear.

"Very good! This is what I want!" The night grew and bright.

Next, this is a little uncomfortable, it is a fist.

The original is a trick created by the Turtle Cactus, using high-speed residual statues to make the effect of the homology to confuse the enemy.

To put it bluntly, it is to create a residue to confuse your opponent!

For this trick, the night cost is completely unwanted, because in the speed of the night, you can create a disabled, don't need this high martial art at all.

Night wind remembers that the original Zhong Wu et al. To steal this trick, it can be seen that there is no difficulty in martial arts, especially those who have a high understanding of the night, you can fully understand it.

"This exclude!" Night wind is very disappearing to make his own most unwanted treasure, "Don't take this waste!"

1020 chapter, various treasures

The move in the next plaid is to make the night's spirit spirit, it is dragon!

Its icon is a hovering dragon, and the night grows remembers that this dragon is in the superior tricks of the Magist Hilde in the theater version.

From the fist, a golden dragon is completely defeating the opponent. This trick is very flying in the power of the night, it is simply a trick to the night's wind!

"Wow! It is actually dragon boxing. This is the trick that Longzhu has appeared in the late stage. Absolute big move!" The night is very excited.

The next plaid is instantaneous movement, this moment movement is also called Yade, not a trick of the battle, but a capability.

No need to pass any path, it doesn't take time, it is to reach another place from one place.

Night-catching winds are very clear about this moving, and the imperative movements often use the mission to focus on the forefinger on the forehead.

This instant movement is still useful, but the night long feels feel that he doesn't need it, and the night grows is absolute speed. As long as the speed is enough, it can achieve the effect of instant movement.

The next plaid doesn't have to say more, the turtle is qigong!

Night-catching winds yourself in the Nangowin world, you have a turtle to Thatchurabo, which can be said to be unusually familiar to the turtle.

This is not a long-lasting thing, because the night's wind feels with your own understanding, you should not understand what it is, it is not necessary to consume a valuable number of lottery.

The last moving lattice is shocked by the night, and it is actually a flash.

This trick is in the original, which is the strongest trick known as Bergi Tower, and the total energy of the whole body is gone and then launched. It doesn't have to think about it.

Night wind remembers that Bergi Tita will use this flash to bomb more than half of the body that is much more complete Shaul!

"Kao! This trick is also very fierce!" Night wind is a double eye light.

The above eight tricks have occupied half of the entire disc, and the next plaid is eight, bad classification, and is considered some miscellaneous.

The night's most familiar is the magical food in the fairy bean and Dragon Ball, which can restore physical strength from extreme fatigue and re-adjust the body to the best state.

However, the night's wind doesn't catch a cold, because there is a unclear golden fruit on the god tree in the Xiaotian, which is not less than the fairy bean.

The next piece is a human manufacturing machine. Its icon is a machine. The artificial people in the Dragon Ball are quite fierce, but the night grows do not know how many combat power can make the human manufacturer.

So this night's long wind is not good or bad.

The next is the gravity chamber, this night is not needed, because the space of the small world can repair the gravity to cultivate himself, more convenient than this gravity room.

The next is the Saiyan battle service, this battle suit is not bad, but its style is really ugly to explode at night, and the night's long winds can also have a glow night to become a gold bones. Therefore, this combat clothing is not the cold weather.

Next, it is the foundation of the Qigong's foundation, and the foundation for the foundation of the night grows in the Nango World. It is equivalent to a foundation.

Now that Chakra in the night length is no longer, even if there is, in the world of Dragon Ball, Chakra's low-level energy role is also limited.

Night wind is still not officially cultivated, and the in vivo is empty, and there is no such energy energy in the world of Dragon Balls.

That is to say, the night length wind is now only restricted by the limited flesh power, and its combat power has reached more than 500, regardless of very metamorphosis.

"The Qigong Foundation is proficient ... it is useful!" Night-lasting style nodded. "If you can get it, you should make my direct condense, and you can reach the top level of the earth!"

"Yes! Let's take a look at the other!" The night's wind once again turned his gaze to the last left.

Any door (one-time), this item appears again in the Nango World.

"It's another door, I don't know what the effect is!" The night's wind shook his head and threw any door behind the brain.

The icon in the next lattice is a bottle, which is written in three words of superpage.

"Oh, is this the god water that Karn fairy can inspire all the body's potential?" The night grew the origin of superpostatic water.

······ Flowers ······

Night long winds certainly don't believe this so-called super god water can inspire all the potential of the human body, because a person's potential is infinite, and after the original Chinese pre-evil, after defeating the flute big king, its act is still progressing.

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