The Prince of Tennis Super God System

Chapter 1095 of the Chapter 1095 of the Prince of Tennis

"She is really Burma, I said how to watch this is so familiar, the original is really high!" The night is in the heart.

This girl who has encountered in the night is that the original drama of Dragon Ball is very heavy, and it has always run through the entire Dragon Ball World!

Collecting the Grove Dragon Ball, the night length is not interested, but the reward of this guiding task is actually a lot of lottery, and the night is a little accident.

In general, the difficulty of guiding tasks is not high, so the reward is also generally a point of exchange, but this time the reward is actually a lot of draw.

This is an evangelion that is an evangelist for the number of times the number of lottery needs to have a lot of money.

"Hey ... Hello ... What happened?" Burma looked at the night's greetings. With the ▉ ▉ ▉ ▉ You are useless! "

"This is ... I will not be able to give you ... but I will give you what benefits!" For the time of the lottery, the night's long wind is definitely to help Burta look for Dragon Ball.

However, before this, the night grew well also wanted to find the benefits of Burma, such as things such as the capsule house.

Night-hard wind knows that Burma is a thousand gold for Universal Capsule, there should be many multi-functional capsules.

Before crossing, when you look at Dragon Ball, you will especially envy high-tech, especially capsules, because it is too convenient, and there are many features.

Technologies before the long-winding pass, too much!

Night-hard winds also saw this capsule technology item in the store of super gods, but the exchange points required for redemption is too much. Night wind does not want to consume valuable exchange points above.

"Ah ... I understand, I thought you were a gentleman, it turned out to be a slider!" Boojam's mouth with a smile, revealing a petite [shame] gesture.

"Well?" The night is very hard, "What is she thinking? I just want a little capsule!"

"Oh ... this ... let you touch it!" Burt suddenly opened his own dress, showing the small half of the round. [Hip].

"I am going ... You are the temptation of Chi Luoluo HUO this gentleman. How can I be such a casual person!" The night is shameless to put the right hand.

Solita, the right hand of the night, there is a heat and [bomb] sex, "Well, very soft and very [bomb] sex!"

Say your good, the night's wind, this is simply don't take it, and your right hand continues to slip.

"Ah!" Burma screamed, full of red, like a ripe apple.

The night handless right hand is also held by Burma, forcibly pulled it.

"What's wrong? I haven't touched it in this moment!" Night long-faced horns slightly.

"Okay, you have been touched too long!" Burt only felt that his head was slut, the body was somewhat soft.

"Okay, now you can give me four-star dragon ball!" Burma reached out to the Dragon Ball of the night long wind.

"Do you ... I haven't promised to give you!" The night's spirit flashed Burma's raid.

"What! You Lai Le, I am clear that you all touch people ..."

"Yeah, you told me to touch it, I as a happy helder, of course, it is necessary to help people with difficulties!"

"You! You!" Burma was full of red, she never seen the long-term shameless people.

"Teasing you!" The night was laughing, and the dragon ball of the chest was throwing Burma, "A broken bead, send you!"

"Hey ... Thank you!" Burma took four star dragon balls, and immediately smiled.

"Okay, I am hungry, I have to bake 417 fish! Do you want to come?" The night grey started a laminated fish on the big road, and the whole shoulder.

More than ten huge mermaids are overlapping together, at least dozens of meters high.

"My God ... His strength is big!" Burt was shocked by the Shenle of the Night.

Night costumes squid, did not take a few steps back to the air in front of the hut.

Burma, the curiosity of the night, is also scared by the white bones that have kept a nightly wind.

"This is too strong!" Burt is surprised. "He must be a martial artist in the mountain forest. I read this powerful person on the book ... If this is the case, it is better to let him ...... "

Burma's spirit is flashing, running to the night growing of the grilled fish, "Yes, have you have any important things here!"

"No ... I am very bored here!" Night long winds.

"Hey ... this, you will go to Dragon Ball with me, the world outside can be fun!" Burma thought that the night is just a young wild forest that said the strange words.

"Just waiting for you to say this sentence!" Laughing in the heart of the night, but the face was installed with an inexpensive expression. "Okay, who told me to help help!"

1026 chapter, looking for Dragon Ball

"Hey ... the teenager in the mountain is simple, it is true that it can be a strong bodyguard!" Burt is biased with his head.

"Yes! Yes!" The night's wind was eating a big feverful mermaid, and smiled.

Burma IQ is quite high. It is also a famous scientist on the earth. It will have a lot of help to the universe in the Dragon Ball after the night.

For a long time, the night costume wants to accept a military division, in the hot shadow world, the night grows, actually, is it to look at the big snake pills.

However, the final night is still giving up, saying that the technology of the bottom of the world is still too backward, and the big snake pills and pockets are scientists, but it is better to say is a biologist.

And the two people are disgusting, staying for a long time, and the night is not able to stand.

Burta is different, it seems to be pleasing, and the global technology of the Dragon Ball is developed, and Burt is very high.

It is necessary to know that Burma, Burma, invented the cow, inventing the time.

There will be a lot of benefits to Balmara on your own warship, even if there is no super-god system released, the night grows in order to make a good relationship with Burma, and will help her collect the desired Dragon Ball.

In short, two people are the rhythm of all ghosts, all happy.

In less than ten minutes, the night's wind is eating more than ten huge mermaid, and the fish bones are scattered in front of the night.

Burma is also attracted to the grilled fish of the night-lived wind. After all, the night's long wind has a goddess cooking, even if it is just a simple processing, the ball is also the extreme.

At least Burma has been eaten, it is a happiness, "Too good, it seems that I not only find a strong bodyguard, I also found a special chef!"

"Well, let's go! Look for Dragon Ball!" Burma can't wait to find other dragon bodies.

"Where to find, do you know the location of other Dragon Balls?" Asked at night.

"` "Burma is quite a pretty eclipse," Of course, this will rely on my intelligence! "

! ! Burma took a disc in the pocket, and the disc was buffered! .

"This is the radar you said!" The night is laughing, and it can make the radar to do so, there are few people in this earth.

"Yes! This is Dragon Bao Rada! Dragon Ball is displayed! "

"Oh! Not bad, it looks like a high precision!" Night live wind has always been more interested in high-tech things.

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