The Prince of Tennis Super God System

Chapter 1096 of the Chapter 1096 of Wangzhao System of Tennis

"Of course, you don't look at it!" Burma has a color, "You see this is currently the same, about 12 hundred kilometers from the West!"

"Then how do we go, do you have a capsule plane?" Asked the night.

"Oh, do you know the capsule?" Burma actually knows the capsule in a young man in this mountain forest.

"Cut ... Why do you look at the original person looks like me ..." The night is very speechless.

"When I went out, I didn't have a plane capsule. We used nothing!" Burt opened his pockets again.

"Yes, I haven't introduced it! My name is Burma, are you calling live Lei Feng?" Burma turned.

"I am not alive, Lei Feng ... I am calling night and long!" Night wind is very speechless.

"Then why have you been saying that you are alive Lei Feng!" Burma is a confusion, "said that you come back, your name is so strange!"

"No you is strange ..." When the night's wind, he spitied with his head to Burma, "Wow, you have a lot of capsules!"

Burma opens a small box, and the box is full of densely labeled capsules.

"Okay ... I am in a hurry, just take a minimum at home!" Boojam's walker replied.

"Tu Hao!" Night-lived winds have a little might of mighty life in the past, and the money of the Dragon Ball World, the night growing in the fire world is two, change to the coins of the Dragon Ball world, it is not worth money, estimate I can't buy a few capsules.

It can only be said that the world's global inflation rate is too high, and the night-long remembers of the Chinese and sixty people in the original Chinese cuisine must be 500,000 earth coins.

"Well ... Which is good?" Burma did not pay attention to the night's night, and took out a green capsule. "Just use 9!"

! Burma pressed the button on the green capsule, he only heard the slash, the capsules were thrown out by Burma.

The white smoke is scattered from the capsule, after several breathing.

A motorcycle that appeared in front of Burma in front of Burma.

"Haha, the capsule is really magical!" Night-length wind grabbed the driving position of the motorcycle directly before Burma.

"Ah, this is not to open it!" Burma was shocked.

"Let's come, let you feel the speed of the man!" The night's wind turned directly to the right handle.

boom! boom! This motorcycle and the world's world are not big, you have to know that the night grows before crossing, but a motorcycle enthusiast, open this nature is not there.

"Well ... you really will open!" Burt is somewhat surprised to sit behind the night.

"Hold me ..." The night's long wind turned his smile laughing in Burta.

Bang! The night long-term winds are just rushed, and the entire motorcycle is crazy to start, accelerate the limit within a few seconds.

"Cool! The acceleration is strong to explode. This is the power of technology!" In the world, the night-lived wind never saw a few seconds to speed up the limit of motorcycles.

The Earth Technology of the Dragon Ball World is indeed more advanced.

"Ah! You are slow!" Burma sitting on the back seat screamed (Wang's), she kills the waist of the night, and she almost took the moment. motorcycle.

"Haha, I have told you, I have to hold me!" The night is smirk, and the speed of the motorcycle is getting faster and faster.

Whether it is turning, into the bend, or acceleration, the driving technology of the night long wind is perfect.

The capsule motorcycle taking two people is like a wizard in the mountain, fast jump in the mountains.

Night-long wind contained that Berma rushed for more than 20 minutes, Burt suddenly took the back of the night.

"Why? I haven't arrived yet!" The night is not full.

"I have to go to the toilet!" Burt is in a hurry, I can't take care of the lady's style, and directly stick the ear of the night.

"Know! Know!" Night wind a god dragon pendulum instantly stopped high-speed mobile motorcycle on the road, "Women are trouble!"

1027 chapter, triggering the task

despair! despair! After the parking of the night, Booema ran into the forest, and it looks very anxious.

"Really, what is the so far? I am a gentleman, and the willows sitting and not chaotic. How can I peek!" The night is dissatisfied.

Directly on the ground, the night length started to run the base gas, and the vastness of the voyage gathered to his body. He went to the Dragon Ball World, and the night is still a cultivation madman.

With the constant vitality, it is increasingly incorporated with the night, and the night is getting more and more fit. With the cultivation of the night, he will be completely fitted with the Earth to a frequency, and the ultimate earth will become Faststopters in the true meaning of the night.

"Ah!" Not long, the forest of Burma screams.

"Well? What a plane?" When the night is standing instant, the feet are in place.

boom! The body of the night-catching body disappeared in the original place, and directly broke into the forest.

"Oh ... what is this, how is this ugly?" Night lived on the trendy creature, the wing dragon scratched Berma in his hand.

"Are you a companion?" Yilong is actually a mouth-250-vomiting, and the night long wind is already unwillingly, and many creatures in the Dragon Ball world can speak.

"Wow ... Changfeng, save me!" Burt was scared to sweat.

"I advise you to let go of it, it is better!" The night is cold and coldly looked at the wing dragon in front of him.

"Ha ha ha ... small ghost, you dare to talk to this grandfather, since this kind, I will even eat it together!" Wing Dragon evil.

"Just is hungry, take you as a bit!" The night's right hand instantly gathered a blue disc.

"That is ... gas? This little ghost is a martial artist? Quick flee!" The wing dragon was crazy in the first time to flee.

"I haven't eaten a woman's meat for a long time. This time can't be missed!" Ying Longfei did not forget to use the tail roll to Burma.

"Looking for death!" The night grew right hand casually.

! The small air circle throwing out of the night, and the dragon's faucet is cut off.

! The body did not completely fly out of the ground, and the night cost is also a flashing of Burmara back, (DBBE) pulled his arms.

"What?" The head of the Wing Dragon also fell to the ground, it didn't realize that he has been beaten until you see something that you have never seen ... It's back.

"How is this possible?" The wing dragon only felt black, and he lost his consciousness.

The speed of the gas is too fast, and the wing is until the death of the death. It is alternative to it:} It has no reaction to it, so there is no feeling, this is a kind of benevolent death.

"Strong!" Burma was shocked by the gas of the night, "" Before the high ion shake knife, you have to be sharp! "

"Get it!" The night length shooted, cutting the trees directly with the hand knife and cut out a long stick, and then directly string the body of the wing dragon.

! The right hand is exhibited, and the blue gas is poured in the right of the wind and the right palm, and then he immediately blown on the trunk that has been left one ground by the night.

boom! The big fire burned, and the night-long wind single hand raised the body of the wing dragon directly started roasting, there was no spices and kitchenware, and only roasting this simple ancient way.

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