The Prince of Tennis Super God System

Chapter 1097 of the Super Short System of the Prince of Tennis

Burma looked at the night long-lasting a series of action eyes. "What is the powerful bodyguard, this is clear, this is a hidden master! I picked it!"

"Red burning chicken wings, I am, love to eat!" While grilled the wing, the night grew is singing, automatically has meat, and the night is still very happy.

After all, the night long is now because the Saiyan's blood is a food, and the night long is estimated to wait until the cultivation of the temperament, it directly absorbs the energy between the heavens and the earth as the energy consumed by the body. At that time, Night wind does not need frequent eating frequent.

Snapped! Snapped! Three down five except for the two grilled wing, the lord, the night, and Burma once again.

This time, the speed of driving the motorcycle is faster, and Burma is also getting used to the speed of the night long wind, and the powerful strength of the night, and the strength of Berma is very peaceful.

Although she says she is self-adventurous scientist and explorer, all dangerous creatures outside the [wild] make Berma feel very afraid.

Nowadays, there is a strong bodyguard in the night, and the Booema is full of gas, and the poor night has a new world, and the result is still unique to the nanny.

"Ah! Be careful!" Burma pointed at a stone on the road in front of the night.

At this time, the speed of the motorcycle is too fast, and the night-long wind is already in a hurry to use the Shenlong tail brakes.

! At the critical moment, the night cost is forcibly putting the motorcycle head.

! ! The only tire left in the motorcycle is constantly rotating on the ground, which is actually forced by the night length.

"What?" Night Changshi and Burma are getting off the bus in front of the stone on the road.

When the two finished the eyes, this black-sighing thing was not stone, which is actually a big turtle.

"Amount ... It seems that there is a turtle soup to eat!" The night long-lived hand raised this huge turtle.

"Ah! Please let go of me, my meat is not delicious!" The turtle heard the night's wind to eat it, hurriedly screamed.

"Good magical, actually is a turtle, there is more than a hundred kilometers away from the sea, how come it over?" Booema is curious.

"I am coming to find pine, but I am not careful to be dissatisfied with everyone, and the road is only here ... I haven't found the sea for a year!" The sea turtle hurriedly helped to Burt, "beg you, Let me! My master's Turtle fair will give you a rich return! "

"Well? You said that it is a turtle fault?" The night grew, finally thinking that the original Chinese turtle fairy did have a pet, "Is it this turtle!"

"Yeah! Yes! It is a turtle fairy! I won't be lie!" The sea turtle is bright, he thought that the night grew well, the turtle fault, ignited the hope of going home.

"Well ... Since you say this, I will let you go! Anyway, you are too old, the meat is not delicious!" Night long winds.

"It turns out that it is not delicious ..." The sea turtle is very embarrassing.

"I will send you back!" The night's wind suddenly said to this turtle, he certainly didn't have a good feeling, but the sound of the system in the night-long's mind, it is the right task!

1028 chapter, face the sea

Ding! Users trigger random tasks: Helping turtles to return to the sea

Task Level: White Task

Mission reward: 100000 redemption point

Failure punishment: minus 50,000 redemption points, if the redemption point is negative, the superhen system will temporarily sleep

Systematic evaluation: Help poor lost turtle returns to the broad sea, users will intend to gain.

The above is the system tips sounded in the night-long-lived, 100,000 redemption points for the current lack of redemption points, still have a small appeal, and the systematic evaluation has also mentioned unexpected gains.

Therefore, the night-long's decision does not hesitate to send the sea turtle back to the sea. As for the turtle soup ... I have a chance to eat at any time, or more important than the exchange points and special gains.

"Ah, really? Do you want to send me back?" The thing is inexplicably turned to the road, and the old sea turtle suddenly danced.

"No, long wind! We are going to find Dragon Ball now ... send him back too waste 31!" Burma proposed against opinion on the side.

"You don't want to go, this motorcycle borrows me!" The night's long wind made a wooden bed to put the old turtle on top, then tied a steel chain on the end of the motorcycle. .

"Thank you very much, you!" The old sea turtle quickly got busy.

"Hey ... I don't want, I don't want to go!" Burma played a lanter in the night, sprinkled.

"Listen to you, Luoli is to teach it!" When the night is very windy, there is no ignorance of Burma directly across the motorcycle driver's seat.

"Hey! If you dare to go, don't appear in front of me, and there is a motorcycle is mine!" Burt is very dissatisfied.

"Do you want to come up, it is very dangerous, you also saw it before, I often see the fire and fierceness here!" The night is deliberately turned to Berma. .

"Ah!" Burma recalls the previous fierce wing dragons, just sitting on the motorcycle, killing the waist of the night, "you hate!"

"Hey ... to be launched, hold me!" Night wind once again opened the capsule motorcycle, or his so-called man's speed.

"Hey ... The prey is on the door!" A high-altitude wolf took a high-altitude single-tube telescope and saw the two people and a turtle.

! The wolf pulled out the long knife in the waist and jumped directly to the road, and the huge body blocked the whole road.

boom! boom! boom! At this time, the night-catching wind drove the motorcycle to the front of the waswolf.

"Ah, some people, don't hit it!" Burma was yelling at the night before the wind.

bass! The night's hands are all turned, and it is a gods that will stop the high-speed gallophotar.

"This hill is me, this tree is what I am planting. If you want to pass by, leave your turtle behind you, I love it!" The wolf right hand holding a bright knife in the night, the Burma Before swaying, the mouth is still moving in the mouth.

"I am going ... this year is really bad, the wolf runs out as a thief!" The night does not hurt the Tucao.

"Changfeng, you will fight it, I am very afraid!" Burma screamed behind the night.

"Hey! It seems that you are not going to hand over the sea turtle? Since I don't even have you eat together, although human meat is not delicious!" The wolf said, it is directly to cut the long knife in his hand. Come, "Black!"

! The night is not awkward, let the wolf's long knife cut on his body.

A crisp sound, usually for the wolf, the long knife of the iron, the long knife is actually the instant break into two, = completely does not cause any damage to the night.

"How can it be?" The wolf panicked, waving the broken long knife continued to cut to the neck of the night, and the waswolf thought that it was the finest position of human beings.

! This time, because the wolf is too powerful, the long knife connects straight to the knife, and the fragments are scattered.

"Ni!" The wolf shouted that the beads fell quickly.

"This is impossible!" The huge hands of the wolf becomes a punch, and two double boxes with sharp boxing are bombarded to the head of the left and right side of the night.

This is the trick of the wolf's most good, it used to explode a lot of strong hands with this trick.

! The night's hands are engaged, and the wolf is randing, the wherewrsman can't move.

"I can't move!" The wolf is full of sweating, so that the strength of the milk is not able to move, the hands of the night is like the death of the wolf.

"Being good! Rush, long wind!" Burma shouted on the side of the flag, she was scared, but she saw the wherewrsbet is not the opponent of the night, and entered the play mode.

"Really ... is amazing!" The sea turtle after the two came straight.

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