The Prince of Tennis Super God System

Chapter 1098 of the Chapter 1098 of the Prince of Tennis

"Let your three strokes have passed, now I am attacking!" The cold light in the eyes of the night, and the right box was on the breastplate in front of the wolf, "ordinary boxing!"

! The waswolf has not responded yet, and he was brought to the opposite cliff.

The bangs were directly in the rock wall of the cliff opposite, and the cracks of the cracks on the rock wall did even spread the whole cliff.

Night wind this stone breaks the shock of lightning, scared Burt and old turtles.

"It's horrible!" The old sea turtle reduced the accidental consciousness.

I just didn't make a miserable call at all, when he was hit by the night, the viscera has been shocked by the night's boxing.

"Okay, let's go!" The night was shot and turned and turned to the motorcycle.

The two have been on the road, and this time is faster.

The distance between hundreds of kilometers, not half an hour, two people saw the blue sea, the night costume can also feel the vitality from the sea.

"This is a nice cultivation place!"

!! The old sea turtle saw the sea in the past a year, and it was excited immediately. He was doing a double fin to the night long wind and Burma. "Thank you very much, thank you for your help!"

"Hey! Congratulations to the owner to complete the random task, you get 100,000 redemption points!" The system's tips rang in the night-long's mind, this probably is a task for the shortest cost of life.

"SO / EASY!" Laughing at night, laughing, for this kind of welfare task, night long is happy.

"Please wait for a while, I must repay you!" The sea turtle turned into the sea and did not forget to return to the night long wind and Burma.

"Oh, come, wait until this!" The night's mouth is slightly tight, rushed to the old sea turtle!

1029 chapter, first encounter turtle fault

"Oh ... you want to repay us ... Which should be sent to our sea pearl or gem?" Booema heard the repayment.

"Now Burta is still a little girl!" The night is laughing, and the leg is directly sitting on the sand of the beach.

"Well? What are you doing, the long wind?" Burma watched the night's greetings.

Suddenly there is a blue-ray in the sea, the blue light is constantly flocked to the night length, and then in the body that is inhaled by night.

One time, the night is like a crystal blue gem to constantly make a dazzling blue light.

"It's amazing!" Burma finally understood that the night's wind was in cultivation.

After reading the cultivation of the childhood, Burma felt very boring, it seems very dazzling, there is nothing to do, and then turn the attention to the sea.

"Hey ... how good weather, I know that I will take a swim!" Burma breathed the air around him, and the body felt comfortable.

That's because the night-hearting wind sucks the vitality of the sea, so it is full of a faint blue virgin on the beach in the two people.

It is about more than ten minutes, and there is a shadow on the inconsistency in the endless sea.

"Changfeng, you can see it, some people come!" Burma hurriedly turned to the night long.

"I know, I said that Burma can't be so shocking ..." The night grows slowly, and the extremely eye is extremely forgotten to the sea.

"Oh, it is a person standing on the old sea turtle, it will not be ..." Night wind hips slightly.

"Who is that?" Burma also noticed someone who stood on the sea turtle.

"Hey ... you are good!" A hair lost his hand holding a cane and his old man in a turtle shell appeared in front of the night wind and Burma.

"Let you wait!" Turtle excited and greeted with Night wind and Burma.

"Hey!" The old man jumped to the back of the turtle to the front of the night, and Burma.

"Who is the old man in this flower?" Burma's dragonfly and beach pants 'fashion' styles of the beach pants cannot be accepted.

"Haha, this model must be a turtle fairy!" After the night, he saw the old man, it felt very kind.

"I am a turtle fairy, is you saved the sea turtle?" The old man is really a turtle fairy. This special single style does not have to say that the night grows, I have already seen it.

"Turtle Cactus ... What Dongdong?" Burma's doubts.

"Who saved you!" The turtle fair asked.

"It's this boy!" The sea turtle refers to the night grow.

"Oh ... is it you? Teenagers! Thank you!" The Turtle Cactus observed a night with a night.

At this point, the turtle fairy is scared, the muscles of the night are full, the turtle cactus feels an angry in the night's body, although it is not strong, but very fine.

"Can you condense such a pure gas in this age ... This teenager is not simple, is this martial arts disciple?" Turtle fairy guess.

"Haha, raise your hand, raise your hand! I don't want this gift!" The night is deliberately bite the gift of two words.

"Oh, yes! In order to repay you, I want to send you a great gift!" Turtle fairy said to night long.

"Oh, what is it? Is it a big pearl of the fist or a big gem of watermelon?" Booema looks forward.

"Oh ... more good than this!" The turtle fairy turned to the sea, suddenly he said, "Go out! Do not die!"

After a few seconds, the scene was quiet ... nor ...

"Nothing?" Burma looked confused.

"Don't miss it, isn't it died in food?" The turtle slowly.

"Ah! Is it? I have forgotten it!" The Turtle Cactus was a little surprised.

"I am going ... I will die, how is it? I said that I will come back, I don't want to die!" The night is in the heart of Tucao, "It is best to be a turtle. Otherwise, the country is shocked!"

"Um ... I originally want to give it a permanent life to call it is not dead, but ..." Turtle fairy slightly, ", then change one!"

"Go out! Trouble!" Turtle fairy pointed to the sky sweat.

The sky, suddenly fell out of the sky and fell out of the cloud, and flew directly to everyone.

"It is cloud, so amazing!" Burma was shocked.

"Ah, this is this!" Night wind is obviously disappointed.

"This is called a gluten cloud, give it to you!" Turtle fairy turned his head. "Just sit on the tendon cloud, you can freely fly freely in the sky!"

"Oh! Is it true? It sounds some violation of the scientific constant, the cloud should not withstand a person's weight!" Burma looked at the doubts of the gluten cloud.

"Hey, this brush cloud only has a pure people to ride, I will show you!" After that, the turtle fairy jumped directly to the gluten cloud.

The turtle fairy drops directly from the turtle cloud, and the heavy fell on the beach.

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