The Prince of Tennis Super God System

Chapter 1099 of the Super Short System of Tennis Prince

"Oh, my waist!" The turtle fairy screamed.

"Ah, are you okay?" The old sea turtle was shocked.

"Hahaha, it's so a laugh!" Burma laughed in his stomach.

"This is true, I am old, the soul is still pure, the moon!" When the night is very windy, of course, the night is not thinking that he is a pure person, and there is a dance sky. The wind is also lacking in the lack of intertility.

"I can already fly, don't need clouds, turtle old, do you have anything else?" The body of the night is slowly rising in the air.

"Oh ... very good control, this is a dance sky? Is this boy are the disciple of the crane?" Turtle fairy is shocked.

"How can He's head may receive such a good disciple, this is not scientifically!" The turtle fairy frowned, and then looked at the night-long asked, "Teenager, why?"

"Oh, there is no door!" Night long winds.

"Is this dance empty (good)?"

"Oh, you said that, I have studied it myself, no posting!" The night's greesior is shamelessly said that the contribution of the superhen system has become his talent.

"Wow ... This teenager is so high?" The heart of the turtle fairy born the heart, "If this child is closed by the disciple, the Head of the Head will be mad? Hey ... Think about it is a little excitement ""

"But how do you advise him as my disciple?" The Turtle Cactus flashed in the brain, "Yes!"

"Teenagers, what is your name?" The Turtle Cactus asked.

"My name is the night and long wind!" Night long winds.

"Oh, long wind, I am going to go out, forget to bring things! This, I promise you, can help you achieve a wish, you can come at any time!" Turtle fairy in the eyes of gold.

"Well ... how do I feel some is not right, is I have been pitted by the super god system?" The night's long face is puzzled.

1030 chapter, there is a monster in the village

"Ah! Take it to me!" Burma suddenly found the gifted beads hanging on the neck of Turtle Cactus.

"Well? Do you want to see my shorts?" Turtle fairy turned his head.

"Go to death, I don't want to see your shorts! It is the one hanging on your neck!" Burma urgently.

"This?" The turtle fairy took the blender on the neck and then handed Burma. "Is it very beautiful? Is me a hundred years ago? Now is my necklace!"

Burma fixed his eyes, there are three shining stars among the bright beads, actually a Samsung Dragon Ball.

"Changfeng, you are looking at it, it is a dragon ball!" Burma turned to give Longzhu to the night.

"Oh, it's true, and it is Samsung Dragon Ball, which should be the radar shown!" Night's heart nodded.

"Dragon Ball? ... Is this something worth having money?" The turtle fairy flashed on the juno on the nose.

"Hey, collect four, great! If you are in the bottom of the sea!" Burma grabbed the Dragon Ball in the night, and put it in your pocket.

"Cut ... The unexpected harvest of super god system is this Samsung beads?" The night grew away, "" Well ... Talk to not! "

"-420- and so on ... I haven't said that this Dragon Ball is given to you!" The turtle fairy urgently, he saw Burma's look, thinking that Dragon Ball is not worthy of money.

boom! boom! Boom ~ ▉ ▉ ▉ .. . .....

"Ah ... get rid of it!" The old sea turtle was shocked.

"Now the young people are really anxious ... forget it ... still go back, ... ... Recently, there are a lot of 'master'!" The turtle fairy took the sea turtle and returned to the sea.

Night wind and Burma are the direction in the direction of the most recent fifth dragon balls on Dragon Bauke Radad.

After a day, the two came to a small village.

"Stop! Stop! Stop!" Burma raised Dragon Bao Radad.

"What happened?" Night livestorm stopped the motorcycle next to the road of this village.

"Dragon Ball is near this, very close!" Burma pointed at the highlights of Dragon Baorada.

"Oh ... It seems that it should be in this village, go to see it!" Night wind jumped into the motorcycle, and suddenly the meteor went to the quiet village in front of him.

"This village is good, no one looks!" Burma took the motorcycle capsule, hurriedly followed the night of the night.

"It's really, I can't feel any popularity!" The two walked on the streets of the village, even if they were empty.

"Is there someone here?" Burma shouted on the street, but there was no response.

"There is no one, but it is here from the radar to see Dragon Ball!" Burma looked at Dragon Bao Lada that constantly emitted and serged.

"Just find a family to ask if you don't work!" Night wind came to an archhouse door. The right hand will turn on the door!

! The door has no way to bear the giant strength of the night, almost instantly reversed.

Snapped! At the same time, the door of the house is also completely opened.

"This is not good, you are a private house!" Burt reminded.

The night is shrugging, "The quality of this lock is too bad!"

"Yeah!" At this time, a hand holding a mountain ax suddenly called the long rush of the night.

! The man lifted directly to the right hand, cutting the fine steel ax on the right arm of the night.

... The fine steel ax is shocked, and the night cost is no injury.

"What are you doing? Uncle, I am not accidentally caught your home lock, you don't need to use the ax to cut me?" The night's long-lasting face looked at the uncle before the eyes.

"Ah ... I really use it!" Uncle is immediately squatting, "Sorry, Oolong adult ... You want anything, please don't grab my daughter!"

"Oolong? Who?" Burma

(DBCH) "Daughter? Uncle, you are wrong, I am not oolong, this name is too difficult!" The night's long wind put the strange uncle.

At this time, the people hidden in the house have ran out, and there is a large number of people in Wuwu.

"Help ... He is not Oolong!"

"I am still why I am so fast!" The people in the village are relieved.

"Brother, you are fine?" A cute double horsetail ran out of the strange uncle, it should be the daughter in the uncle.

"Well! Nothing, don't hurt at all!" The night grew up touched Xiaoli's head.

"Sorry, boy, I thought you were going to Oolong!" Uncle Uncle apologized.

"Hey! If I am so angry, I have been dead!" Burt is still complaining to the monsters.

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