The Prince of Tennis Super God System

Chapter 1100 of the Super Short System of Tennis Prince

"It's really sorry!" Uncle Uncle said sorry.

"Okay ... Burma, these people are kind villagers, don't be difficult for them!" Night long wind turns, "Yes, Uncle, what is the oolong you said?"

"Oolong is living near this monster. He can become a variety of things, very terrible, no one has seen his true face!" The uncle said, "Yesterday became a ghost Dragon came to the village, he looked at my daughter! "

"Said that I have to take my woman today to take my woman back as the bride!" The strange uncle is full of fine sweat. "He is very good, and it has grown a few girls in the village ... if we escape or If you resist, he will kill people in our village! "

"It turns out, it sounds very powerful!" The night is holding down the Pakistan, "but the name of Oolong, I seem to have heard it ... I can't think of it!"

"Right, Uncle, have you seen this kind of ball?" Burma took out Dragon Bao from the pockets to the strange uncle.

"Well ... this is still a first time I saw this bead!" The strange uncle voice did not fall.

A big mother outside the door is called, "I have a ball!"

"Hey, I am here!" Burma was happy.

The aunt found a bright boy from home to Burma. "It seems to be my grandmother, see, is this?"

"Yes!" Burma two eye light.

"Oh, it seems to be a six-star dragon ball!" The night is growing in the hands of the big mother.

"Given, if you are willing to give me this ball, I will help you defeat the monster named Oolong, how?" Burma pointed to the Dragon Bay in the hands of the play.

"If you really want to destroy the monster, you can give it to you, but can you have a girl?" The big mother is slight.

"It's not me ... it is him!" Burma did not hesitate to say that the night's grew well, "Don't look at him is old, he is martial artist!"

1031 chapter, collected five!

"Get ... It seems that I have to upgrade from the personal babysitter to the Royal!" The night grew and smiled.

At this time, a middle-aged man with a cowboy hat ran over, screamed, "Run, Oolong is coming!"

"Let's hide! Let us die!" Burma commanded the villagers to escape their room, then turned to look at the night long wind, "Changfeng! Look at you!"

"Know it ... I have to see if it is sacred!" The night is swaying.

Snapped! Snapped! A huge body walked into the village, and the feet of the big ear, and the appearance of the whole meat was a flyer.

"This is Oolong? It is a fat pig!" The night is long, and he doesn't feel any power from Oolong.

"Kid, my bride? Say, otherwise I will kill you!" Oolue rushed to night.

"Say your sister, which onion is you?" Night cold looked.

"You! You! Dare to look down on my Oolong adult!" Wu Long's fierce, "I have to eat you, change!"

A rumor, Oolong became a bison in front of the night.

"Hey! RE fire, this uncle is very terrible, how is it, what are you afraid?" Wudong said in the night, "I am afraid that I will hand over the girl, I will spare you, don't waste me. Time! "

"Who so much nonsense, come, I let you three strokes!" The night's face looked at the wilderness of the oolong, "this guy will not be a sample?"

"Hey, I must ..." Oolong put a vicious expression, suddenly he saw the clock that was raised after the night length, "bad ... time is coming!"

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1032 chapter, travel to Flame Mountain

On the big river between the mountains, the night long wind, Burma and Oolong are sitting on a capsule boat.

According to the show on Longhuareng Rada, the sixth dragon ball is far from the distance of everyone, so Burma decided to use the capsule speedboat to copy it from the big river.

For the speedboat, the night length is not interesting, let Burma come to drive, and the night grow is to sit on the back seat with Oolong.

The night long-term wind closing, starting to absorb the vitality between the mountains, and the obstacles that the Oolong, the night, was scared.

"Hey ... only the last two dragon balls are left, better than I think," Burma driving the speedboat, and the mood is obvious.

"Why do you want to bring this body, it is very tired!" The night is dissatisfied.

"I don't want to come, it's good!" Oolong's face speechless expression.

"Oolong can become transformed ... maybe" four seven "will be used!" Burt turned back.

"I am not! Travel is too hard! I don't want to go!" Oolong highly protest.

"In this case, I am also hungry, it is better to eat roast milk!" Night long winds.

"Amount ... Travel is not bad, haha, good for physical and mental health! Travel is good!" Oolong was scared by the night of the night.

"Where is the sixth dragon beads?" Night wind did not pay attention to the paleble oolong, asked Burma.

"Well ..." Burma took out the map, "is the southwest direction ... The name is like a flame mountain!"

"Ni! What do you say, do you want to go to Flame Mountain?" Oolong shouted.

"Do you ... How do you see a ghost expression?" Burma asked.

"Hey! You don't know? There is a very terrible king of the flames!" Oolong urgently.

"Don't worry, the long wind will solve him!" Burt is really a super bodyguard.

"If you don't know how much he is, I will not send you!" Oolong struggled to stand up.

! Suddenly, Oolong became a squid. "Oh, I have to go, worship!"

bass! Just when Oulong wants to jump into the river, the night is soaring that the right hand is stretched out [out] Lightning seized the oolong.

"Let me go! Let me let me!" Oolong called, he did not think of the reaction and speed of the night cost.

"Oolong, if you are moving, I really put you into a pork chop!" The night is relate, but it is completely like a joke.

"Well ... I am going! But you must protect my life!" Oolong urgently.

"Ah!" At this time, Burt was called.

"What happened?" Night is helpless, "I am not saying, don't be so shocking!"

"There is no oil!" Burma looked back with Oolong, "Hey, you will become a gasoline!"

"How is it possible? This consumable thing can't get it!" Oolong is dissatisfied.

"What should I do?" Burt is a bit anxious.

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