The Prince of Tennis Super God System

Chapter 1101 of the Super Short System of Tennis Prince

"Don't you have a capsule gasoline? I pushed the boat to the shore, you can't do it!" Night grew well.

"Okay, just do it! Rely on you, long wind!" Booema face, "Changfeng, high!"

"Cut ... This little girl puts my master!" The night's long wind jumped into the water, and the end of the speedboat was free.

The lifting power does not dare to use too much, I am afraid that I will slammed the speedboat directly.

boom! Despite this, the speedboat is still pushed to the river bank, and the ribbon is bombing, and it almost has a boat!

"Changfeng, you are light!" Burt was scared, and Oolong turned directly to the boat.

"Don't talk nonsense, you have already enjoyed the star treated!" Night long style, "hurry up!"

"Wait!" Burma reached out to his neck pocket, then the face changed.

"What happened?" Asked the night.

"Nothing ... Pack the cartoon box ... No!" Burt is screaming, "Ah, it must be just a sharp shake to fall to the river!"

"Ah ... it is a pity, there is also your capsule motorcycles you promised to give me!" The night is very good, "You are too unhappy, Burt!"

"You still say, not you too much!" Booema gas rushing.

"Amount ... The man is not a bigger?" The night's reply is that Burma can't say something.

"The capsule is lost, the ship is gone, no car is no room, what do we do?" Burt is a bit anxious.

At this time, Oolong is thinking quietly.

"Oolong, where do you want to go?" Night wind grabbed the back of Oolong, pulled him back ...

"Ah, I am wrong, don't eat me! Don't eat me!" Oulong asked for a long time.

"There is another time, I really will really eat you!" Night wind threatened.

"What should I do now?" Burma lost the capsule is equivalent to the loss of high-tech, and there is no high-tech like Booema's ordinary people to compete for five grades.

"You are too dependent on technology ... The practice of the body is very important, we walked away from the flame mountain!" Night long winds.

"You said it is easy, you are a martial artist, but we won't!" Burma replied.

"I have suited you!" The night is helpless, and then refers to the speedboat. "You take it on the boat, I will pull you in the past!"

"Is this ok?" Wu Long's doubt.

"Do you take the word!" Night live wind is very dissatisfied with Oolong.

"Hey ... long wind is best!" Burma certainly knew the strength of the night, and returned to the speedboat.

Tip the speedboat with a big thick chain, and another night's live wind is directly wrapped in his waist.

"This time you can sit in, I am not responsible, I am not responsible!" When the night is long, the right foot is reached outward.

"Know!" Burma spitted SHE head, tied it to the seat belt, by the way, the Oolong is tightly tight.

call! Night wind, deep breath, adjusted 3.7 lines, chose the most hot and hot route from the shortest of the flame mountain ... desert line.

"Start!" The night long-term feet is in the latter, and the boom is a big sound, the smoke is filled around, and the night long wind drags the speedboat to start to the Flame Mountain.

"So fast!" Burma and Oulong sitting on the speedboat were scared. At this time, the speed boat that was pulled by the night-long wind was actually driving the oil in the water to the maximum horsepower. It is simply like flying.

"This is too exaggerated. Is this guy?" Oolong's eyes, can't believe in everything in front of you.

"Hey ... just like this, come on! Long wind!" Burma quickly adapted to the speed of the speedboat, and the mood was great.

According to this speed, you can drive to the destination of the line without one day - Fire Mountain!

1033 chapter, Yamu tea and Poce

A cave in the desert, the four big characters written in the rock wall.

"Oh ... Someone is coming!" A small animal that came like a small fox saw a single-tube telescope saw a high-speed night-to-earth style.

"I have to hurry to tell Yamu tea!" This small animal name is made to make the animals with immersive.

"What's wrong? Poor, so hasty?" There is a hole in the cave, is the home of Yamu Tea. At this time, Yamu Tea is eating noodles.

"Yamu tea, there is a sale! You go see it!" Purh excited.

"Oh ... is it? I haven't had a business in the door for a long time!" Yamu tea is excited to stand up, and wipe the mouth and come to the high platform of the cave.

"I didn't look wrong ... It seems to be a person running a motorboat running on the desert?" Yamu Tea saw the night long-winded person through the telescope.

"I have seen that kind of motorboat, is the latest capsule motorboat, they may have a lot of capsules!" Pohr excited.

"Good! Poor, ready for the car! We have to act!" Yammu refreshed nodded with Pohr's guess.

"Yes!" Poor, Yamu tea, took a motorboat rushed to the night.

The speed of the two is not slow, and it will be met in the desert.

-903 - ... Yamu Tea is a rotating motorboat operator, and the motorboat is forcibly stopped in front of the night growing.

"How did you stop, long wind, are you tired?" Burma extension [out] head, suddenly shock, "Hey! Someone is coming!"

"Who are you?" The night is cold and cold.

A long-fate little animal also has a long-haired man, a martial art dress wearing a music word!

"Hey ... I am the unmanage of this wilderness!" Yamu tea jumped into the motorboat, holding a long knife in his hand.

"I am Pur!" Poole also jumped down.

"I am going ... This is Yaxum tea!" Night live wind suddenly realized, "No wonder it looked like this, I remembered Yamu Tea at this time, there was still no way to get into the cactus, now he is still robbery The robbers of money! "

"You are best to hand in money and capsules, I will put you, otherwise ..." Yamu tea took out the bright knife of the Ming Huang to threaten.

"Ah!" Oulong was shocked, and he saw Po.

"You are the love cries!" Oolong refers to Pur.

"Hey! It is you! Oolong!" Poor is also a big shock.

"Poor, do you know him?" Yammu tea turned his head.

"Well! His name is Oulong. When he turned into a kindergarten in the south, he always bullied me. He is a small color ghost, stealing the female teacher's internal ku, is expelled by kindergarten!" Pohroained.

"Betting, why do you want to remember these bored things!" Oolong is very dissatisfied.

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