The Prince of Tennis Super God System

Chapter 1102 of the Chapter 1102 of the Prince of Tennis

"This small pigment ... The kindergarten is so colorful, it is also a quicker!" The night grew is a little.

"Well, I will say it again for an old thing! Now I will turn money and capsules!" Yamu tea looked at the three people's eyes.

"Haha, let it go!" Oolong hide after the night length, the fox falsified, "We will not give you the capsule, you haven't injured, hurry!"

"Oh! It seems that you want to go to heaven and take a walk ..." Yamu tea pulls the long knife from the scabbard.

"Yamu tea, fast, they!" Pur shouted on one side, then brushing, escaped behind the rock column behind them.

"The long-wind boss, give it to you, pack him!" Oolong ran away.

"This pig ... is really a piggy, which day is not good, I don't want to have a roasting pig!" Night lived, watching the fun of the Motorboat. Something is a little fun.

"Changfeng, he is a robber, solve him quickly!" Burt was screaming.

"Yes ... a grandmother, don't call it!" The night is completely ignorant of Yachu tea, turning to Burma said, "This combat power is only five slag, I have not placed it in the eyes!"

"What!" Yamu Tea was anger by the night, and rushing it was a knife, and the speed was not bad for an ordinary person.

Strictly speaking, now Yahu tea is still a martial artist. The most is a young man who will have some three-foot kungfu. Night long remember that although the first combat power of Yamu Tea is not a five slag, it seems to be Just around 8 o'clock.

For now the combat power is more than 600, but also growing, Yamu tea is indeed looking for death.

bass! The Yamu tea knife waves, directly cutting the neck of the night long.

"It's enough!" Night wind impression on the original China Yachu tea, but this is also slightly angry.

! Night wind does not avoid it, just the right arm lightning, Yammy Tea's long knife is in the right arm of the night, the right arm is actually the instant break, and the night cost is no injury.

"What!" Yamu tea was shocked to be out of the eyes, "I didn't have a little thing in the cut!"

"Now you are too weak, go back and practice again for five hundred years, come back!" Lively and right at night, there is blue-ray point gathering.

"This is gas! Are you a martial artist?" Yamu tea was shocked, and the manuscript took a step. He instantly understood his opponent that he could not be a night.

"Go!" The night did not answer Yamu tea, but immediately waved.

boom! Yamu tea is instantly in a blue gas strike!

"Ah!" Yamu tea crouched, the body was in a flash of blue gas group, and he hit his rock column behind him.

Bang! The rock column fell to the ground, and this is not slight about Yamu Tea.

"It's terrible ..." Oolong looked at the fierce Yamu tea was shouting with the night, and the face was scared.

"Yamu tea! Yamu tea! You are fine!" Po ran quickly to Yamu tea in the gravel, urgently asked.

Just now, the night-catching wind does not use anything, but in turn, it has been wrapped in Yammy Tea with a gas group, so that he did not suffer from the damage of the rock.

Otherwise, the night's wind is slightly serious, Yamu Tea will be spike in the moment, and the gap between the two people is too big.

Night long winds did not want to kill Yamu tea, Yamu Tea as a planet man, talent is very high.

Night wind is to gather all the masters on the earth, help them improve, because the night's hard work knows that one day, Bergiita will kill the earth, and it is more than one person. .

Night wind needs Yakata tea and other earth martial arts master!

1034 chapter, wolf style

"I am fine!" Yamu tea crawled up from the gravel pile, the whole gray face was very wolf, but did not receive a substantive harm.

"Let's escape, Yamu tea, these people seem to be very powerful!" Purway.

"Good! Kill them!" Oolong came to the beginning, and the face was very satisfied, just like it was a general.

"Well? The guy still can still stand up?" Burt is a little horrified to slowly stand up Yamu tea, and the battle of the long wind is almost instantly spike the opponent. Yammy Tea is still the first to stand up. It seems that there is nothing wrong with it.

"No! How can I escape so ash!" Yamu Tea is angry about the night. Although he knows that he can't play the night, he still wants to try, after all, he still has a stroke. .

"How? You still want to play?" The night's mouth flashed a disdain, and now Yamu tea is too weak, even the strength of the other party has no way to accurately judge.

bass! Yamu Tea put a strange posture for the night long, the body is slight, the whole person is like a wild wolf in the ground.

"Oh? Is it a trick?" The night grew in the mouth with a smile.

"Wolf tooth ..." Yamu tea is instantly started, the body is like a pentium's wild wolf to the night long rushing, "the wind!"

bass! In the blink of an eye, Yamu tea rushed to the front of the night, flew out, and it was a few times faster than the previous speed.

"Haha, it is a wolf!" Night's wind to Yamu Tea This trick can be described as an impression, when you are young, the night is watching Dragon Ball, and he often learns Jammy's posture pair. Wolf's fist, of course, is a child.

The original wolf fist in Yammy Tea is still good in the night, and the movement of the wild wolf is very attacked. However, Yamu Tea is too weak at this time. There is no way to play at this time. The truly power of the Wolf tooth style.

! Low up the right foot of the wind and the right foot, rack the fly of Yamu tea.

"Okay!" Yamu tea did not think that the night grows so easy to pick up his own kick, but Yamu tea did not stop his own action.

The body is in a forced flip in the air. Yamu Tea continues to waving the hands of the double claws to catch the head of the night, the speed is very fast, and it can see the residual shadow of his hands.

"Your move is too slow!" Night live wind is also a speedless wave, easy to handle all of Yamu tea crazy.

"This is impossible!" Yamu Tea was surprised to forget the final movement, and the night grew is a show of hands.

Bang! Night live wind has not waved, Yamu Tea is flying back!

!!! The continuous collision sounds, Yamu tea flew out the body, hit the rock column in the five or six wilders.

"Strong!" Oolong, watching Warlon, did not think that night length is strong to this point.

"Cough! Can be evil ... is not the opponent!" Yamu tea is not light, it is very reluctant to stand up.

Of course, the night's long wind does not use what strength, if the night long is really swinging, Yamu Tea's body internal organs will be shocked in an instant!

"Poor, we quickly withdraw, couldn't play!" Yamu Tea is now a robber, there is no kind of confidence, but it is ready to open.

"Yes!" Po rarely threw out the capsule motorboat that had been harvested, "Let's escape!"

The two jumped on the motorboat. It was prepared to open the jeel. The nozzle body shape immediately disappeared in the original place, and immediately appeared in front of the motorboat.

"Ah!" Yamu tea and Poole were scared enough. "You are a ghost, the speed is too exaggerated!"

"Hey ... Let's put in your money and capsules, I will put you ... Otherwise ..." The night is wind and right.

Bang! A blue gas group shot from the night length of the wind, and will hit the crude rock column not far from the people. The explosion sounds, raising the smoke ...

"It's horror ..." Poor is scared from the motorboat, and a PI share is sitting on the sand.

Yamu tea and Po could did not think that he would be robbed by others for so long.

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