The Prince of Tennis Super God System

Chapter 1104 of the Chapter 1104 of the Super Short System of Tennis Prince

"Go to death!" Booema pushed the night long wind in the YU room, "hurry to take a shower, a smelling, annoying!"

"Haha, Burma is a face" shame] is still very cute! "The night grew up and laughed.

"Dead growing, stinky!" Burt is in the mirror, looks carefully to see the so-called pajamas wearing themselves, a moment, full of red.

YU room.

Night long winds randomly rushed to the black impurities of the body with water, and then dried his body directly.

It's cold, less than a minute before and after, and the night is not wanting to waste valuable time on these trivia.

Going back to the room on the second floor of the RV, Burtoma found a man's replacement on the ride, which made the night cost that I was full. Some disappointment.

However, Burma has not given the real vacuum to the night. One night is a rare little woman gesture to make the night wind 5.2 can't touch the mind.

"Well ... If you are still tight!" The night's wind turned into a cultivator, directly came to the roof of the car, began to cultivate, absorb the vitality in this desert.

Any places in this earth are all in the earth, but some places have high density, some places are relatively thin.

The desert and environment of the night, the harsh, the harsh life can survive, and the density of its vitality is much less than the deep mountain forest before night.

However, after one night, the night grewing and extraction, or let the gas in the body have grown some, while the night's long wind continues to make your own flesh foundation more stable.

"Call!" When the first sunshine in the morning, the night grew is vomiting a turbidity, and the new day started again!

1036 chapter, Kiki

The outer circumference of the flame mountain, the night-catching people are very close to the destination flame mountain, and the temperature of the air is also getting higher and higher.

"Wow, it's too hot! It's strange, here is the north, how can it be so hot!" Burt is dissatisfied.

"Because this is a flame mountain!" At this time, it is Oolong, because the night grows refuses to open such a slow transportation.

"Previous Flame Mountain is a cool mountain, but ten years ago, the fire in Heaven, fell here, turned into a flame mountain!" Oolong is more familiar with it.

"You look, that is, the flame mountain!" Oolong stopped the car, "can't be opened again!"

Two people came out of the ride.

"Oh? That is the flame mountain, the fire is still very popular!" Night lives looked at the flame mountains of the burning of the burning in front of him.

"Wow! Good fire, no wonder you!" Booema is full of sweat.

"We still don't go, the Niu Deyu is really terrible!" Oolong played the drum again.

"You have been talking about what younger, what is ghost?" Burt asked.

"You don't know? People say that the king of the cow is the king of evil 31 magic, very terrible! As long as someone dares to approach the mountain, it will be ... Hey!" Oolong made a dagger gesture.

"Will it be killed?" Burt is some fear.

"Well! You look at the castle on the top of the mountain is the home of the Niu Deyu, where there is a countless gold and silver treasure, but the kings are there, so no one dare to be near!" Oolong pointed to the flame mountain A castle.

"I am going ... This dragon ball world is not peaceful, there is a robber everywhere!" Night Changfeng Tucao.

"Well! It seems that the sixth dragon ball must be there!" Burma took the Dragon Bao Lada.

"Oolong, are you saying that the King of the Niu Demon is in the castle now?" Asked the night.

"No! He seems to live on the mountain. When the mountain burned, the King of the Kun and his children came out of outing. And now the fire is too big, even the Niu Devil king will still go home!" Oolong explained Tao.

"I can't see it, you know a lot of pigs!" The night is a bit surprised.

"Of course! The school class is very clear!" Oolong hurriedly replied.

"Hey ~ ▉ is not easy, your pig is still reading ..." Burt smiled.

"No matter what you are, I have to go back! If the long wind can play again, it is not the opponent of the Niu Deyu!" After the Oolong returned to the RV.

Sudden ~ ▉ ~ ▉ Drink a car retrograde to escape ...

Just at this time, !! Huge vibration came ...

A tyrant rushed from the back of the night, and it took a strange helmet with a strange helmet.

"Help!" Little Loli said, and finally hit the neighborhood of the night.

The routing car just received by the night, but the huge overwhelm of the body, the whole, the whole is burning, burning black flames.

"Looking for death!" Night wind right [out], a blue disk rose from the night length.

! The night-length wind and right hand, the disc lightning flies to the neck of the Overlon Dragon.

Hey, the head of the Overlon dragon is in a moment of night long!

boom! The overlord faucet fell directly on the ground, and the dragon body was mad blood!

"Ah! It's terrible, save me, Dad!" Xiaoli also shouted in his arms of the night.

"Okay! It's okay!" The night is lightly patted Xiaoli's back.

"Ah!" Little Loli looked up and looked at the smile of night, and his face was red. "It's you saved me, thank you!"

"Labor!" The night was swaying, and Xiao Loli did not leave the night's body, but it was more tight.

"I am so fear!" Little Loli milk continued to squat on the night of the night.

"I am going to ... the road is white and a small loli!" The night is also crying.

"Hey, why are you tight?" Burma is very dissatisfied to pull Little Loli directly.

"Don't eat me! Don't eat me!" Oulong, who escaped from the routing, was scared, hands holding his head, not to fight.

"Hey! Funny pig!" Little Lolley was a funny oolong.

Night is a lazy Ulong, this is, directly coming to a baked Baron, the tyrant is still good in the night, and the meat is tender, and the taste is similar to the Jinghua ham.

"Yes, what is your name?" Burma asked Xiaoli.

"My name is Kiki!" Little Loli replied.

"What? You said that you are Qi Qi! Is Kiki not the name of the Niu Deyan?" Oolong was shocked.

"Yeah, do you know my father?" Kiki turned his head and looked at the night, "You saved me, I will let my father reward you!"

"She is a daughter of the Kow Devil, escaping!" Oulong scared turned and wanted to escape.

"Give me back!" Burma grabbed the pig's ear, forcibly pulling it back.

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