The Prince of Tennis Super God System

Chapter 1105 of the Chapter 1105 of Wangzhao System of Tennis

"This is good, some people bring us a road! Changfeng, you saved the woman of Niu Deyu, find him to a dragon ball, the King of the Niu Devil will agree!" Burma said.

After half an hour, everyone came to the mountainside of the flame mountain, and the temperature here was not 323.

"Hello, I am so hot here!" Burma couldn't help but stay more close to the night, the lower the temperature of the night, the lower the temperature.

Because the night length wind is around the automatic absorption of hot air, this is also a kind of energy.

"Kiki, where is your father?" Burma turned his head asked Qi Qi.

"I don't know, it seems to be hunt!" Kiki almost all people were attached to the night.

~ ▉! Burma took out Dragon Bao Radad, "From Dragon Bao Lada, Dragon Ball should be in this castle, if it can fly over!"

"Changfeng, don't you fly? You go in to take the Dragon Ball out!" Burt turned to the night long wind.

"This fire seems to be a general fire!" Night wind looked at the burning fire in front of him, and I thought that "the four weeks of trees have been booked." There is no burning material, but can still burn this Want, it seems that it will never go out! "

"Well! Try it!" The night-long wind took off the top and exposed a streamlined muscle.

call! At this time, a frenzy behind the night length.

When the night's wind turned, it was a huge golden ax behind the night.

"Who?" The left hand left the left hand, grab the ax in a moment!

1037 chapter, absorb flame

"Who are you? Is it hijacked my daughter?" A tall of the burly big man with a cattle hat appeared behind everyone.

"Wow! You are cattle ... devil ... king!" Oolong scared his eyes.

"Quickly defeat him, the long wind!" Burt is directly hiding behind the night of the night.

"This is the king of the Niu Magu." The night's long wind sweeping a cattle magic king, "It is not very strong when it looks!"

Night wind is estimated that the battle force at this time is about 50 or so, although more than Yamu tea is strong, but it is still difficult to mention the interest of the night.

"Also give you!" The night grew the wind and forth the ax.

"Ah! How do you have an ax or give him, die!" Oolong was yelling on the side.

"Dad, he is my savior!" Kiki ran to the king of the Niu Dey, said that she had a good thing in the night.

"Oh ... It turned out to be like this!" The expression of Niu Deyu became and be good at all, "Sorry, I am too impulsive, thank you for saving my daughter!"

"Lucky!" The night was swaying.

"Well! In order to thank you, I have to give you the same treasure!" The Niu De Wang replied.

"Then give us this kind of bead!" Burma took the dragon toad and went to the front of the King of the Niu Devil.

"Oh, I really have a bead! But in my castle, now I can't go!" The Niu Deng sighed, "unless ..."

"Unless you can find my teacher ... but I haven't seen him for a long time!" The Niu Dey was slow.

"Who is your teacher?" Burma hurriedly asked.

"Is Wu Tianshi teacher, have you seen it?" The Niu Deya replied.

"Oh, you are a turtle fairy!" Said that the night's consciousness said, "Soon, he also gave us a dragon ball!"

"Hey! Do you know that Wusian teacher now has now?" The excitement of the king of the Niu Devil.

"That turtle fairy old man, it seems to live in the sea!" Booema jugged.

"Wow haha ​​... I am so good! I finally came back to the city." [▉ "The King of the Niu Deyu is jumped again.

"This is really a king, how is it like a child, it is not ferocious!" Oolong slowed down.

"Right, I am happy! I want to ask Xiao [brother] my brother will help me!" The Niu Deyou said, "This is related to the Dragon Ball you want!"


"It is said that the fire of the flame mountain is a special flame. Only the Chinese teacher's banana fan can be fanned, please help me to go to Wu Tian teacher to solve the banana fan, wait for this flame, I can give the dragon ball to You! "The Niu Deyu was slow.

"Brother, you can help your father!" Kiki this little Loli is a long-lasting look.

"Okay, I can't stand you ..." Night lived, Kiki, who kept discharging himself, is also speechless, and the small age will discharge it.

"Changfeng, do you want to find that turtle old? Quickly go back!" Burmala took the night long.

"Don't be so troublesome, I can destroy this flame!" Night grows.

"Ni! Small [brother], you are not kidding again, this fire temperature is very high, I don't dare to get close!" Niu De Wang haircut.

"This fire is not a general fire, but it ... I am a small dish for me!" There is no hesitation of the night, just jumping into the fire of the flame mountain burning.

! When the night grows into the fire, the flame will be swallowed by the night long.

"Is he crazy?" Oolong was shocked to fall quickly.

Among the fire, the night long wind burned a blazing flame, and the flesh strength of the night, I feel that this flame is a bit burning.

"Buddha statue!" The night's wind is full of golden!

"You see, what is it?" Burma pointed at a golden light in the flame.

"Good power!" The King of the Niu Deya felt a strong force than Wu Tian teacher, Wu Tian, ​​"" Is it a small [brother] The power of the brother ... It is impossible, he is so young! How can I be more than Wu Tian? The teacher is still strong! "

After opening the Buddha, there is no burning sensation in the night's long-term wind.

Insert the flame into your body, and the night's wind feels a burning sense of burning and stinging, his golden body is even more shining.

"Really! This flame can be broken!" Night long-awaited, "Um ... put them all in the small world!"

The legs sit in the fire in this mountain, the night cost is worn, and the heart is turning.

bass! In the back of the night, suddenly a black point suddenly appeared, and this black point is constantly expanding, and finally enlarges into a cavity of a large pot.

"Open!" The night's left hand is exhibited, a gray ray shot, and several breathing shrouded throughout the top of the mountain.

It is the absorption light emitted by the night of the night, and the flames of the flame mountain are all enveloped.

"Go in!" The night did not wave this left hand. At this time, the flame on the flame mountain was also pulled into the black hole behind the night-hard wind.

And the speed is getting faster and faster!

"What? What is possible?" The Niu Deyou looked at the more and more weak, the flame was completely stayed. He didn't try to solve the flame that did not solve it, and it began to decrease after the night length jumped. Leisible trend.

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