The Prince of Tennis Super God System

Chapter 1106 of the Super Short System of Tennis Prince

"Good! Brother, it's amazing!" Kiki, a happy jumping, jumping.

"Changfeng is simply universal capsules!" Burt also felt that the temperature around it was getting lower and lower.

call! call! The fire of the entire flame Mountain into a red long flow was inhaled by the night, and the black hole behind him was in the middle of the world.

This flame is in the small world. Naturally, it is bound by the space rules of Xiaocheng, and it is convenient to cultivate the golden body and broken the flesh.

"Get!" The night length shot, stood up, the castle of the Niu Deyu was restored to the past, but it was only fired too long, the wall was a black.

"It's so powerful, it is really successful. What did he do?" Oolong double eyes widened, "Is it a god of gods?"

"Thank you very much! Small [brother] I am too thank you!" "Niu Devil (Wang Zhao) Wang looked out of the night, hurriedly pulled the night of the night.

"Small [brother], in order to thank you, I decided to make my daughter to you!" The King of the Niu Magua suddenly said, he saw that the night is not mortal, wants to be a close to the night.

"Okay! I am going to marry my brother!" Kiki hugged the night.

"This is ... It seems that it is not!" The night is laughing, and Loli is exposed in the nature.

"Dead wind!" Boolean fell over, "You didn't promise me to help me find Dragon Ball?"

"Haha ... I have a joke ... I will say later, I will say it later ..." The night grew is hit haha.

"It's a pity! Small [brother] I have the opportunity to come often look at my brother!" The Niu Deyan saw the night's long wind, and it was not reluctant. I found out that Longzhu delivers a night, and Booleina Ma Wei grabbed.

"Hey ... 1 ... 2 ... 7, is the seven-star dragon beads! Too good!" Burta is very good.

1038 chapter, Piraff gang appeared

"Okay, the last thing is behind! Burt, where is the dragon beads?" Night long wind turned, it's almost a dragon ball, you can get rid of the nanny career, night long feelings It is also good.

"Oh! Let me see!" Burma took the seven-star dragon ball and took out Dragon Bao Rada.

There are six highlights on the radar, which is the location of the night's long wind, and this seventh highlight is not displayed on lightning.

"Oh ... this seems to be no longer, to search farten!" Burma expanded the scope of radar search, and finally there was a brand new highlight on Longhuareng, "Yes! In the west, it seems very far!" "

"However, our routing has been damaged by the tyrant!" Oulong turned and wanted to take the opportunity.

Snapped! Soon after being pulled by Boojam, I pulled back to "Three Jiu Sions"!

"Sitting on my car, you have helped me, I don't know how to thank you!" The Niu De Wang took a capsule, and then threw it directly on the ground in front of everyone.

The capsule turned into a disc-shaped sports car, which looks like a hopper similar to the sci-fi movie, very technological.

"Wow, really? Thank you very much!" Burt laughed.

"Although it is a bit old, the speed of this car is still very good!" The Niu De Wang replied.

"Okay! Let's find the last dragon ball!" Burma jumped on the driver's seat, and the night greetings were too lazy to fight with her, because the night grew in the wind and the cold weather was held by Kiki.

"Changfeng brother ..." Kiki looked up at night long wind.

"What is the matter? Kiki, I have to go, come and see you next time!" The night grew up and touched the headlight of Qiqi.

"Well!" Kiki fell to the night's wind, the little face was red, "I will have to grow up, I must be a brother your wife!"

"This little Loli is big!" The night was laughing, nodded, "Okay, as long as you can find it!"

"Get!" Burma looked at the intimate look of two people, and directly launched a suspended car.

Operated ~ ▉ ▉ Sure is separated from the original gravity, and the night is also turned over to the back seat.

"Welcome next time!" The Niu Dey waved to everyone.

"Be sure to come!" Kiki is also a waving waving in the night.

A sound, Booma launched a suspension, and everyone disappeared in the same place.

The speed of this suspensor is quite fast, because there is no more than the ground MO rubbing resistance than the cold, the capsule motorcycle driving before the night.

"Kao ... still high-tech cattle, everything is too much to use two legs than the world of shadow!" The night is not convinced.

"Hey ... only the last Dragon Ball left, I want to see the dragon!" Burt is excited to look back to the night.

"Hey ... I immediately took a lot of money, and I didn't have difficulty." Night wind is slightly tight.

"Burma, there is a question, I have long I want to ask you, after gathering seven dragon balls, what do you want to achieve?" Oolong asked very curious.

"Oh ... I didn't say it? The Burma face is red," I want a white horse prince! " "

"Ah? The prince of Baima, we are so desperately just for this boring wish!" Oolong is some indignant.

"I am going ... Your pig's head only knows running, where is it desperate!" The night was shining.

"Ah, good pain! Long wind, why do you play me!" Oolong shook his head dissatisfied.

At this time, the night-catching party rides a not far from the forward floating car, a high thin thin woman is wearing a military clothing, holding a walk in hand.

"Report Pilar King, I have seen our goals this time!"

"Very good! Are you sure?"

"Yes, I am very sure, those Dragon Balls ... all are in that car!" The woman said to the intercom.

call! The ride of the night-catching party is still in the disease, suddenly between, a missile suddenly comes to the suspense.

Burma has no response at all, and Oolong is still moving on the back seat.

"Well? Some people attacked?" The night's wind flew up with the dance air, and the empty is a punch.

! The missile instantly was bombarded by the night longfan, the hot waves of the explosion spread, almost overturned the suspension.

"Ah!" The Burma told up, so it's hard to steady the suspension ...

Bang! Suddenly a robot drilled out of the ground next to the road!

"What is it?" Oulong hands holding his head, a stupid expression.

"Dragon Ball is me!" A dog was sitting in the machine, yes, a dog rushed to the suspension in the manipulation of this robot, and took the black box in the suspension moment!

Dragon Ball World Earth has a misery, the dog will operate the robot, and the night is not blamed early.

"Ah! Changfeng, Dragon Ball is grabbed by it!" Burma is anxious.

"Bye!" The jet under the robot instantly started, the whole rushing to the high altitude, the Dragon Ball is behind, it wants to escape!

"Hey! Want to escape?" The night is cold, and the whole body is gathered on the feet.

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