The Prince of Tennis Super God System

Chapter 1108 of the Chapter 1108 of the Prince of Tennis

"Shut up!" Pilaf face, and pressed another button!

boom! For a moment, the steel plate was suddenly lowered around the room and reinforced the printed chamber.

"Ah, it is a steel plate, at least half a meter thick, this we can't complete it!" Wusong mourned.

!! Burma knocked on the steel wall with a fist, and the sound sent was very dull, which proved that the thickness of the steel plate is quite considerable.

"Haha, you are now struggling again!" Pilaf's image laughed, "this steel plate is my special, with a thickness of more than 300 cm, material is also the latest tempered material, this wall even cannon They are all borrowed, you will die! "

"After it, I really can't escape!" Oolong heard that there was three hundred centimeters thick, and his face was scared.

"Hey! I dare to violate my Piraff King, I want to starve you! This, Dragon Ball is mine, the world is also mine, wow haha!" Pilaf laughed, "Who dare to hinder me to conquer the world, Who will die! "

1040 chapter, summoning the dragon

"This wall really has three hundred centimeters?" The night is right and right, and directly on the steel wall.

Bang! Under the eyes of Burma and Oolong and the Leaf Legion's three people, the night-catching punch will take a big hole.

"This ... He is still a person?" Ashu was scared by a fierce shot of the night, which seems to be frightened.

"Well ... It seems like Dragon Ball is above!" The night grew glare, at this time, the position of everyone is in the seventh highlight.

! The feet are instantly launched, and the night long wind is covered with a layer of light blue, and then it is suddenly jumped.

Bang! The night is like a very fast-raised rocket, directly crashed over the top of the steel plate, and then hit the walls in a breath, it turned out to be directly to the monitoring room of Pilaif Castle.

"Hello!" The night long-faced horns tightly.

"Wow, wow ..." quick escape! This guy is a monster! "Pilaf is a self-cultivation that there is no anti-party, and seeing the night, the wind is big, it is called to escape.

"We also flee it, or no life!" Xiao Dance is also stupid, Ashi, followed by Pilar, you want to escape directly.

One dog rushed to the huge room next to the monitoring room, which turned out to have a propeller plane.

"Are you too slow?" The night's figure actually appeared in the door of the room, and directly blocked in front of one dog.

"Yes you ... you ... how can you appear here!" Pilaf scared the pi stock coli and fell directly on the ground.

At the same time, the hats on the top of the Pilajf are also falling, and the last dragon ball needed for the night length.

"Hey ... finally collected!" The night long-lasting moment flashed to Pirlaff's behind, and put the last dragon tole in hand.

"Go!" The Pilaif Legion, a dog, such a chance, fled the plane and quickly launched the plane to escape this place.

"Well ..." These guys gave them a little lesson. "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "

boom! The night-long wind will throw a round-saving airline to flee the plane.

"Ah! The king, fast pull! Attack is coming!" Ashu saw the speed flying in the longitude from the rear view, and immediately called it.

"Shut up! I have already arrived!" Piraff forcely pulled the joystick, the plane hid through a speed of the air in the air.

"Hai ... a dangerous!" Two people have long been angry, and it is full of sweating.

"Oh, the flight technology is good!" The night long wind flew to the high-altitude gas circle tick the finger.

bass! The gas is actually turning over the air, just like a cyclone dart, the front side of the plane.

Bang! This time Pilaf also manipulated the aircraft to hide, and the gas is directly cut off the plane after the plane, including the wing, almost cut off in the moment! Oath T

Wow! Among the screams of a few people in the Pilaif Legion, the plane directly fell to the high altitude.

Bang! Finally, a burst of black smoke bursts, Pilaf and Xiao Dance and A Xiu were fried, and the weigh was also fried into a broken.

"I am evil ... What monster is that kid is it!" Pilajf finally screamed, it was a black, lost awareness.

The lens returned to the castle, and Burma sat down flying blankets was not easy to rise to the monitoring room.

"Hey ... Changfeng ... What is the strange person?" Burma asked.

"I am running by me!" The night is cold and casual.

"Ah, the dragon ball!" Burt is looking forward to it.

"Here! Give you!" The night grew wind threw the last dragon ball to Burma.

"Haha! Dry! Changfeng, you are great!" Burt is excited to have a good night.

"As for the happiness, it is not the dragon ball on a globe!" The night is strong, and the heart is actually secret.

"It seems that the brother is too handsome, and every world will be strong wen!" The night's heart is shameless.

Ding! At this time, the system's tips sounded in the night growth.

"Congratulations to the owner to complete the guidance task: help Booma set seven dragon balls, plus a lot of draw!"

"Very good! It's a lot of lottery!" Night-lasting style nodded, the reward for this task is still very satisfied.

The difficulty of this guiding task is almost zero. The opponents face the opponents are five slags of Yamu Tea and Pilaf.

In addition, the night long wind also harvested the special flame that can be used to break the body, and the night-length wind is still quite satisfied with the harvest of this task.

"Wow! It's so bright, this is the seven dragon balls!" Oolong looked at the golden seven dragon balls in Burtama in the hands of Burt, and the eye beads began to turn it. The pig's mouth also hung water.

"Oh ... well, I want to call the dragon!" Burmamo shoreed with night long wind and Oolong came to the air of the castle.

Seven Dragon Balls were released from Boojam on the ground.

bass! At this time, seven dragon bars made a slight shining, then the automatic rose high altitude and flew to the top of Burma.

"Go out! My god dragon!"

"Shenlong came out, realize the wish!"

... Burma rushed on seven dragon balls, and tried more than ten spells.

Bang! Suddenly, I don't know which spell in Burma has effectively, and seven dragon balls shine in an instant, and golden light is getting brighter.

The last seven dragon balls gathered together, and a golden long dragon shot from the dragon ball, and hovered in the top of everyone, almost blocked the entire sky.

"Hey ... My wish is going to achieve! (Good)" Burt is exciting to look at the god dragon, the brain has emerged by the prince of the white horse, can't help but laugh Get up.

The last golden ray is exhausted, and a green red eye has emerged in the top of Burma, which is the monk called out the dragon.

"Good!" Oolong looked at the dragon, and the eyes were full of glowers.

"I don't know how this god of meat is like the original, no one has eaten Shenlong meat!" The night grew in the mind, suddenly wanted to be a dragon.

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