The Prince of Tennis Super God System

Chapter 1109 of the Super Short System of Tennis Prince

"With my goddess cooking plus Shenlong's ingredients, I finally made it possible to become a super-level cuisine!" Night long-term winds.

In fact, when the night is always wanting to kill the dragon, it should be not difficult. Shenlong's combat power is mostly two hundred in the night, and now the battle of the night is six hundred.

Spike Shenlong is not called at all ...

1041 chapter, main line task

"Speaking of your wish! No matter what wish, I can redeem it for you, but ... is limited to one!" Shenlong said to Berma, the sound is very low.

"This god dragon is really blowing more than tax, what is the wish, then you will help me upgrade 10,000 combat power!" The night long-faced mouth exposed a hint.

"So ... I said my wishes!" Burt is looking forward to watching the dragon over the top, "I want one ..."

"Ah, I also want God dragon to realize my wishes!" Oolong on the side didn't know when, after the Burma's body, I accidentally said.

"I want a girl's internal [pants]!"

bass! At this time, the double eyes of Shenlong flashed, and a light flashed from the horizon.

Suddenly, Jin Guang stood in the place where Oolong stood.

"I am going ... this is ok?" Night wind is also surprised, and it is actually a white cartoon [pants].

Inside [pants], directly falling on the pig's pig, the oolong mouth is cracking, and a face is intoxicated.

"This picture is too beautiful, wow hahaha ..." Night wind can't help but laugh, because it is too funny.

"Can be evil ... Oolong, your pig is doing!" Burma turned to watch Oolong, her lungs were quickly fryed, "people are not easy to collect dragon balls!" "

"Cut ... This grandmother is still very embarrassed, basically I have collected alone!" Night live wind is still happy for this unexpected results.

If Berma has an excitement, I have to be a desire for his white horse, which only loves her a wish, this can be trouble, no one knows whether the god dragon on the earth can meet this wish.

However, the night-winding estimates even if Burma took this wish, Shenlong did not have a way to achieve, because the war's war has exceeded Shenlong, Shenlong could not be bound to night long wind.

The final result is very likely that Burt is directly wasting a chance.

"Your wish I have reached ... well ... Goodbye!" Shenlong's body is a golden light, and finally changed the seven shining dragon balls.

Immediately shot to the high altitude, instantly flew away in the air!

"Ah ... mad at me!" Burma shakes the two pigs in the head of the women's [pants].

"Okay, Burma ... You are shaking, this pig should be brain shake!" The night long wind flashed to Berma next to.

"I hate, I (DBCA) should not ... I don't!" Burma played a lanter, and the night cost is only helpless.

"Okay, don't make trouble! Most I promise you to help you find Dragon Bad together, come back again, anyway, nothing is hard!" Night long-distance persuades.

"Good! One words are customary!" Burma little female students heard the empty check of the night, and he stopped crying. "Hey ... It seems that only one year later can find my white horse prince!" "

After saying that Burma deliberately sweeps the face of the night, the night is long and the face is confused, "What!"

"Hey ... The reaction is a dull guy ... he must be deliberate!" Burma's mouth.

Ding! At this time, the suggestion of the super-god system in the night-long's mind sounded again.

Trigger the main line task: becomes a turtle fairy

Task Level: White Task

Mission Reward: 100,000

Failure punishment: no

Systematic evaluation: The user has gradually adapted to the world of Dragon Balls, but the huge crisis in front is waiting for you, please upgrade your own combat power!

"Well ... I have another task!" The night long is still not waiting for a breath, and the new task is coming out, it is a disciple of turtle cactus.

I have thought about how to improve my combat power. The best way to think that the night's long-lasting is to directly go to the universe, challenge powerful creatures, and absorb their strength to grow rapidly.

However, the night-hard wind knows that the hyperincidence system will limit this practice, so it will not stop the task on the earth.

On the earth, the night-long wind wants to find more difficult than yourself, the best improvement method is to cultivate a variety of tricks, and improve the gas in your body as much as possible.

For night-long winds, the night's wind is currently only absorbing the vitality between the world, which is the basic gas work, and the martial arts of the truly Dragon Ball will have not gone.

Therefore, the night-long style is going to join a martial arts master on the earth, such as Turtles, Crane Flow, so that yourself can systematically

At present, it is difficult to enhance your own flesh power, and the focus of the night is placed.

This gas is very important to the night long, because the current look of the night is in the past, the Buddha is hard to practice, the difficulty is too high, the progress is too slow.

After the night is windy, you need to surpass your current strength of the body's strength to deal with the invaders of the alien balls that may appear in a short time. It is likely to be Bergiita.

According to the experience in the Naruto World, if the strength is too fast, the whole world will increase, and the speed of incident will be faster than the original system!

All in all, night-long winds need to systemically cultivate Qigong and martial arts as soon as possible, so that they can quickly improve their strength in gas, to increase combat power.

It is also a main line task at this time, so that the night's wind is in the door of the Turtle, and the night is happy.

The white task does not have a difficulty, and it is equivalent to 100,000 redemption points. This is also a welfare task!

"Changfeng ... Changfeng!" Burma shake his hands in front of the night.

"Why? Burta?" Asked at night.

"How are you in a daze, now it's okay, do you want to go to my house?" Booma made an invitation to the night wind.

"Ah ... I am not available now ... I still have something, go first!" The night's wind is directly rising in the dance air.

"What is, the long wind, where are you going?" Burma attacked.

"If you have anything, you can come to the Turtle Cactus to find me! These capsules will give you!" Night-hard wind will throw Burma from the capsules seized from Pilaif, and then turn over in the air, "That ... …Goodbye!"

A sound, the nozzle body shape is shot into the high altitude, and the speed is getting faster and faster.

Finally, I will disappear in the sight of Burma.

"Hey! Why is you running away, I will not eat you!" Booema fell.

"I am also gone!" After seeing night long, Wulong turned to prepare for the opening ...

"You come back to me, you have to compensate my loss, hey ... Just when I have a year of slaves!" Burmam pulled him back and pulled him back.

"God ... is not to have a girl's inner [pants] ... will be a slave for a year!" Wulong Yangtian screamed ...

1042 chapter, entry to Turtle

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