The Prince of Tennis Super God System

Chapter 1110 of the Chapter 1110 of the Prince of Tennis

All the way to the South Flying, and the night long is free to fly in the sky, he also turned from a green forest to a blue sea.

It is extremely far away, and the sea is connected to a piece, and the night grows in this sea. The vitality and vitality are felt.

"We can't choose this place to choose here, it is really a cultivation of the vitality!" In this blue sky, the mood of the night, the mood of the night has become open.

At the same time, the night long style feels that he and this Dragon Ball world is more accompanied, and the binding power of the flesh is also reduced.

call! It is a speed of flying, and the night is finally seen in the island that looks on the big air on the high altitude.

"It's here!" The night long wind turned over directly.

The legendary small island and Turtle fairy have appeared in front of the night, so that the night growth is kind.

"The Turtle Cactus is really pleasant!" The night's long turned over, slap, slowly falling on the island.

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"Well ... is it a trowner that the turtle fairy runs out?" The night's long face is confused.

Suddenly, the night-long wind heard the TV playback from the Turtle Tuena.

"Cut ... Obviously at home!" Night livestorm directly twisted the door lock of the door of Turtle, "No matter what my business, it is broken!"

The big shakes walked into the turtle fairy house, and the turtle fairy sat in front of the TV, fully immersed in the world of the TV, shines his eyes, and there was still a mouthwater in his mouth.

"First, two ... one, two ... good! Good! The turtle fairy almost didn't put your face directly on the TV.

At night, the wind is tied, "Kao! Turtle fairy actually even sees such a fan ..."

The night was long, and the disdain of his face. "I really didn't see the market. This world's technology is so developed. I didn't expect the entertainment industry so backward ..."

"Turtle fairy is old!" The night grew is rushing to the gods of the turtle fairy ear.

boom! The Turtle Cactus only felt that his ear was almost blown, and turned his head finally noticed that the night grow.

"Ah! It's you, boy!" Turtle fair did not expect that night long winds appeared here, "How did you come in?"

"Hey ... this is not a focus!" The night grew is a bit awkward.

"You wait ... first, wait! I haven't finished reading this show!" The turtle fairy pointed to the two girls of aerobics in the TV.

"Is there anything?" Night is suddenly hungry.

"I have eaten in the refrigerator! I don't have to eat!" The turtle fairy puts his hand and pays attention to the TV.

"Oh ..." The night's hard belly was hungry. At this time, I can't pay attention to the teacher, first fill the stomach and say.

Hey, the night's wind opened the refrigerator in the Turtle Fair, "Oh, it is still double open, things are still a lot!"

Night long winds have taken out the ingredients full of refrigerators, and they are free, and they all have to eat into their stomach.

It took more than ten minutes before and after, and the food of the entire refrigerator was swept away from the night.

"Today, I will here, next week, we will again!" At this time, the sound of the show ended in the TV.

"Hey ... so quickly, I'm really [addiction]!" The Turtle Cactus sighed, and she remembered the night.

"Right, the kid runs, but I want to worship me as a teacher, ... then I will accept him, but before this, the turtle fairy slowly stands up, the corner of the mouth Smile.

When I walked to the refrigerator, the turtle fairy was completely stupid, and the ingredients of the refrigerator were empty, while the night grew is as if there is still a favorite.

"All eat it? This is too exaggerated ... Although I told him to eat, but I don't have to do it, this is my food! Is this kid to eat me?" Turtle The fairy has a drop of cold sweat.

"Yes! Young people, what are you looking for?" The Turtle Cactus asked.

"I am coming to worship Wu Tian teacher as a teacher. I heard that the teacher, you are this earth, the martial arts achievement, so come here, I want to explore the true meaning of martial arts!" Night long wind surface does not change color The blow is blown, it is actually to steal his martial arts.

"Haha ... young people, I have seen your skeleton, suitable for training! Under my turtle, I will have a big work!" Turtle fair is very useful for the garde of the night.

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"Yes! Is the girl you come together not?" The Turtle Cactus remembered Burma and immediately asked.

"Oh, you say Burma? She goes home!" Night long winds.

"Hey ... It's a regret!" The turtle fairy regrets, "Yes, I haven't asked your name yet?"

"My name is the night, the wind!" The night is directly driven.

"Night and long wind! Well! Good name!" The Turtle Cactus touched the white beard and laughed.

"My kao! I finally have people to know the goods!" Night wind did not expect the Turtle Cactus to learn from the goods, the people who have been passed through the world are strange, in fact, what kind of fire god in the night's eyes, Black Scientific also these names are really unparalleled.

...... [....

"Changfeng, you have to join my door is not ok, but I am a little bigger, I have not charged many years!" The turtle fairy wants to wait for it.

"Cut ... I know that this 100,000 exchange points are not white. In this case, I only have a trick!" The night's mouth is smiling, the right hand is exhibited, and the night length has a few box.

"Is this?" Turtle fair eyes straight, and this hand that is inadvertently exposed, let the turtle fairy shocked.

"Hey ... I will have a hard work of Wu Tian teacher! The kid will have a thank you!" The night-length wind passed a box of Cactors.

"Is this?" The turtle fault looked at the cover on the CD, and his eyes were straight, "the best, the best!"

The night-long customs gave the turtle fairy exactly he was specially redeemed from the supernatural system store. At that time, Cang teacher was still very jealous, but it looked more of the pure and moving, and it was full. HUO!

The Turtle Cactus has seen such a high-end entertainment, and the world of this dragon ball does not have this industry.

The light is to see a cover, the turtle fairy is already the hentessone flow.

"The scorpion can be taught! Changfeng, your kind is very high!" The turtle fairy took the box in the box, "Okay! I will accept you to the closing disciple of me tortoise!" "

"Thank you for the teacher!" The night's mouth is slightly tight, but it is thinking in the heart, "the small child, and my senior Zhuang Huang master played still!"

1043 chapter, Little Gangtou Clin

None words overnight, the turtle fairy watched the art show of Wan Jia's art show in the room.

The night-long wind is in the coast of the island, absorbing the vitality between the heavens and the earth.

"Call!" When the morning sun rose from the sea level, the night length slowly opened his eyes, and there was no cultifier in the evening, and the vitality in the night long wind is more, the density is higher. .

bass! At this time, the night lengthy wind saw a bright bald head reflected in the morning sun, very dazzling.

"I am going ... Is that why?" The night grew in the wind.

!! A little boy is screaming a single wooden boat is driving the island where the Turtle is located.

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