The Prince of Tennis Super God System

Chapter 1111 of the Super Short System of Tennis Prince

"Ah ..." At this time, the turtle fairy hurts yawned from the Turtle Fellow, starting every day, early morning exercise - broadcast gymnastics!

"Changfeng ... You gave a good art film yesterday! Very good! Very good!" Turtle fairy didn't sleep in a night or unusually excited, there is still a red trace under the nose, it seems to flow Many nosebleeds.

"Teacher Wu Tian, ​​it seems that someone is coming, is your friend?" Night wind pointed to the boat that is constantly close to the sea.

"Oh?" The turtle fairy looked at the direction of the night long fingers, "Really! It seems to be a child!"

!! The boat finally went to a place where there were more than ten meters from the island, and the bald kids were thrown away from the boat.

"This funny guy will not be ..." The classic character in the Dragon Ball is remembered in the night.

"Hey!" Xiaojitou drunk, putting his baggage directly from the wooden ship, and actually jumping directly to the island.

"I will go ~ Why don't you take the boat? Is it a handsome?" The night long style is not falling.

A slight, the small light head is inserted directly [into] into the sand on the coast, come to down onions!

"Hey, ` [▉ "The little light head kept turning with it to break free from the bottom.

"What do this kid want to do?" The turtle fairy is confused, "the long wind, pull him out!"

"Oh!" The night's right hand directly grabbed the back of the little bald head, and then he added him directly.

"Cough!" The little bald head sneaked two sisters to cover up his handshal, and then took the dust on the body with his hand. "Thank you!"

"You are Wu Tianshi Master?" Xiaojitou looked forward to seeing the Turtle Cactus.

"It is!" The turtle fairy looked at the small bald head in front of it.

"My name is Kaklin, I am coming from the east of the east, please Wusu Master has already received me as a disciple!" The little head said positive.

"Haha, it is Kedlin! No wonder so funny!" Laughing in the night, there is a smile in the mouth.

"Oh! I have worked hard! However, I will not easily collect the apprentice, you still go!" The turtle fairy is an old set.

"Hey, this book is my meeting!" Ke ▉ seems to know that the turtle fault is hobby, from the baggage, a photo collection is handed over to the Turtle Cactus.

"Wow ... I think about it again! The Tao Tao Cactus saw that the photo of Kelling's hand was bright, but she did not promise to Kelin.

After all, the gift from the night-long wind is compared to the gift of the night.

"Oh ... oh ... Yes!" Turtle fairy was forced to open a photo set, starting to obey, but also shugged from time to time.

"Do you like it?" Klin a dedicated look, the turtle fairy is seriously reading the photo collection without him.

"Hey! Are you his apprentice?" Kling turned his head asked the night.

"Hey ... Yes, close the big disciple!" The night grew is deliberate.

"So good!" Klin's envy, sweeping the streamlined muscles on the long-standing body, "This guy seems to be very strong!"

"Kllin, isn't you practicing the iron head?" The night length of the night was flashed by the light head of the Clin.

"No! People who practice martial arts must shave the head, so you can concentrate the will, do you see Wu Tianshi Master?" Kelin is dissatisfied with the turtle fairy.

"I am bald ..." The Turtle Cactus said that Ke Lin said.

"What is your name?" Turtle fairy finally finished reading a photo.


"You want to learn to be in my door, you must bring your lovely girl here, you know my hobby!" Turtle fairy two eyes.

"This is this ..." Kling started a long time in the turtle fairy ear.

In the process, the turtle fairy is constantly nod, "it's right!

"The scorpion can be taught! Yes! Yes!" The turtle fashion smiled.

"You have a prize!" Ke Lin proudly replied.

"KAO! Wusian teacher is not saying that I am closing my disciple? An inferior photo set will bought him!" The night grew and shook his head, "too did nothing!"

"Changfeng ... There is also a task to give you a teacher, as your entry test!" The turtle fairy suddenly turned around to the night.

"It's coming! I know that it is not so easy!" Night long wind strange why I didn't hear the task tasion of the superhen system. It turned out that there is no entry that has not completed the entry.

"What mission? You handed it over to us, guarantee the completion of the task!" The night's wind has not opened it, and the Clin has agreed.

"You must bring a cute and sweet girl to come here, this is the task of getting started!" The turtle fairy touched his light smile.

! It turns out that the turtle fairy throws a capsule to start, it is a suspended airship, which looks quite advanced.

"I borrow my airship to you, go back and forth!" The turtle fairy pointed to the two people.

"No problem, packaged in me (good), Wu Tian teacher!" Kelin jumped on the airship, and then touched his light bald, "I don't seem to open this!"

! At the same time, the long wind and turtle cactus fell to the ground. "What is better than you don't open!"

"Let me come!" The night grew and shook his head, "I looked at 100,000 redemption points, I endured!"

Night winds have some doubts that they are pitted by the super god system, and I have a cheap master.

"Sitting!" The night grew the driver's seat and then launched the throttle directly!

The two, the two ride the suspended airship moment!

Night winds directly bombard the gates, and the airship has reached the highest speed between several breathing.

"Ah! You are slow, too fast, I will fall!" Kelin has never seen such a crazy person.

"This is fast? I am too slow!" Said the night's long says dissatisfaction ...

Chapter 1044, looking for sisters

Night long wind and Clin all the way through the suspended airship quickly crossed the sea, came to the vast land.

"Where can I find a beautiful girl to Wu Tian teacher?" Night long wind turned to the Clin, "Hey ... Kllin, do you have any attention?"

"No!" Kelin shaken his bright bald head, and a confused role.

"Cut ... Then how much you just promised! It's really!" The night grew away, I turned, "Or in the store of the supernatural system, I will change a inflatable doll to Wu Tian teacher ... "

Just when the night's very bad, I want to exchange a charging doll when I want to exchange a inflatable doll in the store of the super-god system, it is actually the sound of a series of bullets.

"Well?" The attention of the night and the two people of Clin were attracted.

There are two whims look like a police car, which is chasing a beautiful woman riding a capsule motorcycle.

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