The Prince of Tennis Super God System

Chapter 1114 of the Chapter 1114 of the Super Short System of Tennis Prince

"It's here! Before dinner, the long winds, you and Kelin first be a warm-up!" Turtle fair back in the back of the turtle.

"Ask the teacher to advice!" For the tribute to the martial arts, Clin is quite excited.

"Drafter, do I have to train together?" Lanti refers to himself.

"As long as you like, you can do anything!" The turtle fairy laughed with a laugh.

"Then I will do it ... I have a good meal ... Changfeng, what do you want to eat? Ha ..." Blue Qi lied his mouth BA.

"Run, she has changed!" The two guys who told the Turtle Cactus and the Kedlin turned and ran, and then she was hiding behind the boulder. She was afraid that the blonde Blue Qi came out to shoot them into a plug.

"Wusian teacher is really, so good to count the master ... How can I still be afraid of hot weapons!" The night's wind shook his head, and then smiled in Lan Qi, "Just, but to cook more. My appetite is a bit big! "

"Harbin! Ok!" The result is just a yawn, there is no change in character, "I have done dinner, you will train it!"

After the Blue Qi, I turned and turned to the Turtle Xianwa!

"Ah, there is a danger, it is just yawning! Scared me!" Kelin gave a breath.

"It's really useless! This is scared, how do you do something!" The Turtle Cactus spit it, "You see the long wind, this general, the future is a big event!"

"You are not the same ..." Night-long Fengqiu Alternative:-≯ face speechless expression.

"Good! I started training now!" Turtle fair finally said the topic.

"Kelin, have you learned martial arts?" Turtle cactus has already seen the strength of the long wind, there is very good understanding and flesh power, so I will turn to Kaulin.

"Yes! I used to learn about eight years in Dolin Temple!" Kelin wreath.

"It is not so bright to your head. It turned out to be a small monk!" Night long windpin.

"Very good! It seems that you have two foundations, let me see your strength!" The turtle fairy refers to a big tree that is opposite.

"From here, there is a hundred meters, you can run for a few seconds?" The turtle fairy explained, "Although it is not a good martial artist, the martial artists are different from ordinary people. The waist and leg, so running will be very fast! "

"Hey ... I will run! Let you see my world-class flying legs!" The eyes flashed in the eyes.

"Good! Let's come first!" The turtle fairy ran to the opposite big tree, then it was a order, "prepared ... Run!"

bass! Kelin launched directly to start running quickly, almost eaten with the strength of milk, the two short legs were very fast ...

At this time, the clin is too short, the legs are short, it is obvious in short run, but his speed is very good in the earth people.

"Hey! It's time!" Kelin finally became a bald strike.

! At the same time, the turtle fairy presses the stopwatch in his hand.

"Oh! It's very powerful, 10 seconds 4, this level is very disappeared!" The turtle fairy was slightly surprised.

"10 seconds 4? My best record is ten seconds! It is probably the influence of the charm, haha!" Kling wiped the sweat of wipedhead to his own achievements.

Taking a hundred-meter running ten seconds in Kerlin, it is invincible in the ordinary people, but it is only necessary for a martial artist.

"Good! Long wind, you are!" The turtle fairy waved toward the night.

"Teacher Wu Tian, ​​you come to my teacher!" Night-long winds first to see what level is known as the top martial artists of the earth.

"Well! Just now, Ke Lin runs faster, but it is only the level of humanity, and excellent martial artists must have a wide range of people's limit!" The turtle fairy took off the turtle shell and handed the stopwatch. Lin, "Klin, you will give me a remember!"

"Good!" Kelin took a stopwatch.

"You can start!" The turtle fairy returned to the starting point, which was a place from the big tree.

"Preparation ... run!" Under the order of Klin, the turtle fairy started instantly.

4.3 Boom! A few breaths, the turtle fairy is directly through the row of the lesion, and the distance from Klin is brush.

"God, fast speed!" Klin shouted his eyes and dared to believe in the value of the stopwatch in his hand.

despair! The turtle fairy suddenly took the body shape, turned to ask, "a few seconds?"

"5 ... 5 seconds 6!" Clin was exclaimed.

"5 seconds 6! Well, practice to this speed is almost!" The turtle fairy took the turtle shell in the back, "this is called surpassing the limits of human beings, you are still young, you can completely break through five seconds. record of!"

"Wow! Martial arts is really powerful!" Klin looked at the Turtle Cactus.

"Well ... it seems that the speed is not very!" Night long wind suddenly.

! Clin and Turtle Cactors fell to the ground, "Can this kid be faster than this?"

1047 chapter, universe speed

"Okay, I am!" The night's long wind was arms, "Hey, this time, let you know what is called the universe!"

Night long wind body micro-flex, the right foot is inward.

The loud noise, the night length is instantly, and the ground at the foot of his right foot is instantly cracking, and the ripple spreads several meters.

boom! The body shape of the night, is like a radiant to run through a hundred meters between the blink.

The wind of the night is very rapidly running, directly putting the Clin over the ground, and even the turtle cactus is blown to the East to the West.

! The Turtle Cactus consciously pressed the second table, which was already late, but it also differed.

"This is also too exaggerated! I only see a residual! Is the long-winding compared to Wu Tianshi is still too powerful? It is impossible!" Klin shocked his eyes, "How many seconds?"

"2 ... 2 seconds 1!" Turtle fairy is also surprised to read a stopwatch in his hand, then reported a little bit of a little dare not believe.

In general, the top martial artists on the earth should be around five seconds, while the night long wind 31 has been used for two seconds, and even after two seconds will run a hundred meters.

This has indeed beyond the limits of organisms on the earth, just as the night's own style is the speed of the universe.

Of course, the night's wind does not have a full run. If it is the power of the dragon icon on the double [leg], the night long wind energy is in a breath is less than a second time running 100 meters.

This is simply simple to have a good fight against more than 60 night-long winds and strong enchanting.

However, the night's wind also knows what this speed can't be in the universe after the Dragon Ball World, there are many combat power tens of powerful, and the speed is not distinguished in the earth and instantly moves.

The earth's gravity is too small, the restrictions of gravity and air resistance are naturally not too big.

"Strong terrible!" The turtle fairy flashed on the sunglasses. "This kid is simply a wonderful Wizard, which will be surpassed me in the future!"

When the Turtle Cactus knows if the real dry frame, the weather in the night is still above him, but it is only for the use of gas, and the night cost is not proficient, and the turtle fairy is more than a small distance.

"Teacher Wu Tian, ​​this body does not have to test it! We still come to practice and feel good!" Night long wind turned heads.

"Well! Yes, your body is already qualified!" Turtle fairy nodded, "But ... Today, don't find it, let's eat first!"

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