The Prince of Tennis Super God System

Chapter 1115 of the Chapter 1115 of the Prince of Tennis

"Okay! Eat! I am hungry!" Klin cheered.

"Well!" Night of the night, in fact, his belly is also screaming.

The energy required by the Saiyan's blood is too large, especially for night-hard wind.

"It's trouble! It seems that you must improve the ability to absorb the sky and absorb the sky, so you can don't need to eat a lot of ingredients so much every day!" The night's three people returned to the Tao Tiantian.

Blue Qi has prepared a special hot pot cuisine for three. halogen

The night long-winding rolls, the eaten, the food, the cuisine level of the blueqi, is still good, it can be said to be the highest level of the housewife.

However, this ingredient is completely satisfied with the night-hearted wind, and the night grows to float their eyes toward the Turtle Cactus.

"Ah ... Changfeng, you are stinky ... I want to eat my ▉ ▉ ▉!" The turtle fairy quickly guarded his casserole.

"My is also!" Klin also took the casserole to his own arms, and it is not too hot.

"Changfeng, have you still have enough?" Lan Qi is also surprised by the food of the night. She is already a ten-person part of the night, the result is still not enough. "Do you want me to help you again. Do it? "

"No!" The night was swaying, and then stood up.

"Well ... I want to eat this hot pot. I don't know how long it will be enough! I still go to prey!" The night's wind turned directly.

"Haha, Blue Qi, you don't mind! Long wind, this kid is a super stomach king! Let him go to eat!" The Turtle Cactus has become accustomed to the super stomach of the night, you have to know the night Before it took more than ten minutes, he prepared for a month's ingredients.

Out of the Turtle Tower, the night long wind flew to the sea from the sea.

Compared to land, night long wind is still more willing to prey in the sea, the big sea is more vast land, as long as there is strength to capture a variety of ingredients.

The ingredients in the ocean of the dragon ball world are also rich than the Earth in front of the night.

boom! Night long winds in the air, and an acceleration directly into the sea.

Dive or dive, the night long wind is getting deeper, the pressure is getting bigger and bigger!

However, this pressure has nothing to do with the night, and the night is still free to move in the deep sea.

The reason why the diven to the deep sea of ​​thousands of meters, the night-catching wind is to capture a special ocean ingredient - deep sea whale.

"Oh, luck is really good!" Night Changshi just looking for more than ten minutes in the deep sea, I have seen this goal.

A huge black shadow appeared in the top of the night, the whole deep sea whale was full of thousands of meters long, completely, the top of the night length head was covered. 207

However, in this deep sea, there is less sunshine to shoot in, anyway, it is a dark, and the night is not a matter. He is a deep sea whale with an angry.

This is actually a way to repair refining gas, inductive gas in nature.

Like such a huge deep sea whale, the night-length wind estimates at least hundreds of combat power can capture, the premise is that he can dare to end into such a deep sea.

After all, there is not only deep sea whale, but also other combat more horrible creatures.

"This should be full!" The night-long style should be the most sufficient position in deep sea whale, and directly to the adult depth sea whale.

"Wave!" Night, the right hand, right hand, in the deep sea, the whole arm has doubled, and then directly on this deep sea whale.

Night wind does not use the gas, because the gas is not enough in the body of the night, and the deep sea whale is in the deep sea.

That is the force of the dragon icon!

Bang! Bang! Bang! The calm water wave in the deep sea is boiling, and the deep sea whale is depressed in the body of the night.

The water wave is in the wind, it is simply like a deep sea volcano!

A loud noise, the sea is finally blown, the huge deep sea whale is actually the cold in the night, which is horrified!

1048 chapter, big stomach king

Bang! At this time, a golden sparkling figure shot from the blue sea, it is a night!

The arms are in the back, and then the continuous waves, the night-long's boxing is on the body of the deep sea whale.

In front of the deep sea whale, watching the night from the distance is just a golden dot, but the deep sea whale is step by step to the shore of the island.

The fist just in the deep sea, the night-lived wind has made the deep sea whale to die, the viscera is already smashed by the boxing.

Nowadays, the cold winds will remain in the deep sea whale, then bounce out, then use the hot waves brought by the box to cook deep sea whales!

That's right, the night's wind is actually thinking of the power of the dragon icon is so big ingredient. I am afraid that I can do this on this earth.

With the night's waves, the world echoed with a large response, the huge voice caused the attention of the Tour Townshouses.

"What happened?" Klin was shocked to stand directly, and he can't eat it.

"Oh ... such a big vibration, is the volcanic eruption in the island?" The turtle fairy is a slowly slow position.

"Nani! Volcanic eruption, we can escape!" Ke Lin heard the volcano broke out, turned around his 'flying leg' to start running.

Turtle cactus and blue Qi are behind him, and I have gone out of the Turtle.

A loud noise, just in the three people just turtled the fairy house, a huge black shadow in the sky fell.

"Ah! Is it a meteorite?" Ke Lin looked up and scared his face, double [leg] soft, if it is really a meteorite, he doesn't have to run, so close to the distance.

"Well?" The turtle fairy looks, his momentum is improved.

"Teacher Wu Tian, ​​this is my dinner, you can don't get it!" At this time, the black shadow of the sky was blocked. "

"Ah! It is the long wind!" Blue Qi pointed to the golden dots in the sky.

Bang! Finally, the huge black shadow slowly fell in front of everyone, and the night grew is under this huge black shadow, he actually held this at least hundred tons of huge things.

"My day, how much is this boy's power?" The turtle fairy was shocked by the giant force of the night's long wind, let alone Kelin and Blue Qi.

! It will be thrown by the deep sea whale of his own fist, on the ground, the night grows, the three people smile, " ... I can eat it!"

"This is a deep sea whale? It is still ripe?" The Turtle Cactus smelled the fragrance from the deep sea whale.

This deep sea seafood should not add any seasonings, the most primitive is the best, to some extent, the night grows with the best way.

"Right, do you want to eat?" Night long wind turned his head and looked at the three people asked.

"Don't!" Ke Lin's head shakes with the row, this deep sea whale is a big dinner, let alone eat.

"Then I will start!" Night long wind turned to the deep sea whale, "Thank you for all the ingredients in the world, I started!"

More than the deep sea whale is more surprised by the night, the night is directly jumped on the back of the deep sea whale, and less than 15 minutes will have only bones in the deep sea whale of the whole thousands of rice.

This speed is also very exaggerated in the universe, let alone the earth.

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