The Prince of Tennis Super God System

Chapter 1116 of the Super Short System of the Prince of Tennis

I don't know why, the night-catching Saiyan blood veins will not say, their food and appetite are much more than the general Saiyan.

However, there is no food gene without a food gene, and after the night grows, after the deep sea whale, in addition to filling the stomach, the essence of the deep sea whale absorbed is limited.

Seeing that the night's long-winding will swallow the whole deep sea whale, the Klin and Turtle Cactus and Blue Qi three are completely stunned, and the night's belly is only a little bigger, then he swallowed. Where did those meas run?

This is a puzzle that the three will never solve, and the impression of the lords of the night is deeply incorporated into the three brains.

"This stinky kid is not coming to make a teacher, but it is a poor me!" The Turtle Cactus took a satisfaction of his wallet.

"It's amazing! The long wind is so powerful, Wuditian teacher should be more powerful!" Kllin looked at the turtle fairy, "Great, I will be so powerful in the future!"

The next day, the morning sun ligated the island again.

The turtle fairy and the two people sleep well in a room, especially Klin, training for a day, more hard than him in Dolin Temple.

··· ▉ ▉ · ·····

Gomard ~ The alarm of the ▉ sounded, the turtle fairy got up and pressed the alarm, then wearing clothes, sweeping an eye, Klin is still sleeping, and there is no photo on the bed of the night.

"Changfeng, this kid is cultivated all night?" Turtle fairy is not blamed for the habit of the night grow.

"This stinky kid is so good, it is so practiced!" Turtle fairy habited so many years, and never seen the cultivator like night long, "I don't know what this kid practiced such a job. If you practice your body, it is not good. "

"Well ..." It is difficult to practice with the child's body! It is estimated that the hobby of the small wind is the same as the practice. Um ... Yes, it must be the case! "The turtle fairy nodded.

..... [... [. ▉ ...

Where did he knew that night long wind would be prepared for the strong enemy on the earth, and the night-length winds don't want to rely on others to resurrect themselves.

"Well ... It's bright!" The Turtle Cactus looked at the window, and then changed the training service, "Klin! Get up! Start training!"

"Ah! I am only four or a half, I will sleep for a while, so tired yesterday!" Kelin slowly opened his sleep.

"Less waste! Hurry up and get up!" Turtle fair replied, "If you don't get up, I have to take you out of the teacher!"

"Know!" Klin heard that he had to be coming out of the teacher and jumped directly and started to change the training service.

The two came to the empty space outside the Turtle.

"Changfeng! You come down, the cultivation begins!" The Turtle fairy took the cliff to the cliff on the cliff in the cliff in the cliff.

"It's coming!" The night's eyes opened, and the blue light in the eyes turned, and the gas in his body increased a lot.

"This kid is high!" The turtle fairy felt obviously, and the night grew is more harmonious than one day.

! After turning over, the night long wind and Klilin stood a row.

"Very good! I have to officially teach you the martial arts of Turtle Fairy!" The turtle fairy is back to the back, "But before this, you have to tell me what is your heart?"

1049 chapter, new task

"Klin, you should say it first!" The turtle fairy refers to the Kn of Clin.

" ... I don't know what martial arts, I just want to practice super high martial arts, let the girl like it!" Kelin said with his light smile.

"Kelin, your child motivation is not pure!" Turtle fair replied.

"Cut ... Teacher Wu Tian is still not the same!" The night is in the mouth.

"Well, long wind, you come!" The turtle fairy turned to ask the night long wind.

"Martial arts is actually a performance situation, only murderous martial arts is called martial arts!" Night long said the idea in his heart.

"You are not good!" The turtle fairy touched his own white beard. "Changfeng, you are too heavy, this is not good for cultivation!"

In fact, since the Naruto World, the night growth is only in order to survive, only the constant improvement, no matter what the "eight three" is the world, it is a natural law, weak meat.

All the way, the night length thoughts will be connected. When the kill does not work soft, this is not called in the loud eyes, but an open-minded.

Killing decisive, strong people are respect!

To put it bluntly, this is a natural rule, and human spirit and emotions will be crushing in front of ruthless heights.

"Cough!" The turtle fairy did two times. "Learning martial arts is not for fighting or striving for a winner, not to get the girl's heart, you have to learn martial arts, make your body and mind, then let life have more significance!"

"However, for those who use unfair to arbitrarily invade [guilty] others, they should also learn from the long winds!" Turtle fairy a trip.

Although the night cost does not agree with the Turtle Cactus, he just laughs, there is no refute.

Many times, everyone's ideas are different. Their horizons and look at the problem determine the difference in individual cognition. This is not discussed. If you blow it, whoever is caught.

"Okay, now we start cultivating it!" Turtle fair finally entered the topic.

"Hey, I can finally learn the martial arts of Turtles, Wuditian teacher, is it to learn a deep martial arts?" The night's face is looking forward to the Turtle Cactus.

"First of all, ... Jogging!" Turtle fairy turned, "Follow me!"

"Ah ... it's boring, I don't need to warm up!" The night is dissatisfied.

"Don't talk nonsense, stinky boy, follow the teacher!" Turtle fairy took a night long wind and Klin to a cattle [milk] station, and then took two boxes [milk].

"You hold a box, now start sending cattle [milk]!" Turtle fairy handed the cattle [milk] to two.

"Ah ... send cattle [milk], I have heard that Wu Tian teacher is very strict, it seems not too hard!" Klin sneaked.

After three people ran more than ten miles, I sent a lot of cattle [milk], Klin tired is panting, and the night grows, there is no, this exercise is for night growth, even warm body Can't count.

"Kelin, you run too slow! If you grind, the cattle [milk] will be broken!" The turtle fairy turned his head to the Kark Road just followed.

"You are too fast, it's really exhausted!" At this time, Clin is already sweating.

"Well, I don't have to run here, now I start climbing the step!" The turtle fairy refers to the meandering steps on the top of the finger, and there is a temple.

The whole step height has at least a thousand meters, tens of thousands of ladders, simply [shrug] into the cloud!

"Ah! My God, I have to climb like a high mountain!" Clin two eyes are short, and the night-long wind is already starting to pick up.

!!! The night-long wind jump continuously, every jump is crossing more than ten sections, soon disappearing in the sight of the Turtle Cactus and Clin.

"The stink of the long wind is so fast, Klin, you have to come on!" The Turtle Cactus began to climb on the top of the mountain.

"It's a monster!" Kling is also climbing only the first level.

When the Turtle Cactus climbed to the top, the night's wind was cultivated on the top of this mountain.

"Teacher Wu Tian, ​​why are you so slow! I have been waiting for a long time!" The night is dissatisfied.

"This stinky boy ... I am training him, or he is training me!" The turtle fairy shook his head helplessly.

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