The Prince of Tennis Super God System

Chapter 1117 of the Super Short System of Tennis Prince

After another hour, Clin is finally , climbed the top, the whole person is like from the sweat tank.

"Kelin, you finally arrived! Too late, we have to go down!" The turtle fairy was half-dead, only to raise the gas in the body ...

"Ah! I am exhausted!" Kelin did not hurry, quickly put the last cattle [milk] into the milk box.

"There are two donors!" At this time, a balun came out, and ten times in the night long wind and Klin.

"You don't have to welcome!" The two returned to the ritual.

"Teacher Wu Tian, ​​are you training the disciples? It's really a long time!" The monk turned to the turtle fairy.

"Yeah, I haven't seen it for a long time!" Turtle fair replied.

"You still have such a spirit, how is the two gods training?" Asked.

"Well ... it's okay! I think they are very potential!" Turtle fair replied, "It's a conference, I want them to participate in two!"

"Oh! Yes, it is the first martial arts meeting in the world!" The monk shouted, "It seems that Wu Tian teacher is very high!"

"Ah, is that blending the national martial arts master, who is the first meeting of the world?" Klin was excited to hear the martial arts conference, "Teacher, can we participate?"

"Of course, as long as you are not lazy!" The Turtle Cactus gave an affirmative answer.

"Too good! If you can participate, I will be very famous!" The Kark Brain began to fantasize himself to get the first scene of the martial arts meeting, countless girls smiling at him.

"Ah, the martial arts meeting! I am bored, I don't want to participate!" The night is swaying, and there is no great interest in this world's 5.7 first martialoise society.

"The champion of the martial arts conference can be a high reward!" Turtle fair said to night long-lasting wind, he still hopes that night long-winding will participate in the martial turtle.

"Not interested, Wuditian teacher, you still teach me Qigong!" The night long-term style is justified, and the system of the system sounds.

Ding! Trigger the main line task: Get the 21st Tianxia First Armed Dossal Championship

Mission level: green task

Mission Reward: A lot of draws plus one

Failure punishment: Randomly delete a skill from the user

Systematic evaluation: The difficult task is very difficult, but the user can make more understanding of the martial arts of this Dragon Ball.

"It's another task!" The night grew is a glimpse, and then some crying, "I seem to have to participate in this martial arts meeting!"

1050 chapter, martial arts conference

The number of lottery is still very big on the number of nights, and the difficulty of this task is also low.

Of course, seeing martial arts masters in the Dragon Ball World is also happy.

One month later, the night long wind and the two people completed the various wonderful cultivations made by the Turtle Cactus. For night-long wind, these cultivation enhanced his flesh power is almost unobsive, so night long winds every day. I have to sneak back into the small world.

In the small world, five times gravity training, a month training, no body strength of the night, there is no great growth.

After all, I have to have a strong strength of the night. I want to have great growth. It takes very powerful energy. It is obviously an individual that does not have this powerful energy.

However, the gas in the body of the night has grown a lot, and the various wonderful cultivation of the Turtle Cactus is not completely used for night growth, at least makes the night's body's strength is more controlled. Silk.

Night wind is now able to easily control the strength of your body, and no longer use this situation.

On the other hand, let the night 31 long wind did not think of the progress of Kelin, just a month, Kling survived in the hard training plan of the Turtle Cactus, and the strength is also a thousand miles away.

At the end, Clin is already able to promote tons of boulders, and the night-length wind is estimated that the combat power after Karlin training should have at least 55, before Ke, just coming, it is absolutely 10!

In just a month, Kelin has increased five times the combat power of its own, which makes the night grows are also a bit surprised.

"Well ... It seems that under his stimulation, Kling is faster than the original, thinking in the night.

Turtle fairy house outside.

"Okay, today is the last day of training, tomorrow is the first martial arts meeting in the world, so we have to go to the south today!" Turtle fairy has dressed in a suit.

"Good, great!" Klin was born old, completely a look from the earth gravity.

"Okay, you will change your clothes, then get on the bus! If you are later, we can't get up the plane!" The turtle fairy said to the two.

Kelin quickly changed the small suit, and the night long wind was too tight to wear a suit. The turtle fairy also had no way.

"Be careful all the way, come on to get the champion!" Lanti took the clove and night long winds in the car.

"Well! Aqi, remember not to sneeze again!" The night's long wind turned his hand.

"Blue Qi ... then trouble you!" The Turtle Cactus said, just launched a car, three people rushed to the airport.

Since the first martial arts in the world is too far away, if you use a capsule motorboat, you will come, so the turtle fairy chose to take a passenger plane.

After a few hours, the three successfully rushed to the registration office of the world's first martial art.

"Hey ... two people are not audiences, they are going to register!" Turtle fairy pointed at night long winds and Kedlin to the staff of the registration.

"Ah? A teenager, a child, these two must participate in the game? Very dangerous!" The staff was shocked.

"Don't look at them old, they are also very good martial artists, you will write their names! One is called Night, and the other is Kedlin!" The turtle fairy put his hand.

"Okay!" The staff swept a face without a face, and a nervous clin, still wrote the name of the two, "said anyway, they can't exceed the qualifiers!"

"Wow! There are a lot of audiences on the scene!" Kelin looked at the voices of the voices.

"I don't know if there is a martial artist who has a powerful, if there is no one, it is too boring!" The night is looking at the right side.

"We must go to the preselection venue now. You don't want to be east. Be careful, you can't find a place!" The turtle fairy took the team.

Subsequently, the Turtle Cactus led two people to the preselected stadium.

"Pay attention! The qualifier will begin immediately. Please participate in the contestants will go to the coalvous guide!" A staff member took the megaphone.

"Here!" The Turtle Cactus handed the entry form to the staff.

"Hey! Do you really have to participate?" The staff looked at the young night-hearted wind and Klin shocked.

"Yeah!" Kelin hurriedly nodded.

"I can only accompany you here, go in! Come on!" The Turtle Cactus opened the suitcase with the bag, "Yes, I almost forgot your clothes!"

The turtle fairy took out two sets of training suit from the suitcase, a set of night long winds and Clin people.

Both people quickly replaced this very famous turtle funeral, the night's wind is very satisfied with the sale of the battle, simple and clear, the competition of the contest is too much.

When the night grows, when I look at Dragon Ball before crossing, I really want a set of this combat service, and now I finally realize the desire, and still an absolute original version.

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