The Prince of Tennis Super God System

Chapter 1118 of the Chapter 1118 of the Herbs of Tennis Prince

"Wow! This dress is cool, if you wear this set of clothes, then it is too shameful!" Kelin is also very satisfied with the combat clothing.

"Well, now you go in! The eight players winning in the qualifier will eventually fight in the audience in the main stage, and then decide the final champion!" The turtle fairy explained. "You have to enter the first eight!" "

"I know!" The night grewing walked into the pre-selection venue, and the Klin was also rushing up.

"Changfeng ... Waiting for me!"

"These people are players?" After walking into the venue, look around, and feel very powerful 077 opponents, the appearance of the people is a misery, gorilla, fox.

"It looks very powerful, I ... set it!" Kelin saw that there was a strong player on so many surfaces, and suddenly it was nervous.

"Today, I will hold a year of the world's first martial arts conference. Everyone is not far away, it is hard!" The organizer's staff stood on the stage. "This conference will be from 130 from all over the country. In the seven masters, eight participating in the first martial arts conference! "

"Ah! One hundred and thirty-seven! Have a lot of people!" Klin said.

"Do you have a little bit of interest? It is also a disciple of turtle fairy!" The night is very speechless to shoot the bald head of Kedlin.

"Ah! I am very hurt! Why do you play me!" Klin turned his head, a face of innocent expressions.

"Below, I will explain the rules of the game ..." The staff referred to several than the martial arts.

"The two sides are in more than the martial arts, falling more than the weapai, fainting, admitting or crying! Can't kill the opponent, you can't use the weapon, the qualifier is only one minute, and the winning and negative will be The referee decisions! "The staff announced the rules.

"Okay, now start a lot of group!" A carton was taken out, and more than 100 contestants started to take their own number, and then to the corresponding competition.

1051 chapter, qualifier

"I pumped it is 93, how many numbers are you?" Kelin opened his number to take it.

"Oh, I am No. 70!" Night, I looked at the note on the paper.

"Ah! We are in the same group, I don't want to fight with you!" Kelin looked up at the schedule of the schedule.

"What is the call, though we are all three groups, but the number is far from the difference, it should be can't touch!" The night is sweeping a glimpse.

"Well ... I don't want to fight with you! But if the first round can't pass, then there is no matter!" Klin and night costume began to stretch the body, casually warm up.

"These guys can't stand up, don't you worry, what are you worried about!" The night's long said casually.

"But Wu Tianshi has not paid all of our martial arts!" The voice of the Clin rushed, and a referee stood to the third ratio of Martai.

"The third set of qualifiers will now start, please ask the two players on the 69 and No. 70!" The referee announced the way.

"Oh! It seems that I am the first one!" The night's wind jumped directly to Budai.

"Come on, the long wind!" Kling shouted at the stage.

"Ah, do you come to the competition?"

"Yeah, it looks old, the guy of 69 is lucky! The first round of opponents is so weak!" The third is whipped by everyone in Budai.

More than the martial art.

The opponent of the night, is a strong man. At least two meters high, the whole body is the muscles of the bulge, it seems that there is still a lot better than night long wind.

"Well? Where is the stinky boy, even if you win this kind of little ass, there is no sense of accomplishment!" Zhuanghan looked at the night.

"This is waiting for you to win again!" The night grew away. He felt anything that he couldn't in the body, that is, his first round of the opponent is just a strong ordinary person.

"The game begins!" The referee will make the referee.

The moving figure in the night disappeared in the original place, and the golden light flashed in front of everyone.

"What about? What about? Where to get` ▉? "Zhuang Han Dong Zhang western can't see the night.

"Behind you!" The nozzle of the night is in the heart of the strong man.

Snapped! The night is gently with your finger to point a strong illuminant.

A slashing, so that the strong man directly was taken by a good index finger in the night, it took a better than the Wuda.

Dangdang, directly dropped the third ratio of the third.

"No. 70 players win!" The referee is also a surprised to announce the victory of the night, and the game will not be in the end of the beginning.

"This is too exaggerated!"

"I did not see anything!"

"Well ... must be that guy doesn't pay attention to yourself!" The watch players under the Weitai turned out, their naked eyes were completely unable to capture the movement of the night. Spoon 8

"I am going to ... is really not easy!" The night is jumping over the martial arts, that is too strong, and the night is almost indistinguisha, so that this strong man will not be killed by himself. Still use a lot of heart.

This is like ordinary people to let themselves don't step on an ant in [wild]. I have to pay attention to I don't want to step on the ground.

"It's so powerful, the long wind!" Kelin ran over. first

"Right, Klin, you don't want too much!" Night Changfeng ▉ Clin said, "Your current combat power is not weak, if you have a force, you will accidentally kill people, then you will Lost qualification! "

"Changfeng, what are you talking about?" Klin is still not confident on his strength.

"Yeah! Is this not a Klin?" Suddenly there was a sound from the back of Klin.

"Haha, it's really you!" One fat and thin two bald heads behind the mind behind Klin.

"Brother!" Kelin seems to be aware of these two monks.

"Since you cry, I haven't seen it for a long time." Thin and still looked at Keling.

Clin's face is not very good, and it is to be bullied by both.

"What are you doing here?" Asked fat and asked.

"Don't you participate in the first martial arts conference in the world?" The thin monk is ridiculous, and a look can not stand the way.

"Yes ... I am signed up ..." Clin said some tense.

"Haha, you are joking! Are you forgotten my advice to you, you are not suitable for practicing!" The thin and still laughed.

"You are the third group, how many people?" Asked fat monk.

"No. 93!" Kelin replied.

"Haha! Too good, just your opponent is me, too interesting!" Skin and still a pair of "I have set you".

"Ah!" Kelin was shocked.

"Kelin, please don't be too hard, the brother is very afraid!" If the thin and no one ridicule Kedlin.

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