The Prince of Tennis Super God System

Chapter 1119 of the Super Short System of Tennis Prince

"Hahaha!" The fat man on the side also laughed.

"What planes, do you know these two stupid than?" The night is a little unreasonable.

"Ah, when I am in Dolin Temple, I am always bullied by them. This is over ... He is very powerful, I still abstain!" Klin said very much.

"I am afraid of a hair, I will go back before, I will die the thin child!" The night shot took the shoulders of Clin, "You don't know how strong your strength now!"

"Let me not have too hard for a while, now let me do my best, where is it ..." Clin's doubts.

"Don't talk nonsense, hurry up!" The night is flying directly.

A slap, Kllin is directly sent to the table.

"Haha, Klin, have you been very can't wait to be ?" Skinny also climbed up to Martai.

"Hey ... How can Clin may be the opponent of the first master of Dolin Temple, this competition has no suspense!" Fat and still a good expression.

"Start!" The referee will be left.

drink! Skinny first launched an attack, (got Zhao) lifted a punch is a striking.

! Kling was shocked, then aware of the next awareness, jumping directly a few meters high.

"What!" The thin and still stayed, he did not think of his full blow, and it was easy to be so easy by Klin.

despair! Kelin fell behind the thin, then jumped directly, flying up and kicked the skin that had just turned.

"Ah!" The thin and still screamed, and his eyes were all rounded, and then quickly kicked by Clin instantly.

A slimmer, the thin, the body smashed a big hole on the wall of the venue, then flew out, and finally disappeared.

"Wow ..." The audience exclaimed that everyone was shocked to fall down, especially fat monk, urine was scared.

"93 ... No. 93 victory!" The referee is also a shocking, compared with the actions that are completely seen between nights, the movement of Clin undoubtedly look more mighty and powerful.

1052 chapter, starting

"I am actually so powerful!" Kelin jumped over the martial arts and looked down at his own hands. There was a feeling that he couldn't believe.

"Your kid is still far away!" The night was laughing and took the picture of the micro.

The next few rounds of competitions, night long winds and Clin are all the way to sing, these so-called martial arts fighting power are in the fifteenth one, and they are all in the hands of Klin, and they say that they have long-lasting. .

Final night long wind and Clin in the third group of successful meeting, the two jointly entered the race, got the power of participating in the world's first martial arts meeting.

"Good! It's great!" Kllin jumped again and jumped.

"I am going ... I am not holding a champion, why is it so excited!" The night is helplessly shakes.

"Ah, you are!" He suddenly became a familiar voice behind the night.

When the night is growing, the man who appears behind, "Oh, it is Yamu tea!"

"You also come to the competition, but also wearing a turtle funeral, is you a disciple of Wu Tian teacher?" Yamu Tea was shocked.

"Yeah!" Night of the wind nodded.

"It's no wonder that he is so powerful, it turned out to be the apprentice of Wu Tian teacher!" Yamu Tea Heart - 137 - Thinking, "I can only take this competition!"

"Long wind, who is he?" Klin said it is asked by Yamu tea.

"Oh! His name is Yammy Tea, is a ..." Night Changfeng is talking about a robber, it is blocked by Yamu tea.

"Haha, I am now a martial artist!" Yamu tea smiled, and immediately pointed at Kedlin, intentionally transferred the topic. "He also worn the clothes of Turtles, is he also a disciple of Wu Tian teacher?"

"Yeah, he is called Klin! It is my brother!" The night is sweeping with Yamu tea, "I don't know if this guy has improved ..."

"It's over ... this, I am hanging with the runner!" Yamu tea shook his head.

"Yes! I just saw the pig's pig head and the girls with you before!" Yamu tea said to the night.

"Oh ... Burt and Oolong come?" The night was laughing, and then turned to the venue with Klin to leave the qualifier, came to the world's first martial arts meeting.

At this point here is already a voices, lively, and Wu Wei stands full of a large audience.

"Oh! On the other side, I saw Burma!" Night live wind flew up in the air, saw Burma and Oolong, they just next to the turtle fault.

"Wow! We met again!" The turtle fairy looked at Burma attentive.

"Turtle cactus, where are you living now? I went to the small island to find the long wind, but I can't find it!" Burt is not full.

"Ah, that is too small, in order to train, we move to the island, you can't find it is normal!" Turtle fair explained.

"I haven't seen it for a long time, Burt!" The night's shape suddenly appeared in Burma.

"Changfeng!" Burma saw a little excited, hard to help, actually hugged the night, and the turtle fairy was straight.

"Burma, you don't need it to be so excited!" Night wind is very speechless, Burma has a unique aroma and MO rubbing of Ou Pai, and the night grows up.

"Well, what? Changfeng, how do you still bring a stick, or hot!" Burma's consciousness touched the night's body.

Then in the moment, I realized that there is something that is not a stick, but ...

"Ah! You hate!" Burma pushed the night's wind, and the whole face was red.

"I am going ... is you eat me tofu, it's good! I am really hurt!" The night is very popular.

"You can't see it, the sun is a day, so many people! You two pay attention to a little image!" Oolong's pig heads.

"Well ... I suddenly wanted to eat a pig stewed soup!" The night is deliberate.

"Ah (dbbe)! Don't eat me, I am not eaten!" Oulong was scared to hide behind Burma, and that funny looks.

"Right, this is Klin, is my brother!" Night wind pointed to Kark Road.

"You are good!" Kelin took a nodded by everyone.

"How is the result? Is it qualified?" Turtle fair asked.

"Oh, of course! I have been eligible for Yammu tea with the long wind, and the long-winded friend Yamu tea is qualified!" Ke Lin is like a reply.

"Well! Yes! Yes!" The turtle fairy nodded.

"Ah, the Yamu tea is coming!" Burt was shocked.

At this time, the voice of the staff in the radio, "" It is necessary to start the first martial arts in the world, please participate in the players to the Wudo Temple! "

"Start, let's go to the game, and then talk again!" Night costumes did not want to be determined because of missed the game.

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