The Prince of Tennis Super God System

Tennis Prince Super Short System Chapter 1120

To know that this main line task is punished. If you fail, the night-length wind will lose a skill or practice. If the imaginatus is in the prison, the Buddha is deleted, and the night length is not found. Go cry.

"Well! Come on! Long wind!" Burma laughed at night, so it's hard to find the night's wind, let Burma's mood is also good.

"So ... I am also ..." Turtle Cactus suddenly disappeared in the same place.

"If there is a long wind, this game should not be suspense! I don't know what kind of progress in the strength of the long wind!" Burma can say that this is the most well-gone of the night. People.

"Hey? Why didn't the old grandfather?" Wusong Dong Zhang Western, just still there is still disappearing.

Night Changfeng and Klin came to the Wudo Temple. At this time, six players in other participants have reached five, one of them looked very familiar, and it felt that their breath was similar to the turtle fair.

Other four people have a dinosaur and a Indian monk, and there is also a beautiful woman who is being toned by the old man who is imagined.

"Flashing! Flash! Haha!" At this time, a wild-looking big man came in, it looked at the last entry.

"Wow! It's okay!" Everyone was smoked enough to be smoked by the savage, and even the night's wind was also frowning.

At this time, the more sensitive to the environment in the world, the easier to smell the smell of the stink.

"Who is that guy?" Klin also covered his nose.

"He is a very terrible opponent, there is a terrible move! The most terrible is the smell of him, I heard that he has not taken a shower from birth!" Yamu tea is covered with nose.

"I am going to ... talent! MD, I don't want to meet him at all!" The night's feelings are too sensitive, so the smell on the wild is very unhappy.

"It's nausea!" Kling is also crunchy.

1053 chapter, the first game

"Well! Please set the contestants!" At this time, a person in which a head wearing sunglasses appeared in front of everyone.

The eight players are arranged in a row, and they stand in the middle is the sorrowful wild.

"Hey ... trouble, do you stop?" The referee lied his nose, and his face couldn't stand the expression. The rest of the players were still far away from this field.

"Now let's make a sequence of the game through the lottery!" The referee pointed to the game schedule, with the number of one to 8, which can be seen, can see a single knockout.

"Now I am named, oh ... Mr. Nam!" The referee looked at the entry table.

"Well!" The martial artist who was called Indian A Sany was coming out, and finally pumped it.

"You are the third!" The referee wrote the name of the monama on the 6th.

"Next is Mr. Kannan!" The referee refers to a monster who has become a dinosaur by the night.


"You pumped it is the eighth, the fourth game!" The referee wrote the name of Kazan's name below.

"The next is Mr. Bark!" The name called 31 Bark was named the night.

"No. 2 ... um ... is the first!" The referee wrote the name of the Bark in the first game.

"Mr. Yaku Tea!"

"To!" Yamu tea quickly stepped forward, extracted his own number, the result is the third, the second game.

"Mr. Clin!" The referee finally called the name of Klin.

"Hey! I am here!" Kllin is nervous to extract his own number and hand it over to the referee.

"You are one, the opponent is Mr. Bark!" The referee slowly.

"What!" Klin eyes have to stand out, "I want to fight with that guy?"

"Call ... a good risk!" The night grew well, "" OK, if I want to be, I can't be smashed, probably, I am the most wonderful superhen system in history. ! "

"Next is the night ... Mr. Wang Feng!"

"Oh, go to me!" The night's long wind came out of the lottery box, opened a look, is the seven, the game is the fourth game.

Finally, it is called Lanfang's beauty, and the white hair is very like a turtle fairy called Ye Long and also extracted his own number.

"Okay! The above is the order of the game. Single knockout, survival to the final is the champion of the first martial arts meeting in this year!" The referee turned to this people explained.

"In addition, the game is not limited, and it is necessary to lose the loss, fall down the ring or the admission is lost! However, attacking the eyes or the key [department] is a foul!" The referee added.

"Hey ... The game is about to start, you will take a break first!" The referee turned and went to the front of the Wudo Temple.

"Let everyone wait for a long time, the 21st world's first martial art will officially start!" The referee took the microphone announced.



"We have been waiting for a long time! Don't talk nonsense, hurry!" The audience in the scene cheered, they were waiting for a long time.

"Well! Let me announce the competition. The first game is Buck to Kelin. The second game is Yamu Tea to Jackie Chan, the third is Nashi, the last is the night long-lived The above is the first round of this competition! "The referee explained.

"Don't talk nonsense, we have to watch the game! We have to watch the game!" The audience under the ring will not be impatient.

"Competition! Competition! Competition!" The whole venue shouted in the ring.

"Cough ..." The referee has also wanted to play a few sponsors' advertisements, and there is no way. Only the first game is officially started, and then dragged down, he is really afraid to be thusmered by the audience.

"The champion bonus of this contest is 500,000! The two masters of the first game are in the first game!" The referee took the temporary shot of the microphone.

"Kelin, you are best to speed up, don't be smoked!" The night was smile and took a photo of the shoulders of Clin.

"Well!" Kelin nodded and immediately went to the ring.

"This Clin player is only 13 years old and is the youngest entrant of this session." The referee refers to the mind of Kelin.

"In addition, his opponent is Mr. Bark. He has not taken a shower since birth!" The referee pinned the nose explained.

"Ah, it's so stink!" The audience in the front row is smoked by Buck.

"The child is training with the long wind!" Oolong also covered his pig nose.

"Ah, his opponent is stinky! The words come back, the apprentice has to play, where is the Turtle Cactus ran to?" Burta, Burt, found that the Turtle Cactus did not arrive at the audience.

"Good! The first game is now ... Start!" The referee yelled.

clang! The staff sounded the sound of the game!

On the ring, Shanglin and Buck were standing, and Buck scattered the smell of disgusting, so that Kelin had to pinch his nose.

"Yeah!" The first thing to start attack is Buck, Bucking, a punch is a striking.

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