The Prince of Tennis Super God System

Chapter 1122 of the Chapter 1122 of Wangzhao System of Tennis

"Ha!" Yamu tea flesh, the body instantly jumped in the air, and horing the tongue to the Chenglong.

Hey there! Yamu Tea is instantly a punches to the head of Jackie Chan.

There is no expression in the head of the dragon, and the attack of Yamu tea is suddenly escaped.

what! The characteristics of Yamu Tea are continuous attacks. He then is a high-raising leg attack.

call! The head of Jackie Chan is a bow, and it is an instant to hide.

Yeah! Yammy Tea is also a feeding of the Jackie Chan!

Snapped! Dragon Dragon Directly hopped in the air, escaped the grasp of Yamu tea.

"Oh!" The audience under the platform did not turn its eyes, attracted by the continuous dodge movement of Chenglong.

"This old man is very flexible, Yamu Tea should not be his opponent!" When the night's wind glanced, he also saw Yamu tea and this old man.

"Hey! Juvenile, you can't get me at all!" Cheng Long Shen Xiang said, "It seems that your actual experience is a lot, but unfortunately, it is very extra, there is no efficiency!"

"Nani!" Yammu tea is sweating, and it is so much smaller.

(Li Dawei) "Wow! Although Yamu Tea player attack speed is amazing, it is all sent by Cheng Long players, and his hand is not like an old man!" The referee screamed.

"It's like this to look at me, I just use the wolf tooth style to deal with you!" Yamu tea pace, put a wolf's posture.

"It's coming! Yamu tea's big trick!" Night long style is familiar with the wolf.

"Wow! His momentum is constantly improving, is he very strong? Changfeng!" Kling turned to ask the night long wind.

"OK, it is much faster than before! Next is his trick, Klin, you see it clearly! The movement is very fast!" The night long style is justified.

The rumor, the right foot of the back of Yamu tea, the whole person is like a villain, and it is generally rushed out!

"Wolf tooth ... wind fist!" Yamu tea launched in the air, his body is like a grassland wolf on the grassland!

1055 chapter, Chenglong is a turtle fault?

bass! Yamu tea is handled by hand, and a claw is a head of a lightning.

"Well?" Cheng Long god, instantly jumped open again to avoid the attack of Yamu tea again.

despair! In the air, a highway of the air, the high wall of the Dragon Pathwood Temple, and then turned over, the movement is extremely smooth, and the audience under the ring is a burst.

"What?" Jacmu tea turned his head, and the Jackie has been turned to the body of Yaku Tea.

"Young people, give you a little breeze!" Cheng Long hands, then the left hand swayed directly, "pick up!"

Hunch! A wind suddenly shot from the hands of Jackie Chan, and immediately blowing Yaku tea directly to the air.

"Ah!" Yamu tea crouched, both hands were taken before the head, was rolled down directly to the wind!

"Wow! Good speed, this person is really an old man?" The audience under the ring will fall out.

"How? Cool!" Cheng Long looked at the horror of Yamu tea.

"Wonderful! Yammy Tea players are out of service! Winning is Mr. Jackie Chan!" The referee announced the results of the second game.

"It's a wonderful battle! It is like watching movies!"

"The military superb!

-087 - "How can I say this ... Don't say that the wind and Klin have, I even don't even have this old man!" Yamu tea has some sloppy.

"Well ... Yamu Tea's current combat power is much stronger than before, but there is no system training or not!" The night's wind shook his head. He estimated that Yamu Tea's current combat power is about twenty-five.

"The old man is very powerful, the next one is going to fight against him?" Kelin is nervous.

"Dear, next is the third game, please Lanfang players and Nam players to board the stage!" Referee high.

"Hey ..." Before the beauty of the Lanfang, it was still in makeup, and the night long wind didn't know how this Jiao DIDI's beauty is through the qualifier.

"Is it a hidden master?" The night was swept away from Lan Fang.

On the other side, the opponent of Lanfang is the nim of the Night's live wind called India.

"Ah! I can really envy you can be so beautiful!" Cheng Long laughed at Namami.

Nama has no expression, and puts a stinky face from the beginning.

"Well? The serious eye (dbcj) God, serious expression ... This guy is really powerful, although this is the first martial arts meeting in the world, but don't you have to be so serious?" Cheng Long station behind The nam was released, "Let me take a look!"

Jackie Chan is seen in the namine, the extreme water shortage of the villages in the nam, all the wells, so the monaster came to participate in the world's first martialo, in order to use bonuses to give the village Buy water!

"Well ... It turned out to be the case!" Cheng Long returned to the gas, not easy to detect some nodded.

On the platform, the third game began.

"Hey ... handsome guy, your hand is in your hand!" Lanfen made a beautiful man on the game, throwing a glance.

Niman instant blush, low head, he is extremely uncomfortable to this scene.

At this time, Lanfang took this opportunity, directly jumped, flying a feet was a heavy kicking in the head of Naim.

This is still not finished, after turning, Lan Fang's hands are clarified, and the back of Naim is a double-handed attack!

Where is this Jiao Didi's sister, it is a wonderful warner.

Snapped! When Lanfang Sanliang hit the knee and kneelted to the waist of Naim, Nam finally came back to the god and turned over to escape the attack of Lanfang.

"It's evil!" Naim is going to be a knife, ready to cut to Lanfang's neck.

"Ah!" At this time, Lanfang's hands took the chin, but also revealed a posture of a little woman.

On the night's night lengthy, it is seen that this Langfang's combat power is far less than Nam, the most is the fight against fifteen, and she can break into the rocker is her beauty, let the opponent. I can't bear to attack.

Snapped! Nam is soft, and the hand knife touched Lanfang.

"Ah! It hurts!" It was not harmed, but the blue sail was squatting on the ground and cried.

"Hey ... I hate it!" Lanfang acting is quite realistic in the night's life, otherwise it will not lie to so many players.

"Oh ... Sorry ... You don't want it?" Nam was directly.

"Oh! Ohm players cried Lanfang players!" The referee is still adding a vinegar.

! At this time, Lanfang suddenly slammed, and the right hand was holding into a punch, hitting the abdomen of the nimedu.

"Hey ..." The meseason screamed, this is not light.

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