The Prince of Tennis Super God System

Chapter 1123 of the Chapter 1123 of the Hosting System of Tennis Prince

"Hey! Look!" Lanfang did not rely on, and it was a punch.

Snapped! This time Nami took the left hand to hold Lanfang's attack, "I don't have to lie to me, I will not be up!"

"Oh! Really? You are forced me to have a trick!" Lanfang took off his top in the competition, leaving only underwear.

Niman suddenly was stupid, and many audience under the ring were also widened.

"Wow! Scorpio, Zhenfeng [full] ah!" Chenglong is in the mouth of the mouth, the wretched face.

"This guy is not a tailorne! It is Wu Tian teacher!" Night Changfeng is now finally confirmed that Cheng Long is actually a turtle fairy.

"Hey ... Hello! Simply take off [light] forget it!" It's just that this kind of thickness is only a turtle fairy.

On the ring, Nam did not dare to shoot, was forced by Lanfang to step to the edge of the ring, and it was necessary to be forced to be.

"Oh ... you will give it to me!" Lan Fang rushed over to Nashum and wanted Nashi to kick the ring.

At this time, Nam remembered the villager who was enduring thirst in his village, and closed his eyes.

! On the occasion of the thousands of hair, Namue hid over the air of Lanfang in the air, and then the knife behind him was dizzy.

"Oh ... Lanfang players have been dizzy, winning Mr. Nam!" The referee finally announced.

This level of competition, no interest in the night, and he is observing that Jackie Cactus is actually a turtle fault.

"Cheng Long players, please don't touch the contestants?" The referee looked spelled with sudden dragons, and should not be a turtle fairy.

"This Jackiece is definitely the teacher of Wu Tian!" Night wind has already determined that the dragon is a turtle fairy. "But why do he want to hide our participation in this world's first martial art?"

The first round of the race has been conducted three games, and then it is finally the round to the night!

1056 chapter, a boxing!

"Now the fourth game begins, the night-length wind player and the south of the base! Please enter the game!" The referee announced the way.

"Ah! I finally went to the long wind!" Oolong under the ring was excited, he would like to see what the night is in the wind.

"Kannan ... The opponent's opponent does not know what kind of person?" Burt is biased to look at the player channel on the ring.

"Haha!" A dinosaur came out of the Wudo Temple's player channel, "finally got me!"

"Hey!" The dinosaur called Kikan, which is called, is a long-awaited.

"What, what is it is a monster!" Wusong shouted, "I will not let the long life will be eaten directly!"

"What is called! Noisy!" The nozzle body shape appeared to the opposite of Kitan.

"Hey ... long wind players!" The referee suddenly appeared at night.

"The stinky boy, dare to look at me!" Kasi is anger to be anger by the night grow.

"Well! The fourth game is now officially started!" The referee has made it, and the sound of the game sounds simultaneously ...

On the ring.

"Saucy, look at me, put you into pieces!" Nilai clenched the double claw, and a face of the gods looked at the night.

"Well ... this dinosaurs are very wonderful ... I don't know if I don't eat meat!" Just as Oolong said that Nakani in Night is a kind of ingredients.

"Oh! This young man is like a battle wearing the elf! Is two people know?" Some viewers under the ring found that the clothes of the night, and the identity of Clin.

"Go to death! Little ghost!" First, I can't start the attack, Kankan, Kien brugally rushing, then suddenly uses the tail to the night long!

Hunch! The tail of Kasin has a very thick whip, directly fanned the head of the night.

"Be careful!" Burma screamed, although she knew that this attack was simply fur, but she couldn't help but tense.

"Too slow!" The night's wind and right hand show, and it is empty.

! The tail of Kasin is actually in the hands of the night. It is like being clamped by an iron clamp, and there is no way to move half.

"What!" Nakana rose big mouth, no matter how it used to force it, "This little ghost is big!"

"Go Go!" Night wind right hand put the bodies of the body, a toy is usually a circle, and then throws it on the sky.

"Wow! High!" The audience at the scene exclaimed, both widened.

The body is a few times the dinosaur of the night, and the night long-standing hand has a hand of the hundred meters, and the night is free to show this hand shocked the audience.

"My God! This is amazing, although the night long player is old, but throws the body shape, Kiki throws out! This time is the night-long player's spike!" Referee loud .

Snapped! At this time, Kasa in the air turned his body, while launched a pair of wings behind him.

"Hey! I am not so easy!" Niki looked down and rushed down.

"Oh! Nakanan players fly back to the competition, and the rules only have the landing, and he has not lost!" The referee urgently explained.

"Looking for death!" The night is cold and coldly looked at Nakana.

"This time I hit you, I didn't fly back, and the long wind was slightly smashed, and the right fan was gripped, and then the lightning shouted a punch.

Bang! The explosion of the air suddenly sounded, and the waves rolled, the referee flew out of the ring.

The audience in front of the ring is also blown to the west of this waves.

The poor Kannan Dinosaur has not known where to be in the night, only to see a small black spot instant disappeared in the air.

Snapped! Snapped! The night is shot, "Get it!"

"Ah ..." At this time, the audience at this time came back, the strength of the night's long wind is a crushing stage, and it is terrible than the previous Jackie Skull.

"My God, how much is his strength?" Yamu tea in the battle is surprised to fall to the ground.

The fist that bounced out of the night is actually compressed to the air, which is not possible to do it in the top martial artists on the earth.

"This little child ... It seems that I am coming to participate is a mistake!" The turtle fairy who participated in Jackie Cactus was also shocked.

Originally he came to participate, just in order to prevent Clin and Night's long arrogance [proud], forget, he is to stop the two people from winning.

It seems that there is no suspense for those who win the championship.

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"Well! It seems that the long wind is not interested in this silly dinosaur!" Oolong shook his head and blowing around the audience.

"I didn't see it, the martial arts master is my friend!"

"Pig head! Quiet!" Burma pulled Oolong's pig, and the eyes were always locked in the night.

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