The Prince of Tennis Super God System

Chapter 1124 of the Chapter 1124 of the Prince of Tennis

"Hey! This time, it will not let you run away!"

"Nilage players can't come back!" The referee gray face climbed up the platform. "I announced the fourth winner of the night."


"Strong, kid!"

"I am optimistic about you!" There are many people who have become a fan of night.

"Bored! Is there a strong opponent?" The night-catching game did not see any master, and there was no power of martial arts on the earth, which made the night grew well.


"It seems that only the final and Wu Tian teacher's battle is worth a little expectation!" The night grew away.

"Good! The four-strong players of the martial arts meeting have been born. They are the four masters of night long, Nam, Jackie, and Clin! They will compete for the final champion of this session!" The referee announced the way.

"Now it is a midfield, let us interview with the two old two contestants!" The referee walked to the front of the night and the club.

"Congratulations to the two to enter the semi-final! Excuse me, are you wearing the same way, is it in which martial arts practice?" The referee made the microphone to the two people.

"There is no in the martial art hall, we follow Wu Tiansheng Master!" Kelin replied.

"Ni! Do you say Wu Tianshi?" The referee was shocked.

"Wow!" The audience at the scene was also exclaimed.

"I am going ... The reputation of the old man is not small here!" Night smile laughed.

"Wu Tian ... Master ..."

"It turns out that they are the disciples of Wu Tian teacher, no wonder strength is so strong!" The audience at the scene turned up.

"Is the Wusian teacher who is known as the god of martial arts?" The referee urgently asked.

When the night is growing, I look at the Jackie Caraine, which is the turtle fault, "I am self-reliant," What martial arts is ... "A color old man is almost ..."

1057 chapter, wonderful tactics

"Yes! Originally Wu Tianshi teacher, he is no more expensive, but because we have two roots surprised, it will be broken!" Clin face did not change the blow.

"Really ... it is very amazing. These two teenagers are actually the apprentice of Wuditian! But Wusu Tianshi is still alive, it is more surprised!" The referee was exclaimed.

! The turtle cactus listened to the almost on the ground.

"Well! The fifth game is to start! Please join the dragon player!" The referee announced the way.

"Hey! I am here!" Cheng Long also jumped to the platform.

"It's coming! The Jackie Chan player appeared! Now the game ... Start!" The referee will make it.

Kllin looked at Jilong, he didn't see that it was a turtle fairy.

"Hey!" First, I started attacking the Jelin, and the Clin was rushing to Cheng Long, and the situation is a "eight five zero" boxing.

! A dragon was turned over and retired.

At this time, Klin did not stop the attack, but also flew up a foot and kicked to the head of Jackie Chan.

Snapped! Cheng Long also was scared by the speed of Klin, and his head was crushed!

sand! Kelin immediately jumped again and a tale leg, kicked out, Jackie Chan squatted down, escaped the Legs of Clin.

puff! Kllin forcibly reversing his body in the air, is a left hook in the ganglong.

"Yeah!" Chenglong did not want an ironboard bridge to escape the Julin attack, and his fist shouted as a dragon old foot hurt.

Clin's attack continuously, and its speed and force are several grades in the previous India A Sanamum and Yamu tea.

The continuous dodge of Jackie Chan is scared, there is no passage of Yamu Tea.

"Hey!" After the left ticking was hid, Ke Lin took forward and right.

Snapped! A low hand sheroided the boxing of Clin!

"Hey ... There are two minutes!" The dragon dried a sweat on the forehead. "I have to shoot!"

Snapped! The two people are simultaneously powered, and they are scattered on both sides.

"Well ... Klin's movement is still good, but it is too early to fight with the current Turtle Cactus!"

"Let's take a trick!" Cheng Long is also a turtle fairy, a driving.

Boom! A palm of the dragon light-powered, almost hit the chest of Clin in the arm!

"Wow!" Kelin screamed and was shouted in an instant.

The whole person is hit on the wall of the Wudo Temple, then slipping down.

"You ... your attack ... I didn't see it at all!" Klin nose is flowing out.

"What's going on, I can't see his fist, it is too fast!" Klin shouted.

"Kelin, what planes do you do, can't you?" Night long-lasting, "I'm gotting it! There are many beautiful looks at you!"

"Oh! Yes!" Klin heard it directly to ▉ngng, jumping up, then returned to the opposite of Jackie Chan.

"Clin players stood up! What happened just now, it is too fast! Just like the attack just now, it is unclear!" The referee was exclaimed.

"Due to the loss, I just hit the wall, or I will appear outside. If I am a trick, I am worse!" Kelin put out the defensive gesture and carefully looked at it.

"Well! Kid, hurry! This punch will not be as gentle as it just now!" Cheng Long put out the same session with the previous model.

"Hey!" Suddenly, Chenglong was started, and his body has disappeared in front of the audience in the scene.

"I have seen it!" And this time I was prepared, Ke Lin saw the attack of Jackie Chan.

The two are in the air, then they are separated.

Snapped! After two, the two were once again opposed to the ring.

"Ah?" The referee and the audience at the scene did not see what happened.

"Oh?" Chenglong is also a turtle fault, "Very good! Do you see it clear?"

"Haha, go to the bad old man!" The night is deliberately said.

"Well!" Kelin nodded.

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