The Prince of Tennis Super God System

Chapter 1126 of the Chapter 1126 of the Prince of Tennis

"Behind you! Clin!" The reminder of night long winds is coming.

! The turtle fairy instantly flashed into Klin, the two hand knife lightning hit the back of Clin.

Kelin rose big mouth, and the face is a little twisted, shakes a few times, and finally the sound of the slam is on the platform.

"DBEF) is profitable!" The turtle fairy made a scissors.

"Clin player fell! One ... two ..." The referee began to learn.

"No! He will not stand up in a half!" The turtle fairy immediately returned to the player seating area in the Wudo Temple.

"Ten! The players can be knocked down in the ground, he did not stand up! Jackiece wins!" The referee announced the first semi-final.

"Oh! Too exciting!" The audience under the ring did not see the process of compling, but they still cheered.

"Speed ​​... speed is too fast! After leaving a post, quickly around the opponent!" Yamu tea has grown his eyes, a ghost expression.

"Cut ... I thought that the Kllin kid can persist for a while!" The night grew and shook his head.

"Hey! Hey!" At this time, the working medical staff took the Clin with the stretcher.

When the night's long weather, the turtle fairy is still very inserted, and the Clin is only temporarily syncope, there is nothing wrong.

"Okay! The wonderful fifth game is over! Now the sixth game! Please go to the night!" The referee shouted.

"Ah! I am!" The night grew away, looked at the Indian A San, "bored my opponent!"

"Changfeng!" At this time, the sound of Clin came from the night length of the wind.

"Oh! Klin, you wake up so soon?" The night's wind was slightly surprised, and the anti-fighting ability of Clin exceeded his expectation.

"I am dying! Long wind, you must first go to the final, help me with revenge!" Klilin urgently.

"Little means!" The night was swaying, and the sudden meteor had embarked on the platform.

At the same time, India A Sanamam is also following the fast step, and the two stops.

"Well! The two masters have already settled. The winners of this game will compete for the final champion with the Jackneaky players! Then I decide the last 500,000 home!" The referee began to heat-stirred the atmosphere.

"Let's play!" The audience at the scene was excited.

"500,000 ..." Namyi heard the 500,000 bonuses was two eyes, "the folks, I will win the bonus, then buy enough water back!"

"The game begins!" The referee will make the referee.

Nam instantly took the attack driving, and the night grew is the random standing on the ring, and he also looked around, a sightseeant's gesture.

"Night wind, this guy is still so arrogant!" Yamu tea looked at night long wind. "During this time, what is the progress? It is really expecting!"

Chapter 1059, one finger

The top of the ring.

A Sanamam, India can't hold it, and the right foot is in the back, and then the body will jump in the air, and the left foot kicks the night.

call! The speed of Nam is not bad, and the night cost is estimated that its combat power should be around fifty, and it is very strong in the earth people.

However, the night's wind did not put Nami in the eyes, he was just a slightness of his right hand.

Snapped! In an instant, I raised the full foot of Nashi.

"Ha! Hey! Ha!" Nam's eyes flashed, and then it was a fast continuous attack.

Snapped! Snapped! Snapped! The night long is in the same place, just the movement of the left hand, racks all the attacks in Nam.

"Too strong!" The audience under the ring looks fast, the movement of Nam is enough, but the night is completely a very boring look, while defending and yawning.

"Haha, this A three is not the opponent of the long wind!" Oolong under the ring is a prostitute, as if it is, it is a night long.

"This strength is too big!" Yammu Tea was glanced at the side. He thought that he thought he took a while, and the gap between the night long wind should be shrinking.

But Yamu Tea now seems to be more than Named, the gap between herself, and the gap between herself and night, which make Yamu tea have some fascinating.

"Well? Changfeng, why don't you shoot!" Klin asked.

"I shot, the battle is over, I want to think about the audience and sponsors on the scene!" The night is shrugging and shrugging, a very helpless look.

"I am evil! I have completely ignored me!" Namashi was so angry, "Since this is the case, only this!"

"Oh!" Nambun, high jumbled in the air.

"Wow! Nam players continue to attack, and he is now jumped into half-air!" The referee looked up at the empty Nam, "he jumped high!"

bass! Among the air, Nashi is flipped in the air, and the hands are in one.

"Take me this trick - the sky X word!" Nami whed from the high altitude, and his mouth was still called.

"Wow! Nam players want to make a stroke!" The referee screamed.

"What is the name of the sky X word? Even the name is so bad!" Night long wind looked up at the nam, instantly [out] The index finger of the right hand, then the empty spot.

Rumber! Night long wind's forefinger in the hands of Naim cross.

! A crisp skeletal fragmentation spread throughout the competition.

"Ni!" In the gaze of the referee and the audience, the poor Indian A Sanamam's trick was spoken instantly, and the hands of the hands were broken in an instant.

"Ah!" Nam was screaming, and he was directly flying directly by the night. He flew the sky, which turned out to fly the height of the hundred meters.

Dang! Finally, it fell between several breaths, and fell out of a humanoid pit on the ground outside the ring.

"Wow! Unbelievable offense! Night long wind player uses a finger to kill the nam players!" The referee was excited to roar.

"Wow! It's so strong!" The audience under the ring is also boiling.

Strong people are often respected, and the strength of the night long wind is exhibited, and it is terrible than the previous Jackie.

A finger flew over 100 meters, this strength is terrible.

"Okay! Long wind!" Burma is also happy to cheer.

"It's great! It is too powerful, too powerful!" The referee has some words.

"Well ... Is it a bit dangerous to handle with this kid!" The Turtle Cactus played the drum.

"It's too weak!" The night is helpless, and there is no martial arts in the nime, and he is just a waste of time with him.

"Victory! The victory of the long wind player! This game is too fast! Night long wind players enter the final! He will compete with the first martial arts meeting in this world!" The referee announced the way.

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