The Prince of Tennis Super God System

Chapter 1127 of the Super Short System of Tennis Prince

"Handsome!" Oolong is a little envious to look at the night grows on the ring.

"It's great, the long wind he must be a champion! After taking a bonus, I must eat him well!" Burt is also eye-catching watching night long wind.

"In the final! Good!" Klin is very excited to rush to the night grow.

"Why, there is no master, nothing is so excited!" The night is helplessly shakes his head.

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"As Master, I can't lose this boy!" The turtle fairy exudes fine sweat.

"Well! Now I finally arrived in the finals. After a break, we will conduct the final final!" The referee announced the way.

The player returned to the player channel of the Wudo Temple.

Poor India A Sannam hands wrapped the same, very reluctant to pack the baggage and prepared to go home, did not overcome the night grew wind to win the bonus to buy water for the folks a small blow.

"Don't you read it after you finish the finals?" The turtle fairy appeared behind the nime.

"Ah ... I can't delay too long!" Nami is fascinated.

"Young people, don't give up hope! This is given to you!" The turtle fairy threw it to Nam.

.... [.... ..

Snapped! Nami is not easy to pick it up with the injured hand. "Isn't this portable capsule? Old Sir, what do you do with this?"

"No! This is nothing! As long as you cut it, you can take it back!" The turtle fairy explained.

"Ah ... how do you know what I am lacking!" Nam is very surprised.

"I am Wu Tianshi!" How can the Turtle Cactus have a face? "How can this little thing may overcome my mental eye!"

"Ah! Are you really Wu Tianshi?" Nam was called.

"Hey ... small voice point! Don't let them hear!" The Turtle Cactus hurriedly did a gesture.

"Why do you want makeup to participate in this conference?" Nam was confused.

"You also know, my two disciples, night long winds and Klin have participated in this conference! Their current strength is already surprised, especially at night, his potential is infinite! I believe You have already felt! "The Turtle Cactus explained.

"Well! Your disciple is really too powerful. I thought I had to die in that moment!" Naim had a good fortune for the night's strength.

"I just gave them the best of the world, but they were very powerful, I think they are likely to win! But I am worried that they will be too expanded after winning the championship, so I only Increased in this conference! "The Turtle Cactus can be described as a hard work for his two disciples.

1060 chapter, turtle

"I have to let them understand someone, there is a day in the sky!" Turtle fairy positively brotched.

"It turns out! The god of martial arts is my honor!" Nam is quite excited.

"Well, you will go to the water!" Turtle fairy turned to the platform, "I still have a game to cheer!"

"Thank you very much! Wusheng ... No, Jackie Chan! Your Grand Germany, I don't forget that Nami live!" Nam handswood.

"It doesn't matter, you still forget!" The turtle fairy waved to Nam.

"Okay! Ten minutes! Now there is a Mr. Chenglong and Mr. Yunshi to the ring!" The referee rushed to the microphone, "The finals of the 21st Tianxia First Wudao Conference is now ... start!" "

"I finally got to the final!" The night's wind pinned her hand, and I came to the "Qiqi Thirti-three" on the platform. "I have long thought to have a trick with Wu Tian teacher!"

"Wow! Night long wind players seem to be looking forward to the game!" The referee was a bit surprised, before the long-lasting wind is very lazy, a lack of lack of lack, and this final is a pair Element that is eager to try.

"This stinky boy is so excited ... I can't lose it! Otherwise, Master is too old!" The turtle fairy slowly embarked on the platform, and the two were placed on the ring.

"Well ... I haven't been so serious for a long time!" The turtle fair is in the hands of the body, and the body is squatting, and the look is more serious than before.

"Hey ... Come!" The night's wind is also a feet, this is the first time in the history of the martial arts.

At the scene, the noise is quiet, only listening to the audience's nervous breathing, everyone turned his gaze to the ring.

Clin and Yamu tea also stretched out in the channel of the Wudao Temple, and the eyes did not turn on the two people on the ring.

"The game begins!" The referee finally announced the beginning of the final. Hey ~ He is here, the sound of the game is not stopped.

"Oh!" Different from the previous game, this time the Turtle Cactus did not take defensive gestures, but the attack on the night-growing wind, the right fantasino, is to burn the night.

bass! When the night length is a jumping, there is actually in the middle of the hundred meters above the ring.

"Wow! The speed of the night growers is too exaggerated!" The referee exclaimed.

"Well? The boy is still so flexible!" The turtle fairy is bunch, then it is instant, and the body is like a rocket!

! The turtle fairy is rolling, directly from the bottom, kicking the night!

bass! Night long winds come over the air, stopping directly in the air.

"Wow! Night long wind players can fly!" The referee was able to fall on the ground.

! On the other hand, the turtle fairy that was thrown by the night, "I almost forgot this kid." "

"Haha, forget it, or not bully your old man!" Night wind slowly.

"Wow ... Hao Hao!" Under the ring, the night's wind attracted a lot of female audience.

"What is! The wind is cool again!" Burt is very dissatisfied.

"Head boy, don't be proud! Just let you see the turtle sent turtle that I have worked hard for many years!" The turtle fairy was withdrawn after the right foot, and the hands were in the waist into the waist.

"Hey, the turtle is Qigong! I will also!" Night live wind is also the way to learn the turtle cactus. The close-away observation has made the turtle to master the Qi Qigong.

The key to the turtle is in the control of the gas in the body, but benefited from the base Qigong's base Qigong and powerful understanding, the night-catching wind has completely confident that this door is known on the Dragon Ball World Earth The gods.

One of the hands and one synthesis of the flower is placed in the waist, and the momentum of the night, the whole body is raised, and the whole person is a faint blue ray.

This is a manifestation of the night long-lasting wind that has not fully controlled the body control. During this time, the night's day and night kept cultivation and absorbing the vitality between the heavens and the earth, and the gas in the body was greatly improved.

"Turtle ... Qigong!" Two people are almost simultaneously pushing their hands towards each other.

Bang! Two huge blue metals showed, including two blue light columns, in the air, and the blue light will be shining in the scene of all the audiences of all viewers.

The explosion sounded, and the two blue light columns were encountered in the air, and they quickly disappeared in the sky!

The air waves brought by the explosion is to blow the referee and the staff on the platform, and the outer circumference of the Wudo Temple will be broken and the wall is collapsed in the moment ...

On the scene, a wolf borrowed, the audience under the platform was exciting.

Snapped! On the ring, the turtle fairy is fell in the ground by this impact, and the night long is like a nail, and it is not moving, steady, is so stunned, is like Taishan!

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