The Prince of Tennis Super God System

Chapter 1128 of the Super Short System of Tennis Prince

"Wow ..."

"It's terrible, these two people!" Klin and Yamu tea were scared by this moment.

"How is this possible? How can there be this kind of thing, I haven't paid this kid!" The turtle fairy is difficult to hide the color.

"Hey ... how, my turtle is not bad!" The night long-faced angle is slightly leaving.

"Unbelievable! Even with the turtle sent my turtle to the Qigong!" Turtle fairy one turned over again.

"Too ... is too amazing! Audience friends! Legend has only Wu Tianshi's turtle, except for the dragon player, now there is more people to use! That is the night long player!" Referee It's hard to climb back to the platform.

"It's so good! The two players are very powerful!"

"Yeah! The night is like it can fly!"

"Is these two guys still human beings?" 5.4 on the stage is constantly moving, the scene is full of lively, and the noise is straight.

"This kid's understanding is too high, actually only look at it once, you can touch [So]. Although it is a lot of gas, it is much stronger than that year! Sure enough, you can't see this kid. To win him, you must develop a combat plan! "The Turtle Ca fairy is solemnly looking at the night long.

"What kind of fight will be next, it is really a suffocating game!" The referee explained.

"How ... old man, next to you are going to do?" The night is not going to break the figure, deliberately stimulate him.

"The stinky boy, I dare to look down on me!" The Turtle fairy flashed in his eyes, and was taken by his own disciples. Of course, people were angry. "If this is the case, try me this!"

1061 chapter, drunk? Useless!

"Hey!" The turtle fairy suddenly shouted, and the figure was instantly disappeared, leaving only one residue.

"Oh? Is it this trick to Klin?" The night's mouth flashed a lot of disdain, "your real body is ..."

boom! The night-length wind rushed to his right side, but it was just a residue.

"Well? Two residuals?" The night is very windy.

"Stinky boy, I am behind you!" The turtle fairy's body flashed behind the night's body, and the lightning kicked a foot and kicked the back of the night.

If this time is kicked, it is not average person to bear!

"Ah! Be careful!" Burma exclaimed in the ring.

"Hey! Take a trick, kid, this is my two-heavy statue!" The Turtle Cactus kicked, and the lightning is still flying out of the second foot.

bass! At this time, the turtle fairy found that he was not alive, he was clearly kicked, but the night grew did not respond.

"I am behind you!" The original turtle fairy is just the residual shadow of night long winds. It is different from the turtle fairness 31 punch is deliberately flowing, and the night is only because the movement is too fast It seems like there is a residue.

At this time, the body of the night's wind appeared after the turtle fairy, it was directly flying, and the same action was exactly the same as before the turtle fairy.

"Wow! Stinky boy!" The turtle fairy was kicked by the night, and he fell on the wall of the Wudo Temple, and the collapsed gravel is a big hole.

"Ah!" The nearest Clin and Yamu tea from the collar were very rounded, and the night grew is so easy to crack the turtle fair.

"Well! Like I think, this is more useful! As long as the speed is fast enough, you can reach the effect of the disabled boxing, and more realistic!" Night lives looked at the gravel pile of smoke. think.

"Wow! The dragon player is hit by the night long player, a good one!" The referee exclaimed.

"Good speed!" The audience under the ring is also a scream.

"The marvity boy! Don't know the old people don't know how to get light!" The turtle fairy climbed from the gravel.

"I will be light enough. Otherwise, you can't get up early!" The night's wind did not use the dragon icon or Buddha statue.

Night wind does not want to end the game, anyway, the number of lottery is tested, and the night grew is more like to let the turtle fairy make more moves to facilitate him to steal.

Otherwise, the night grows open the Buddha statue, standing in the place, let the turtle cactus will play, do not move.

"Okay, now I have been tricking, is there a fist?" The night's wind swept a turtle fairy, "Then come a ten disabled boxing!"

bass! bass! bass! Night long wind suddenly started the simple single order is to jump back and forth.

In the eyes of the audience and turtle cactus, there were sudden appearances of ten night long winds on the platform, and every look is very real.

"Is this kid or a person?" Yamu tea saw that he remembered the first time and night cost, "he definitely put the water, or I have already died!"

"This stinky boy, when do you learn to be a fist?" The turtle fairy briefly retired a step.

At this time, the night growth of the wind was started at the same time, and the four ▉▉ ▉▉ rushed to the turtle fault.

"Drink!" The turtle fairy is open, and the body shape of the night long rush is kept.

But it is all emptsu, and the ten figures are all residual.

"Don't care, the series - ordinary boxing!" The body of the night's wind appeared in the turtle fault, and then a hand knife hit the back of the turtle fairy.

As before, Turtle Cactus frankly the action of the action, but the speed is faster, the turtle fairy even found in the last time, it is not very embarrassed.

"Wow!" The turtle fairy screamed, and he was directly knocked down by the night!

"Before playing! Changfeng!" Klin shouted in the side!

"Ah! Jackiece players fell! One ... two ..." The referee began to learn until the turtle fairy.

"Okay ... good pain!" The ability of the turtle fault to fight against Clin, soon climb, "stinky boy, the master is so heavy for his master!"

"Oh! Jackiece players stand up again! Connect!"

"Head boy, this time does not take out the truth, it seems that it is not good!" The turtle fairy stretched forward, and the left hand showed a new posture.

"Very good! There is a new trick!" The night-long stunned thoughtfully, and his mouth took a smile.

"Oh ..." At this time, the turtle fairy's face suddenly red, his body shaking, a drunken look.

"Wow! What happened to Jackie Chan player? He seems not to be too strong, suddenly like a drunk! Is it a lot of drinking yesterday?" The referee was surprised.

"Oh!" The turtle fairy swayed, and suddenly hit the right hand into a cup-shaped to the night, and very sudden.

Snapped! When the night's long-winding, she raised the attack of the turtle fault, "your speed is too slow!"

"Hehe, ..." The Turtle Cactus did not pay attention to the challenge of the night, and the sudden attack between such a continuous shake sway.

Snapped! Snapped! Snapped! Night wind is a turtle fairy, and the attack is also forced to turn over and retreat. Of course, the night is not habits to turtle the fist.

Although the 890 Turtle Cactus seems very sudden, it is very concealed and confusing, but the speed is too slow, it is not attacked at night.

After the night grows, it is to see what the turtle fox is the way.

"Attacking an opponent like drinking, isn't this drunk?" The night grew away, "Wu Tian teacher changed a name of a dragon, and it was just that he was a dragon! If it is really a dragon, Duang ~ added! "

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