The Prince of Tennis Super God System

Chapter 1129 of the Chapter 1129 of the Prince of Tennis

"Nothing means, change it!" Night live wind did not catch a cold for this drunken punch.

Martial arts martial arts, its focus is in the spiritual god, and the drunken box is the sword. Only the fact that the strength is insufficient to use this martial arts.

In the eyes of the night, this drunk fist with him is a bit violated, in short, it is not much like.

"Stinky boy, don't look at drunken punches ... Oh!" The turtle felt suddenly fell, like drunk, and then slipped down the night's body from the ground, and suddenly lifted his legs up, It is the head attack of the night long.

"I have said, the movement is too slow, I am useless to me!" The night's right foot light is lifted.

! The poor turtle fairy has been kicking in the night!

1062 chapter, Wan Guo is shocked

Bang! The turtle fairy flew out was a big pit in the gravel pile outside the Wudo Temple.

"Wow!" The audience exclaimed, "It's already the second time!"

"The old man still stands, it is amazing!" There is a speech of the audience.

On the ring, the turtle fairy took the head and stood again.

"Chenglong stands up again, he is really a little bit of death, let us applaud!" The referee shouted against the microphone.

"You are a cockroach!" The turtle fairy tied to the whisper, and the fire was made by the night.

bass! Turtle fairy once again rushed to the night long, the next movement is a scan!

call! The night cost stop does not dodge in the same place, directly with the legs, and rack the attack of the Turtle Cactus, "too slow!"

"Drink! Ha!" The turtle fairy continued to attack the attack. In the eyes of the audience and the eyes of Jaklin and Yamu tea, the turtle fairy moved as lightning, and it could not be dodge.

However, the night-long wind really randomly raised the attack of the turtle fairy again, the two rhythms are getting faster, the audience at the scene is also a big shot [addiction].

The first martial arts in the world will be more exciting than those in the past!

The excitement and noise of the scene have reached an unprecedented vertex.

"Still too slow! Fast!" The night is deliberately provoking turtle cactus.

Snapped! When the turtle fairy is at this time, the turning over jump, he really can't speed up.

"Call! Ho ~ The turtle fairy keeps gasping, he has not had a fierce battle for a long time.

"Long wind, this child, speed is too fast, I can't get it completely!" The turtle fairy was breatheful.

"Hey ... what tricks have, if you don't attack, I have to attack!" The night is deliberately provoked.

"There is no way, although it will be dangerous, but I only use that trick!" The Turtle Can't make a bit of gray face in the night, and there is no martial arts. "This stinky kid is too difficult to deal with it. Hey! "

"Cheng Long players seem to be supported, it is very powerful to hold so long in the long wind!" Yamu tea opened.

"Well! The long wind wins! We have a bonus to eat, haha!" The Kllin on the side laughed.

On the ring, the turtle fairy suddenly stood up.

"Well? Finally, I'm going to recruit?" The night grew in the eyes flashed a golden light.

"Very regret, young, this game ... you lose!" Turtle fairy faces a niche.

"Oh? Is this this? Is there any moving!" Night's mouth.

"So far, people who can make me make this tricks only one, you are the second!" The turtle fairy rolled up his sleeves.

"Oh, what kind of moving? Who is the first one," asked if the night's consciousness.

"The first is my big disciple" Sun Wukin! "Turtle faith said to miss the mouth]

"Ah ... it is being used by me ... no, the boat is not careful to kill the poor old man!" The night-long remembered the old man who destroyed when the spacecraft landed.

"Ha!" At this time, the turtle fairy drunk, and then his hands and one.

"Well, um ..." The turtle fairy's ▉▉ ▉▉ ▉▉ ▉ ▉ ▉ ▉ ▉ ▉.

bass! The turtle fairy suddenly opened the hands of the gathering, and the color of the color was jumped on his pair.

"Wow! What is that?" Klin and Yamu tea have risen up his mouth.

"Not a wonderful!" Burma under the ring was a little worried.

"What is this trick? What is the absorption of Jackie Chan?" With the explanation of the referee, now everyone's eyes are gathered to the hands of the Turtle Cactus.

"This is the trick!" The night's long eyes looked at the turtle fairy. "It seems that the preparation time is a bit long. If you face life and death, this trick is useless, it seems that you can improve the gas the process of!"

Night live wind can feel very difficult to control this trick, his hands have been shaking, which means that even the Turtle Cactus is not completely mastered.

bass! After about more than ten seconds, the turtle fairy has started inverting, and the little crushed left on the ground is also flying in the air.

More shocking is that the turtle fault has a blue electric light in the surging, and when it is hidden, his momentum is still climbing.

"Ah ..." The turtle fairy hits a voice, will continue to overflow the golden electric light, the golden light is four shots.

"Ten Kingdom ... shocking the palm!" The turtle fairy waved his double palm to night.

bass! A golden current is almost instantly hitting a moving night cost!

In fact, it is impossible to hit the middle night with the speed of the night long wind.

However, the night is not moving at all, and it is hit by the golden current.

"Ah!" Berma screamed under the ring.

At this time, the front of the night is in front of the electric light, and the whole person's hair is instantly standing.

"What is that?"

"Good luck!"

"I didn't expect this old man to hide this trick, this young man is not wonderful!" The audience at the scene turned again.

"That is to convert the whole body energy into tens of thousands of watts to attack the other party's tricks. I always thought it was a legend. I didn't expect it to be true!" Yamu tea shocked, "the long wind did not dode, even he also Will be dangerous! Who is this old man! It is terrible! "

"Is this a shocking palm?" The night grewer looked at his hands. At this time, the sweat in the hand has blown up, "Sure enough, it is extraordinary!"

With the current flesh strength of the night, the fleshy in the body is not open, and it feels that there is a faint tingling, which proves that this Wanqian current has caused a certain harm to the night length.

But this harm is also extremely limited, because the turtle fairy (good money) is more than the true universe force, it is nothing.

It's just that the night's long wind is just a volt current. If you can absorb a lot of gas and the heavens and the earth, the night long style can even use 100,000 volts current, more million, millions of volts !

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