The Prince of Tennis Super God System

Chapter 1130 of the Chapter 1130 of the Prince of Tennis

At that time, the power naturally can't be in the same day, and this is ready to improve it.

In short, the Turtle Cactors have given a lot of inspiration to the night, not only can be used to release it, becoming a powerful attack.

Gas can also be converted into other attacks, and the night-length winds and even guess the energy of energy into other elements or the world, such as Chakra.

This is completely not possible!

"Ah! Night long wind players seem to be completely unresolved, what is going on?" The referee exclaimed.

"This is impossible!" The turtle fairy was shining on the forehead ...

1063 chapter, outbreak state

"This stinky boy is too strong, it is too strong. I used to have a few seconds at all!" The turtle fairy made the strength of the milk, forcibly increased the current!

! The golden current light column is even more rough, and the training suit from the night long wind is torn by the current that he is surprising.

And the night's long wind is still like it is not a matter of normal, step by step to the turtle fairy.

It is not possible to break the body, the role is still very limited, and the role is still very limited, and if you want to hurt, you don't want to open a Buddha, like a golden body.

"Ni! My people's horror palm is actually used?" The turtle fairy shocked, and the people who have opened their own efforts have no effect on the long wind.

"Hey ... I will try it!" The night long-winning current forcibly went to the place where the turtle fairy is "zero one three", then the feet turned open, and the palm moved forward.

"Ah! The night long player also puts the same posture. Isn't he also this stunt of the dragon player?" The referee roared.

The audience under the ring stared at the two people on the ring, and I was afraid to miss any wonderful shots.

"What do you want to do with the stinky kid?" The turtle fairy still maintains Wanquo current, and the gas in his body is spent sharply.

"Wan Guo ... shocking the palm!" The night grew big drink, but also gathered the gas on the palm, and then allowed the gas to collide with each other and excited the current.

This is just a guess of the night, and he guesses that the turtle fairy is to convert the current with the conversion method of this collision!

! What happened to people, the two palms of night long wind really shot current, but only different from the golden current of the turtle fairy, the night length shot is blue current.

"Ni! The long wind will also move this old?" Kelin widened his eyes.

"Wow! Too exciting! Night wind player makes the same move as a dragon player!" The referee took the microphone.

! Under the watch at the scene, the current in the night-long wind is actually gradually blocking the Volt Current ejected in the hands of the turtle fairy.

The two current collided in the air, and the current flooded to endless growth.

! The current shot to the sky smoothes all the clouds of the sky on the top of the scene, and then stretches the whole sky, just like thundering lightning, it seems very amazing, it is simply a heaven and earth.

"These two people are too strong!" The audience under the ring is stupid, some audiences are even more afraid of both hands.

"Wow! Unprecedented battle! Night wind players and Jackie Chan players are not a master of the finals, too powerful, I hosted the first martial arts in the world, I haven't seen such a powerful player so long!" Referee excited Some words are no.

"Be evil ..." The turtle fairy is more frightened than night long, and the gas in his body has consumed a lot.

Although the night's long wind is sent back, the total amount of gas in his body is far less than a few decades of turtle cactus, and the efficiency of the vitality converts the gas into the current is not as good as the Turtle Cactus.

After all, the essence of the world, the night is still not appreciated, even if he has high understanding, it is impossible for the first time to achieve a full realm, which requires a follow-up to cultivate and turtle fellowship.

"This stinky kid is too high!" The Turtle Cactus jumped in an instant. He went first, and the night's wind was also returned to the palm. This consumes nothing to do.

"Well? Jackiece, do you have any tricks? I have to attack!" The night grew fungus stepped, and finally it was a posture of a pair of attacks.

Snapped! At this time, the turtle fairy took off the top, "Head boy, your Master is not sent, you are really a sick cat!"

"Oh? To enlarge it?" Night wind did not choose to attack, he still want to see what tricks still have.

"God! What is the old guy?" Burma under the ring exclaimed.

"Ah?" The audience at the scene was attracted by the action of the Turtle Cactus.

After he took off the coat, he turned several times in an instant, turned into a muscular man, and his momentum was completely unable to talk to the same day!

"Outbreak!" The night is long, and he obviously feels that the gas and past, "" The combat power of this state should be at least 200 or so! "

"I only use gas now, the combat power can not reach 200, it seems that it must use the flesh power!" Night's mouth is slightly fighter, and he can force him to use the flesh power. So far, only Turtle cactus ...

"The turtle is qigong ... full attack!" The turtle fairy made a caravan, put it on the waist.

"My God! Does he want to kill the long wind? Stop!" Kelin felt a powerful power of the world.

"Be careful, the long wind!" Burt is also exciting.

"Turtle ... send ... ... ... work ... wave!" The turtle fairy released the last big trick and played the turtle to the extreme.

Bang! A huge blue light shot from his hand, and the scene was illuminated by this blue light.

The waves will overturn the audience in front of the ring, and everyone will not open their eyes, and the poor referee rolls more than ten meters in the ring. The

"It's good! I haven't used the body for a long time!" The night's feet stepped, it turned out to be not flashing.

"This stinky boy does not break?" The turtle fairy originally thought that the night grows, and the speed of the night, his trick, the whole, the turtle sent turtle, and he couldn't knead the night. He just hoped to use this trick. Let night long winds.

However, the night is not admitted, but it is the same as the turtle fairy, the muscles are slightly toned, and the whole body begins to exudes golden light.

At this time, everyone under the platform couldn't open their eyes. Only the turtle cactus saw the golden light emitted by the night. This golden light actually pressed the blue light of the turtle gas. Blue light.

"What is that? My old eye is frustrated?" The turtle fairy saw the vast shadow of the high altitude after the night length.

Bang! The coarse blue light column finally hits the chest of the night!

! The ground at night is instantly crackled, and the whole look is exploding in an instant, and the gravel is flying.

"Ah! God! Run!" The whole venue becomes a mess, many people hugged his head, squatting on the ground, did not dare to move.

After several breathing, the rays in the venue were exhausted, and the scene was also quiet.

Everyone once again opened his eyes, hurriedly watched to the direction of the ring, then Qi Qi exclaimed ...

1064 chapter, winning the champion

The whole platform has become a bunch of ruins, and the turtle fairy turned over to the edges outside the platform, and the forehead continued to sweat.

"What! How is the long wind? Is it killed by this old man?" Klelin glanced around where there was a shadow of the night, so he began to mourn.

"This is impossible!" Burma shocked, "Changfeng ... He ... he won't die!"

"Kllin, what are you jealous? I haven't died yet!" The sound of the night's wind came from the air of everyone.

"Ah! Changfeng!" Klin face, looked up at the night-long windsting of the air with dance air, completely, no damage, and turtle fairy's gray face formed a distinct contrast.

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