The Prince of Tennis Super God System

Chapter 1133 of the Chapter 1133 of the Prince of Tennis

Thousands of miles, the night is finally the first exclusive journey in the Dragon Ball World.

Of course, it is not easy to hurry in the night. After the night's lives flew, he flew away from the city, and found a cliff outside the [wild].

The legs are sitting at the top of the cliff, and the night storm begins a compulsory course, absorbs the vitality between the heavens and the earth.

Among the World Woods Conference, although the night costs have not encountered any master, there is some new comprehension for the cultivation of the gas, and the night is still distracted to participate in the turtle sent Qigong and the world. A deeper level of stunt.

The vitality between the nights in the night is obviously not so abundant during the day, but the night is good at night, the star is scattered in the night, and the night long style feels that he seems to absorb the star.

Although this energy is actually the body that can be the night, although this process is very slow, it can practice the vitality, while breaking the body, the night is already very satisfied, so he is also general I will choose to practice at night.

Next day.

The sun is full of earth, the heavens and the mountains have recovered again, and the night grows is slowly open.

Between the faint approximately, the night long-term wind is around, the faint starlight is slowly disappeared. The night's style is instant, and the gas is more absolute (DBCE), and his flesh power seems to enhance a wire.

"Okay! Let's take breakfast first!" The night is between the mountains, and it started prey.

A simple breakfast, the night grows actually a few tens of large animals, and the stomach has a slight feeling.

When the night is on the right hand, the dragon-gun radar thrown into the small world is now in the loud wind.

"Well ... I will see, where is the nearest Dragon Ball?" Night windsted the button of the top of Dragon Bao Radar.

! ! There is a place where a highlight is in the position where the position of the night is located.

"Oh! Is it in the west? Just here! Lucky!" The night long winds stepped open, and the light blue gas whose belongings slowly emerged.

bass! The night is suddenly jumped, flying in the air, speeding to the West.

"I don't know if it is a few star dragon beads, manage him, hurry up this task, now I have a person's efficiency, it should be very high!" After the self-finan, the night cost is ahead, and it is accelerated. The speed of flight.

The lens turned to a place in the mountain, where the Lao Lin in the forest is very primitive, there is a house with two capsules, and the house is also a caver, some people live here!

"It's already eight o'clock. You still don't start working?" A strong man in the army appeared before the house, against a middle-aged man.

"Ah! It is Hilba, good morning!" Middle-aged man was shocked.

"Less nonsense! Ruide's commander is urging again, it is necessary to find it as soon as possible ... I heard that the Brujman has already found yesterday, you have to be careful!" The man called Hillba is anger. Tao.

"Yes! We must work hard!" Middle-aged people and another wolf hurriedly took the truck.

"Remember the speed is fast, if you do something slowly, we will definitely be punished by the commander! Do you understand?" Hilba did not follow the cold channel.

"Yes! The school, let's work!" The middle-aged man hurriedly launched the truck.

Sudden ... The truck is open to the depths of the mountains.

"Really, want us to find what Dragon Ball ... Such a big mountain, where to find a small ball!" The middle-aged man came to a jungle to start smashing, "this TM is looking for For twenty days, even a shadow can't be found! "

"If you go so, our life can't keep it. I don't want to run the road! Do you say it? The old wolf!" Middle-aged man turned.

"Well! You are right!" The wolf called the wolf is nod, then suddenly stopped, "? What is it?"

A small black spot is flying in the direction, and the speed is getting faster and faster, it seems to be more and more like a person.

1067 chapter, harvest the first

It's a night!

The night, the night is falling directly from the high altitude, falling in front of the two.

"Well, it seems to be near this!" The night's wind is holding Dragon Bao Radad, and the button is pressed again.

"It should be here!" The bright spots and center points on Longhuareng radar is the current position of the night.

That is, Dragon Ball is within a few meters of the night length.

Early around, the night long looks, the most suspicious should be the bush on the right side.

Before walking to the bush, the night-long wind and right dial the green bushes, "Well ... Let me see!"

"Hey! What do you do?" The middle-aged people were suddenly scared.

"The stinking boy ignores me!" The middle-aged person pulled a revolver from the waist and directly gotting the night.

"Kid, you are best to roll! Otherwise, we will kill you!" The snorder of the sides came over, and a face fierce and evil.

The night-hearting is ignored to these two strange guys, and the right hand directly stretched [into] in the straws of the rock, he saw a flash.

"Hey ... I will find one so soon!" The night-long wind came out of the slut, it was Dragon Ball.

"Oh! It seems to be a six-star dragon ball!" The night length sweeps the quantity of small stars among the Dragon Balls.

"Ah! That is ..."

"Is it a dragon ball!" Middle-aged and the wolf are a big shock, they have been looking for the dragon balls, they are found to be found by the night.

"You are also looking for Dragon Ball?" Night-catching winds noticed two strange guys in front of them.

"Little ghost! Who are you? It is so easy to find Dragon Ball!" I asked coldly.

"Who is he is, this child is helping us, it is good!" The middle-aged people walked into the night and the right hand refers to the chest of the night.

"Hey! Kid, hand over the dragon ball!"

"I don't like others with a gun!" The night long-lived is in an instant. The middle-aged people were taken away by the cold and right foot kicking legs directly to fly out, the left round gun in the hand was night The long wind kicks smash.

"Stinky boy, you are dead!" The wolf saw that the direct companion was haloned by night, and directly came out from behind.

"Let's die!" The waswolf gave the shock gun to the night grew well, and the beginning of the way was shot.

"Too slow!" The night's wind was coming to the wolf's body, but the wolf shot was just the fire of the night.

"Roll!" The night-long wind and right hand grab the wolf's clothes directly threw it to the direction of the middle-aged people.

Night wind does not have heavy hands. Otherwise, the two strange guys are instantly killed. I originally want to torture these two guys know why Dragon Ball things. Now I have seen two guys have dizzy, and the night is always windy. It's too lazy to pay attention.

"Well! Continue to find the next dragon ball, take this progress, you should have a lot of time to complete the task, get a lot of lottery!" The night's heart is thinking, "said it can be used in this way. The number of lottery! "

Night-catching winds never leisurely prize, and the things of special stores need to exchange the number of lotterys, which is of course good.

Of course, the superhen system is impossible to tolerate this BUG. Now the number of lottery is so easy, mainly the result of his efforts to accumulate strength in the world.

When I started through the world, the talents of night long winds have been rapidly increased, but the night-long wind has not met the host of other superhen systems, so there is no way to judge what kind of level I am in one.

In short, it is no longer a host that the superhen system is the worst of talent.

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