The Prince of Tennis Super God System

Chapter 1134 of the Chapter 1134 of the Super Short System of Tennis Prince

! Night wind is again used to fly in the air again, and then quickly disappear in the sky!

At this time, the middle-aged man who was awkward by the night-long wind woke up. He was just the waves of the night-long blowing feet, and he did not suffer too much, so wake up an ancient.

"Oh ..." Middle-aged man barely walked next to the truck, took out the call devices on the truck.

"Hilba school, big events are not good! Someone took our Dragon Ball!" Middle-aged men watched.

"What?" Hilba is anger in the room, then putting down the phone is from the house to hold a rocket cartridge.

"Is that guy?" Hilba looked up at the sky, just the night of the night, also flew from the place where they stayed in Zhazhai.

! Hilba took the rocket gun and immediately aimed at the air of the night.

"Let's die!" Hilba launched a rocket.

······ Flowers ·······

boom! The rocket can be fly at the night long, and several breathing arrived in front of the night.

"What?" Night Long heard the figure turned to see, "I kao! Which is not qualified guy throws garbage?"

Large wind and right in the night, directly put the head of the rocket in hand.

The ribbon is a loud sound, and the rocket is also exploded at this time.

"Hey! It's right with us!" Hilba's evil smile.

"Cough ..." The night long-drying cough has two sounds, and the black smoke being exploded.

The energy of this rocker is of course completely harmful, but the clothes of the turtle flow in the night are suffered, and the whole is a broken fabric hanging on the night.

...? ..

"I cao, your uncle! Who is dying!" The night's wind turned over the ground, and then coldly glanced over the man in front of the army.

"Is you sneak me?" The night's wind is cold, he is a little angry.

"Well? Actually, I haven't died!" Hilba is not very surprised, but it continues to ask for death, "Kid, tell me, what do you want to do? Why can you find Dragon Ball?"

"Oh ... it seems to be quite calm, is it strong?" The night is long and the wind is color, "Then I will be welcome!"

"Kid, hurry to tell me! Don't give you no food!" Hilba took off the coat and exposed the muscles, "I didn't get angry before you were completely angry!"

"I don't feel powerful, it seems to be a little !" The night grew away and looked at Hilba, "less waste, there is something to come out! Win my words I will tell you! "

"Looking for death!" Hilba was angered by the nightly windy attitude, throwing the jacket and rushed directly.

"Who is looking for death?" The night is free to kick a small stone under the feet.

! Xiaosi is in the middle of Hilba, and Hilba is screaming directly!

"This is impossible!" Hilba was dizzy directly by a small stone that kicked up at night, then he was in the ground, and it was late.

"Waste!" The night is shot, and the eyes are lifted to the two capsules in front of it.

1068 chapter, red silk legion

Lake up into the capsule house left by Hilba, the room is not big, more than ten square meters, but things are all right.

This is the benefits of the capsule house, in addition to basic life, there are some basic entertainment facilities.

No strength, the night's wind is found in a storage cabinet containing several capsules.

"Well ... this gangfu [Lis], even such a small , there are so many capsules!" The night is free to take out a red capsule, and only HZ-1 model is displayed, no Any specific instructions.

"What is this?" The night is a little doubtful, and the red capsule is pressed, and then throws the front of the air. "Take him, directly watch it!"

A robot, a robot appears in front of the night.

"Ah! It is the robot!" Night wind looked at the robot that appeared in front of him, the shape is simple, and it is not a senior robot.

"Master, can I help you?" The robot is not good, but it still has artificial intelligence, so-called advanced robots on the Earth before the night, it is necessary to advance N times.

"Which of these capsules is a vehicle?" Night-hard wind showcase the robot to the robot.

"HZ-3 is a light jet!" Robot replied.

"Oh ... this?" Night wind picked up a blue capsule, and the model of HZ-3 was written.

! The night is free to throw the capsule on the ground, and a small jet, there is a small jet the plane appears in front of the night.

The shape is still good, and there is a feeling of the future aircraft in the sci-fi movie in front of the night grows.

"Will you open a plane?" When the night greetings turned.

"Of course, I am the latest HAZ-1 robot, I can ..." The robot began to talk about it.

"Got, don't talk nonsense! You will call Wang Cai in the future!" Night long wind interrupts the robot's explanation.

"Yes, master!" Wangcai machine should have a sound, although his artificial intelligence does not understand what is the meaning of Wang Cai, but as a robot it will unconditionally obey the commandments from night long wind.

This means that the artificial intelligence of this robot is not too advanced.

"Okay, you come to the plane! The target is the highlight position of the radar display!" Night long winds directly displayed the Dragon Ball position information displayed by Dragon Broad to the robot's storage space with blue wind.

The so-called blue wind is a short-distance communication technology, which is equivalent to the world's Bluetooth, but it is much more advanced than that.

This blue wind is used, or it is nothing to do before, the night grows in Burmuna.

"The goal has been corrected, ready to take off!" The robot took the driver's seat.

The night's wind is in the spirit of not wasteful, and the two capsules of Hilba directly receives the small world, and then take the pick-up passenger seat.

"Wangcai! Take off!" After the night grew, slowly closed his eyes and started to practice.

His reasoning to make Wangcai to take the airplane to find Dragon Ball, not to choose the dance empty, or because the night grows to grasp every moment, absorb the vitality between the world.

And with the gas in the body, although the dance is less consuming, it does not fly 24 hours a day, so the night long selection will take this capsule jet.

Although the speed is slow, it is still possible, after all, the speed of the aerobic plane and the night long-winding before the world fighter are similar.

The lens is transferred to the red silk army headquarters, which is the headquarters of the Legion in Hilba.

"Our army has been fully dispatched. Why can't I find Qi Dragon Ball? Radar is not very clear?" The highest leader of the Red Silk Army could not find Dragon Ball under his hand.

"Please wait again, after all, the radar has no way to show the exact position of Dragon Ball, only a probably range!" A black man carefully replied.

!! Just knock on the door at this time.

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