The Prince of Tennis Super God System

Chapter 1135 of the Chapter 1135 of the Prince of Tennis

"Come in!"

"Report! There is Dragon Ball in Hilba, please go to the command room!" A bear walked into the commander room loudly.

"Well! Go see!" Ruide heard the news of Dragon Ball, some excited to the commander.

Through the large-screen large screen of the commander, Rye has clearly saw a highlight in mobile.

"When you move! Is it I have found?" Ruid excitedly asked.

"But the situation is somewhat strange! You see! This is the Dragon Ball responsible for the Hilba. I don't know why the dragon ball moves in the direction responsible for General Walt, and the speed is very fast!" The bear pointed to the big screen explained.

"What is going on?" Ruide bite anger, "Quickly call Hilba!"

"Yes!" Xiong people began to contact Hilba.

Also just at this time, Hilba shakes and swayed. At this time, he was full of sweat, and it was like a virtual.

Dudu ... The phone in the Hilba pocket kept raging, and Hilba opened the phone very reluctant.

"Tong! The leader!" Xiong people hurriedly said.

"Give me!" Ruide grabbed the phone, and then roaring, "Hilba! What did you come, Dragon Ball?"

On the other side, when the night, the plane has come to a cold zone, and the position of the second dragon ball is not far away.

At the same time, Hilba began to explain the situation in Ruee.

"Ni! You said that the radar he owns is more accurate than our army? When you find Dragon Ball?" Ruid thought that his opponent was a legion. "What is the enemy, what is (Zhao Li Zhao) equipment?"

"Send Shuai, just a young man, no equipment ..." Hilba himself felt sorry.

"A person? And there is no equipment?" Ryder lungs must be blown out, "Hilba is doing this rice bowl! I want to tell you to death!"

Ruide is in a hurry to break the phone!

"What's wrong, the leader?" Asked the black behind Ryder.

"A little ghost actually dared to make a righteousness and jokes !!" "Ruide's forehead on the green gluten," calling the general of Walt, told him to kill the boy, grab the dragon ball back! "

"Okay!" The black never saw Ryder so angry, and hurriedly turned and went to the general general, and I was afraid that I was also implicated.

"Hey! Dare to make people with me ... all die! Little ghost, you are dead!" Ruide's angry looks at the highlights of the radar on the big screen.

1069 chapter, all five slag

The lens is transferred to the light jet ride of the night.

Under the command of the night long, Wangcai manipulated the plane directly landed in a small hill, the jet plane did not have oil at this time, and the lounge was changed back to the small world.

As for the desired energy of Wangcai, it is provided by the solar panels on the back of the back, which is less troublesome than the night-long battery.

However, the place where the night-catching scene is in the snow. The whole mountain forest is a white, and there is no anti-frozen device. Therefore, it is still turned back to the capsule that the capsule is thrown into the small world.

"Let me see where the second Dragon Ball is!" Night long-winding took out the Dragon Bao Rada, the ~ ~ ▉ .

"It should be near this!" Night wind comes around, a snow-white building with a red tower.

"Well? This bird doesn't have a place where someone is ranking? Just finding the first dragon ball, there is a strange guy, they seem to be looking for Dragon Ball?" Night Lounge slightly, "It looks like A army, go see first, maybe Dragon Ball is in the base of those guys! "

bass! The night length spreads to the whole body, then the speed is extremely red-640-high tower.

"Hey ... What is it, the speed is so fast!" The red tower is the base of the Red Silk Army General Triev, and the middle-aged ink man in a thick army coat wearing is discovered. Night long winds that are flying in this direction at high speed.

"General Waud! It seems that there is a person who is flying towards the base! With the kid you describe you before!" The ink man outside the base shouted.

"What are you talking about?" The Warri, who is called the generals, is the top of the top of the red tower, and he hurriedly saw the speed close to the night.

"Haha ... stinky boy, I also said to find you! Now actively send it to the door!" Wart's face smiled, "Good! I killed him, fire!"

Under the Walt, the soldiers outside the red tower were all the pressing guns and looked up in the low-altitude flying night.

Da da da! Countless bullets come to night long-term wind, almost covered him throughout the body.

"Looking for death!" Night-length is in his own body, and then bounced directly by his own strength as a diamond.

"Is this a devil? Is it a monster? I am not afraid of bullets!" Everyone in the Walt's Army is widened and can't believe it you can see.

The night-long wind is the right hand, and a red stick is held in the hands of the night. It is like it.

Get this wish from night, he is still used to oppose the enemy.

"Long!" The night is light and light, and the wish of the hand is stretched into more than ten meters.

call! The night-long waves waved like a must, sweeping directly outside the tower, and then fell directly to his shot, then fainted in the ground.

"Get it!" The night's wind will have a circle, then recover from the small world, and yourself flew up with the red tower on the high platform.

"Oh! This stinky boy is still very powerful!" Wantte looked at the movement of the night, and the eyes flashed a cold light. "I don't know if you can't climb it!"

"Well? Let me see which layer of Dragon Ball!" The night is ready to search for Dragon Ball directly from the second floor of the tower, until the top floor finds Dragon Ball.

! Night wind turns directly on the two-story wooden door, and the door does not lock.

"Hey, kid, welcome!" Night windy, in the second floor, I saw four strong men, and I looked at myself.

"General Walt, can I kill him?" One of the strong men with military caps.

"There is no problem, as long as you can find the dragon ball in his body, there is a radar!" Walt has moved through the sound of the night, and each of the tower has a speaker to communicate his commands.

"Well ... this kid looks very arrogant!" Tweed men rushed to the night, it was a head to kick the head of the night.

"Roll!" The night long's mouth flashed, he didn't want to pay attention to these, just want to find the second dragon ball as soon as possible.

! Night-length wind and right are also instantly lifting and wearing a hats.

Hey, a very crisp sound came, and the leg bones of the whole right leg!

"Ah! I am hurting!" Tweed men held the right leg, sat on the ground, full of cold sweat, "Fast! Kill him! Kill him!"

"Stinky boy! I dare to get hurt!" The three of the two of the two floors of the high tower each unplugged the weapon to the night length.

bass! At this moment, the night long wind flashed three stories, almost at the same time as a right!

"Ordinary boxing!" After a fist in the night, there was a fist.

!!! There were three humanoid caves on the walls of the second floor of the Tower, and the three strong men didn't know where they were in the night, in short, they did not know life and death.

"It's trouble, these fans haven't finished!" The night is searching for two floors, and there is still no trace of Dragon Ball.

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