The Prince of Tennis Super God System

Chapter 1136 of the Super Short System of Tennis Prince

"Well ... not here! Go to the Three-layer look!" The night greedy came to the three floors of the Tower.

"This kid seems to be marked!" The control room of the high tower is in the middle-aged middle-aged middle-aged man who looks at the monitor.

"Hey! This has a good show!" General's general seems to be very confident on his own hand, and did not scare the attack by the night.

"Do you think he can come?" Hua Tit asked to Ninja.

"It is absolutely impossible! No one can defeat the third floor of Matarrik, even if he can't, the fourth floor is there!" The Ninja is full of confidently.

!! Walt pinchs his right hand with his left hand, pinching, "It's a pity, I still want to borrow this opportunity, and this kid is handed over! Since the opponent is Matarrick This is not suspected! "

From the stairs of the passage, the night-lived wind came to the third floor of the Tower, and the reason did not choose to fly with the dance air. It is the possibility that the night is worried.

Therefore, the night's wind is looking for a passage from the channel, and finally it has reached the three floors of the tower.

"Welcome to you, young people!" Night Changshi just arrived at the three floors, there is a two-meter high muscles that appear in front of the night.

The strong man is standing up, and a black sunglasses are wearing a black sunglasses, the whole is a model in Schwarzenegie in the terminator.

"I cao! Is this Schwarzene?" Night lives saw a strong man in front of him.

1070 chapter, cottage version of the terminator

"The stairs are there! If you want to go, you will knock me!" Matarrick looked coldly with the night, really like Schwarzenegger's shape among the terminator.

"I don't know if this guy's combat power is there, it looks good! Don't be a fight again!" The angle of noise is slightly lifted in the corner of the night.

"Hey ... I don't know how long Matarrick needs to clean up this kid!" Walt watched the three-layer image of the high tower through the monitor.

"Well ... I want to take up to one minute!" The Ninja replied to the side.

"Dedicated!" Matarrik was as cold and the terminator, directly lifting the right right fist from the sandbags.

Boxing is like wind, the power looks not small.

"Too slow!" Night wind a flashes, escaped the attack of Matarrick.

! Matarrick's right box is on the ground, and there is a small pit on the ground. "Hmm? What is the people gone, where?"

"Is behind you!" The sound of the night's wind appeared behind the body of Matarrick.

Although Matarrick has a lot more than the five seasons encountered before the night, the speed and the night length are too large.

Matarrik has little way to capture the nightmare of the night.

"Well?" Matarrik turned its huge body and wanted to turn around to attack the night.

But I haven't waited for him to turn it through, and the night is on a smashing, directly puts Matarrick on the ground.

Dangdang, Matarrik fell to the ground and pulled the ground a small pit.

"Long Schwarcinger's face, really thinking that it is the terminator!" The night is disdainful, starting to find the trail of Dragon Ball at the three floors of the tower.

"Oh!" At this time, Matarrik, who fell to the ground, suddenly stood up, the arm rose, the two big hands were directly, and the body of the night's body was first and left!

"See you not to kill you!" Matarrik looked at night and cold, and the night Changshi had just an anger of Matarrick.

"Oh? It's not bad to fight against fighting!" Night costumes, there are some unexpected Matarricks to stand up.

"Death!" Matarrik's forehead on the blue gluten, constantly increasing power, he wanted to directly press the night long wind into a pie.

Unfortunately, regardless of how Matarrick is hard, the night-long wind is an expression of a gas.

"Can you still have a bit more, what you do, call it so much, I thought you were very powerful!" Night-catching power is somewhat disappointed with the power of Matarrick.

The hands of the hands are natural, the arms are slowly launched, and the noise of the night-catching winds open the hands of Matarrick.

At this time, Matarrick's face has risen into pig liver, and in front of the night, his incomparable strength is simply a baby's strength, unity.

"I persuaded you that don't hinder me!" The night's hands arrested the arms of Matarrick, and then it was actually a moment.

"Ah! This kid actually lifted Matarrick!" Wait in the control room has grown up his eyes and can't believe his eyes.

"Roll!" The night is free, and Matarrick is thrown directly to the wall of the three-layer high tower.

Booming, the huge body of Matarrick directly embedded in the wall of the high tower, and the three-story wall was thickened through special treatment. Otherwise, Matarrick will be looked at night. The wind is thrown out of the high tower, and the three-tiered three-layer trip directly falls to the snow outside the tower.

! At this time, Matarrik wrote the glossy light, and Matarrick stood directly.

"Well? Can you stand up?" The night's wind sweeped Matarrick, and Matarrick's fighting ability exceeded his expectations.

boom! The re-standing Matarrick directly rushing to the night long, then it is a punch.

This time, Matarrik's figure is like electricity, the speed is very fast, and the fist is also flashing, it looks powerful.

"Oh? The combat power suddenly improved? It is a bit mean!" The right hand is in the right hand, the right palm is launched.

! Matarrick is a punch of the Thunder in the right palm of the night!

The night's right patrol directly puts the Matarlic's fists in the hand, and Matarrick discovers that his right fist has no way to move.

"This kid's strength is big!" The Ninja in the surveillance room left a cold sweat on his forehead. He has already colluded the heart of the night's strength.

"Yeah!" Wart nodded at one side, "But he has angered Matarrik, this little ghost is dead!"

······ Flowers ······

"I want to slaughter you!" Matarrick is cold, there is no emotion.

"Well? Actually didn't shout?" The average person was pinched with night long, and she called a little shouted, and Matarrick is like a dead.

Instead, it is rushed to the head of the night, a big mouth.

"What do you want to do?" Night long-term words just fell.

A bombard, Matarrick's mouth is actually flashing a missile.

"Too slow!" The night's wind left hand instantly, and it turned out to catch the missile.

"Ni!" Walt saw stupid, he did not think of such a near distance, and the night cost can also make this reaction, and actually arrest the missile in hand, "Is he looking for death?"

........ [... ▉. [▉]

Bang! The missile of the night, suddenly exploded in the hands, fire, the sky, the three-story ground of the whole tower was a big hole.

"Haha ... This kid is originally a fool, even missiles are dare!" Walthaha laughed.

"It's done!" Matarrick raised his right hand and put a celebration of a scissors.

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