The Prince of Tennis Super God System

Chapter 1137 of the Super Short System of Tennis Prince

"In half a day, it is really a robot. I really took my finger!" The sound of the night's wind suddenly sounded.

"See the ghost! This little ghost is not dead!" The Ninja and Walt in the monitoring room were surprised to rise.

"Well?" Matarrik is also turned, still being a faceless look at night.

"Next, I attacked it!" The night grew fungus stepped, and it had already known that the giant haun in front of him is actually a robot, and the night's wind does not have to be polite with him.

"Death!" Matarrick turned to the night long rushing, a pace of the same.

bass! At this time, a blue disc gathered on the right hand, and it was very fast.

"Gas round!" The night is wind and right, and the air is thrown to Matarlic.

Blu-rays passed from the neck of Matarrick, a slash, the entire head of Matarrik was given to the instant dagger, and the part of the neck was all machinery.

Sure enough, it is a robot!

1071 chapter, invincible

boom! The wall of the high tower is also in the air, and it is obvious that the thickened wall cannot stop the attack.

With the gas circle to deal with the end of this cottage version, the night-length wind calculates the killing chicken with a cow knife.

"Just ... What is the moving?" What is the hindle of Walt and Ziyi in the surveillance room oozing fine sweat.

! At this time, the headless Matarrick in front of the night is still moving, but to the night long hair [out].

Bang! Suddenly, Matarrick is directly shot, directly, directly to the head of the night.

This kind of attack makes the night's wind can't help but remember the Sunee, who encountered in the Nangowed world, and of course, Matarrik must be much stronger than the original mechanical mechanical machinery in Petion.

Although it is far less than the terminator in the night long weather, it is still an abnormal "one six three".

"It seems that you don't make your big unloading eight pieces!" The night's wind and right fists directly swayed with flying fists.

Boom, Matarrick shot, was bombarded by the night-long's box.

The movement of the next night is completely exceeded by the scope of the monitor to capture, and the two in the monitoring room only saw the remaining shadow of the night.

The images on the display are clear again. On the three layers of the Tower, the night length is still standing, while Matarrick is disappearing, there is only one pile of scattered mechanical components on the ground.

"Ni! That kid is dismantled by Matarrik Worship? How could this!" The galt in the surveillance room bite the teeth, the strength of the night is far more than his expected.

"This kid is so strong! You!" Warrot turned to look at the purple neighborhood, "You still do what to do here, you still don't go guard the fourth floor! Dinn!"

"Yes!" Zi Jiejie hurriedly turned and rushed from the four layers of the stairway to the high tower.

"Well ... Where is the Dragon Ball? Where is Dragon Ball!" Night long-standing, the small song is looking for a circle in the high tower, still did not find Dragon Ball.

"It's trouble, Burma's Dragon Bao Radad is only the four directions of the plane. There is no three-dimensional image or not perfect enough!" The night long-lasting mouth squatted, from the three-story staircase channel, looking for the trail of Dragon Ball, Go on the side.

Come to the fourth floor of the Tower, and the night-length look suddenly opened.

The space here is much larger than the top two, and the ground is the land, there are still many trees around, and there is another courtyard and cabins, which is a small jungle feel.

"I am going ... It's just like returning to the world! Who is bored with this trees and shrubs, this is not a difficulty of adding me to find Dragon Ball!" The night is very dissatisfied.

!!! At this time, suddenly a few black shadows suddenly rapidly radial.

"Well?" The night's wind and right hand continuously flash, and the black shadows were all in the hands.

"This is ... bitter?" Night lived in his hands, he thought that he left the fire world and couldn't see this kind of thing. I didn't expect that the earth in the Dragon Ball is also encountered.

"Who?" Night lives feel a little funny, "Is this Dragon Ball World also have ninja?"

"Head boy, you are really not simple, you can reach the fourth floor! But you will come here!" There was a middle-aged man's voice in the woods. "So far, no one can see me. Don't beat me! "

!!! At this time, there were several black shadows suddenly swayed back from the night length of the night.

"Come again?" Night wind turned over, left hand, and a few darts in his hand.

"Oh? I can pick up my darts? It's an accident!" Zi Jiejian's attack on the night-length wind can also take some accidents.

"I think you are really Guan Gong's big knife. In front of my ninja, it is really fun!" The night's long disdain did not cry, and immediately opened at the same time.

bass! The bitterness of the night is shot at the same time, and the speed is extremely fast, although the base of the night, the base forbearance, the skill is already gray, but its use of endurance feelings and muscle memories are still there.

This ordinary bitter and darts can be better than the long-term non-purple ninja in the night length.

"Wow!" In the first moment, the night's wind only heard a miserable call, and the middle-aged people of the ninja look down from the woods.

At this time, the whole body of the purple ninja flowed to the blood, the clothes were also broken, and the night-long's attack was just a random attack. It turned out to all hit the purple neighborhood hidden in the dark ...

"I am evil! It is actually found by your kid, your luck is really good!" The purple necrotic was angry at night long wind.

"Your thoughts are too bad, it is a person who can find it!" The night did not help the Tucao.

"Hu said! How can the foreman can find me!" Zi Jiejie was soaked in the night.

"You are the foreigner, idiot!" Night wind is like looking at Zijiji is like looking at a mental disability.

"Can be evil! I dare to doubt my tissue!" Zi Jiejian took out a black ball from his arms, and immediately threw it to the air in front of it.

! Smoke is filled, soon shrouded the entire area.

"Hey ... kid, you can't find me, this is called stealth!" After the smoke is exhausted, the shape of the purple neighborhood disappears in the same place!

"Nima! Do you hold such a big bark on the tree is called stealth?" Night-length felt discovered the purple neighborhood, he was also teased by the Zi Jiejie.

"I see you still don't want to be an anti-dispatch, go to a funny star, maybe it can be a generation of wonderful!" Night wind spit.

"What! You can also find me this! This is impossible!" The purple necrotic junction jumped from the trees.

"Stupid! Don't worry, you will get rid of that little ghost!" The speaker came from Ward's roaring.

"Okay, Ward! I will do it!" Zi Jiejian did not dare to violent, his right hand stretched backwards, then pulsate the samurai knife on the back.

"Little ghost! The game is over, I have to move the truth!" Zi Jiejie took the warrior's knife in front of the chest, "You are dead!"

"Why do you want to kill me with your eyes?" The night's long face looked at the purple neighborhood, and the right hand was exhibited back, if it is awesome now, the night is now in the hands of the night.

"Your guy is still not a ninja, the ninja is a career that needs very high talent!" The night grew is deliberately provocating the purple clothes.

"Little ghost! You are too arrogant! Don't think that you find that my stealth is great, now I look at me to unload eight pieces!" Zi Jiejian is obviously anger by the night's wind, he jumped up, in the air Hold the samurai knife with both hands!

1072 chapter, artificial eight

"Forget it! I will do a good person in the compassion, so that you don't want to go to the stream. What is the true sickness!" Night, the right hand, the right hand will go downward directly.

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