The Prince of Tennis Super God System

Chapter 1138 of the Chapter 1138 of the Prince of Tennis

"Woody Olympics - Millennium Kill!" Night's mouth with a smile, as soon as the heart of the night, the heart of the night became long.

"Go to death ..." The voice of the Ziyi ninja did not fall, suddenly feels that the chrysanthemum [flower] a drill bitterness.

"Ah!" Zi Jiejian sent a hidden mourning, his chrysanthemum [flower] was burst with a wishful wish.

Night costumes can even be clearly listening to a crisp!

"Wow!" The Ziyi Ninja is full of round, after landing, and wherever she is going to the night, she ran in front of the night.

"Haha! Sure enough star!" Night wind was smirked by a tear-like movement of the Zijie ninja.

"I am dying! I beg you to help me pull out! I am wrong!" The tears of Zi Jiejie flowed out, he didn't have this in our lives. 31

"Haha! Let's come back!" Night, the right hand, the right hand, the wishfulness, the

"Oh!" Zi Jiejian is a mad arrogance, and the whole person is half a squat, the forehead is the rain.

"I understand, what is the real ¿ , haha!" The night is smirking.

"Head boy, you dare to be humiliated me ... I will never let you go!" The purple necrotic is red, and the anger will have filled his chest.

"Cut ... What else is there, don't say it, don't say that I have not given you a chance!" The night grew her hand, a pair of expressions.

"Bet!" The cold light in the eyes of the purple nepon, and then it is a posture of the hands. "This time, let you see my ninja Muraha's look!"

"Oh ... will also be printed?" The night is laughing, "But this posture is really not good, it seems that the dragon ball world is still ninja, but the combat power is really not very good!"

"Ah, yeah! Summary!" Zi Jiejie has blows a whistle, and he has shown four models of portraits behind him, plus the original body is five people.

"Wow, haha! The devil is scared!" The five purple necrotics stationed in five directions in the middle.

"This level is probably not to graduate in the Ninja School in the Naruto World!" Night winds are somewhat speechless. He is still looking forward to what the purple necrotic can have any big tricks.

The result is a special body, and the night length does not feel any energy flow at all.

In other words, the purple necrotic ninja will not be divided into the body, and he is a person behind him.

"Don't you think that I haven't seen it, are you the four teasings behind you just jumped out from the woods?" The night did not help the Tucao. 1. ≮ Alternative:, ≯

"Ha! The kid is not simple, this is all discovered!" Five Zijiji put a variety of shapes, "Yes! We are five-child ninja!"

"I see that you are a teasing! ▉ Night wind has lost patience, I don't want to play with this Zijian Naja.

"Hey, a person can't pay you! Now it is five people, you are dead!" Five Ziji Naqi took out the weapon to the night long rush.

bass! The various weapons in the hands of the five purple nepheses are playing in the long body, "Haha, kid, you can't make it!"

"I am here, teasing!" It turns out that the Zi Jiejie hit the residual shadow, and the night of the night is behind five purple ninja.

This is not divided, but the speed of the night is fast to the limit, it seems like it is five people.

"Ni? Do you really learn?" Zi Jiejian's eyes quickly convex.

!! ~ ▉ ▉ directly, two of them, then turned around to look at the last remaining purple neighborhood.

"Ah ... His speed is terrible! It is clear that only one person can furnish!" Zi Jiejian was scared that his face was full.

"Okay! There is a teasing like!" The night is cold and cold.

"Baby ... kid!" Ziyi Ninja turned to pull his leg and ran to the staircase channel, with the speed of the night, he certainly can't run.

However, the night-long wind did not stop teasing than Zijian, but started looking for Dragon Ball at the four layers of the tower.

The Zi Jiejie finally ran to a high platform in the high tower four, and there was a cage on the high platform.

"People No. 8! Give me it! Give me the stinky boy!" Zi Jiejian rushed into a stunned atroish man.

At this time, the night-catching wind is also looking for four-layer high platform.

"The stinky boy came, come out, kill him!" Zi Jiejian quickly opened the door of the iron.

Sand, the artificial eight is drilled in the cage and came to the front of the night.

"Oh? Who, the block is quite big!" The night-long sweeping suddenly appeared in front of him.

"Ah, hahaha, the artificial people are also very powerful, kids, this time you are really dead!" Ziyi invincible forces again.

"You have said this every time!" Night wind is very disdainful, there is no ignorance of the purple neighborhood, but he looked around, but did not find any second dragon ball information.

"Why is it still not, is Dragon Bao Rada broken?" 027 night-long wind once again took out Dragon Bao Radad to see an eye, the highlights on the radar screen just and the center point, that is, the position where the night length is in.

"Hand! Give me this arrogant boy!" Zi Jiejian rushed to the Hormon 8 yelled.

"No!" The artificial people refused the order of the Zijiji.

"What! I didn't listen to it, are you rejecting me?" The Zi Jiejian is very angry and refers to the eight .

"It should not be, I hate to do bad things!" The eighth number of artificial people still has independent awareness, and it is kind.

"Oh ... this person is very interesting!" Night long-standing is again gathered to the eighth number of the human art.

"You know what you say, don't know what you say, don't forget that you are making our red-chip army! Do you dare to violate the owner's order?" The Ziyi Ninja was very urgently corrupt.

"Well ... Sorry, I can't kill!" The artificial people slowly replied.

"You use the gallbladder! I advise you to listen to my order! Otherwise ... Hey!" Ziyi Ninja suddenly took out a remote control, there was a red button on the remote control.

"In case, we have installed a bomb in your body. As long as I press this button, you will be fried and broken bones! Do you understand?" Zi Jiejian began to threaten the eight number of the people.

1073 chapter, five-layer secret room

"Well ... I ... I still don't do things!" I threatened by the Ziyi Ninja, and the Artificial No. 8 still refused the order of the purple neighborhood.

"Oh? This person creates people seem to have self-emotion!" The night is slightly surprised.

"You ... you dare!" Zi Jiejian was angry with a colorful face.

"Ox! This traitor is really a failed work!" Walt in the monitoring room saw all this through the display, but also very anger.

"Murahas"! I will blow this traitor to me! "Walt licked the command of the spark of the human eight.

"Good Ward General!" Zi Jiejian took the remote control directly to drive, separated from the scope of the 8th 3rd, "I saw you fry you into pieces!"

The Ziyi Naja's mouth shows a smile, "You are a bastard ... go to death!"

Just in the Ziyi Ninja to press the remote control button, a figure suddenly appeared behind his back, it was a night.

"Do you do not exist?" The night-long wind shot, grabbed the remote control in the hands of the Ziyi Ninja, and then instantly power.

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