The Prince of Tennis Super God System

Chapter 1139 of the Super Short System of Tennis Prince

! Of course, the remote control can't stand the giant force of the night, and it is directly squeezed into the slag from the night length wind.

"Ni! It is your stinky boy, and actually give my remote control to ..." The Ziyi Ninja voice did not fall.

The night-hearted punch is hitting the teasing face of Zi Jiejie. The night is not patient and the guy is going to play. "You have too nonsense!"

Bang! The purple necrotic ninja was born at night, on the floor of the four-story soil, directly put the high tower four layers of the floor.

"What ... can be evil, this little ghost is too strong!" The generals in the monitoring room were sweating, and both hands couldn't help but clasp.

"Thank you for saving me!" The Han Mo's 8th ran to the front of the night.

"Oh, I will directly solve the guy with your combat power!" Night long winds.

"I don't like fight ... I am afraid of fighting!" The Han Month lowered his head.

"It's a strange man ..." What is your name? "When you look for the fall of Dragon Ball, this person should be more familiar with it, so the night is hoped to be from his mouth. Get some second Dragon Ball information.

"My name is the eight" eight! "

"This name is too simple!" Night wind shrug shrugged, "My name is the night and long style, I am here to find Dragon Ball, have you seen Dragon Ball?"

"Dragon Ball?"

"It's like this, the little ball!" Night long-winding came from his arms to the previously collected Dragon Ball.

"I have never seen it!" The artificial people have a high-rise role.

"Forget it! It seems that there is no, I will continue to go to the building, it is probably in the generals!" Night long guess.

"Do you want to go to the top? That may have some trouble, I will take you!" The Artificial Eighth is willing to thank the night long wind.

"Oh? Is there any organ?" The two continued to go up through the stairs channel of the high tower four highlights.

It turns out that the channel from the four layers to the top is a labyrinth with a variety of routes.

"Changfeng Jun is here, if it is lost in this labyrinth!" The artificial people walked in front of the night long-distance wind behind him.

"Oh! The old eight here is the top, there is no secret room in the high tower?" Asked the night.

"What is the old eight?" The doubts of the artificial people.

"That person is too long, your face is very old, it is the eighth, so it is called the old eight!" The night grew gave a nickname 8.

"Old eight ... ... I sound is a good name!" The eighth number of the artificial is very satisfied with your new name.

"I don't know what room here, this five floors are not top, leading to the top-level monitoring room here!" The eighth person came to the stairway at night.

"Oh? This five floors so big space is just a maze?" The night is a little doubt, but it is still the top floor of the tower with the footsteps of the Homes.

! The night-long wind kicks the top of the steel gate, and Walt is still there.

"Kid, the book is not small, actually can come here! But join us red silk army, the compensation can be very rich!" Wantte deliberately spent the night.

"Less nonsense, is Dragon Ball in your hands?" The night is cold and cold, "I advise you to take it out, I am patiently very good!"


"Hey! Leader is a little bit! My Ward is not so good to deal with it!" Walt pressed the button ready to prepare.

! The ground of the night-lived wind and the eighth is suddenly opened, it is a agency, the following is the five-layer space.

Night wind can be flying directly with the dance air, but he wants to see what is in the five-story high tower, so there is no use of the dance air, but after several air turn, steadily falls on the five floors. Among the privileges.

boom! At this time, the huge body of the eighth number of the artificial people was also fell.

Snapped! The night-long wind can directly grasp the back of the human eight, instantly offset the loss of the fallen, and put him on one side.

"Thank you ... Changfeng!" Said the artificial people said very grateful.

...... [..

"Little means!" The night was swaying.

"Hey, let Dragon Ball and Radar!" Walt slammed from the open hole and said to the Night Safety and Hemon.

"So, the second Dragon Ball is in your hand?" The night is cold and glance.

"Hey! It seems that you are not planning to cooperate, then you will die here!" Wart put a button again.

... ... Just opened the institution slowly closed, the entire space of the five layers became a secret room.

Zagzza! At this time, the walls of the night-lived wind and the human body were suddenly rising.

"Be careful! It seems to have something!" The artificial people hurriedly.

"Oh ... should be the five-story guardian!" The night length sweeping the monster in front of him, the body of the body, the long she scales [out] still flowing with the water, it looks very nausea.

"Haha! The ghosts are all over the 8th, and the cloth will eat you!" Walt's voice passed through the speaker to the five-layer secret room.

"Wow, ah!" The 8th number of the artificial people was scared, and it turned out a few steps later.

"What planes, you are a human man, how is it to be so small!" The night is dissatisfied, and then turned to look at the monster known as the cloth.

I don't feel the powerful breath that I can't get the cloth. When the night is full, I feel somewhat boring. The guardian in this high tower is not 100, and there is no challenge.

Chapter 1074, harvesting the second

"It's terrible!" The artificial people eight is very fearful

"I really don't know what you are afraid, this kind of waste, I can solve it!" The night grew and right.

"Hahaha, it's really fun! Kid you too little to look at the cloth, no matter how high your martial arts, what weapons are used, don't want to hurt it!" Walt voice just fell.

The sound of the [promotion], the fist of the night, is already on the abdomen of the cloth.

This boxing night is used up, and the blue gas encloses the huge body of the cloth.

! If the body of the cloth is shocked, it is directly grounded, and then the whole body is bombarded.

"Ah ... it is really a punch to solve it, it is so powerful!" The artificial people have grown their eyes.

"This ... this is impossible, the cloth is clearly able to rebound everything" seven zero "attack!" Walt couldn't believe his eyes, in the previous battle, the cloth has never been hurt by the opponent, it is hypertrophic The skin and fat can rebound all the attacks.

Warri did not expect that the night's boxing of the night is not only on the surface of the enemy, but the fist in the night can penetrate the surface, direct access to the viscera.

Just in the night long-term fist contact, the night, the night's fierce, the fist, has already stirred its internal organs, and the cloth that is super-hitting ability is superior, this countless boxing is directly spike!

The real one must kill!

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