The Prince of Tennis Super God System

Chapter 1140 of the Chapter 1140 of the Prince of Tennis

Bang! After killing, the night is straight, flying directly, flying with the dance air, breaking the wall of the ceiling, returning to the top of the Tower!

"Ah! You will ... will fly?" Walt was scared to face.

"Okay, now I will pay it out now!" The night grew blows the fist.

"Go to death!" Wait pulled out the lumbar pistol and continuous shooting.

bass! bass! bass! The night length wind shadow swings in place in place, come to a hacker emject classic hiding bullet, it seems like adding special effects.

The five different figures of the night-catching dichroads are in an instant.

"You!" Walt was frightened by the movement of the night long wind. From the screen, he only felt that the night is very strong, but when Wart really felt the oppressed breath of the night, China It is discovered that it doesn't matter to move.

"It's too terrible, this kid is a real monster!" Walt even took the pistol to get unstable, and slammed on the ground.

"You are challenging my patience!" Night winds went to the front of Waud.

! The powerful oppressed power that Walt was scattered on the night of the night was directly pressed down.

"Don't kill me! Don't kill me! All give you, all give you!" Wart hurriedly took out a remote control and pressed the button.

! On the top of the high tower, there is still a small holy to open.

bass! The small cabinet is a golden light, which is all gold and a variety of shining gems, it seems that Wantte is born in this area.

"Well, there!" When the night grew, he saw Dragon Ball at a glance. He directly jumped on the small cabiler to grab the dragon ball in his hand.

In addition, in the spirit of non-waste, the night-catching winds also put other gold and silver jewels into the small world. Although the gold and silver treasures of the Dragon Ball World are not rare, it is still a value on the earth.

"Oh, I will get one!" The night long winds watched a dragon ball, there were two stars in it, it was a second star dragon.

At this time, the Han Mo's 8th is also climbed out through the large hole that breeze through the night-winding room.

"Oh, long wind, that is the dragon ball you're looking for?" The artificial people were surprised.

"Yes!" Although I spent a little effort, I can find the second dragon ball, the mood of the night, "" Old 8, this base is given to you, "you will grab the villagers here. All put it! "

"Okay!" The artificial nodded.

"That ... will be again!" The night is directly flashed by the top of the tower, and then turned over.

"Well ... Let's take a look at where the third Dragon Ball is!" Long-distance wind and right, Dragon Bao Radad once again appeared in the right hand of the night.

! The night-hearted wind is pressed the button of the Dragon Bad Radad and turned its attention to the screen.

"Hey? What happened?" The night's doubtfully looked at the screen, and the screen of Dragon Bao Rada was not bright.

Snapped! Snapped! Snapped! Night winds have been pressed in a few times, and Dragon Bao Radad has not responded.

"I am going ... I won't be almost bad! Burt is not very good!" The night is dissatisfied with two words ...

"Super god system, repair Dragon Bao Rada how much redemption point?" Night Changfeng saw Dragon Bao Radad in Super Short System Shop, but the exchange points needed, so the long-term wind wants to directly repair Dragon Ball directly radar.

"Go back to the master, repair the redemption point required for Dragon Bao Rada is 300,000!" Super-god system coldly relied.

"What! What is your joke? Just fix it, it takes 300,000?" Night long-lived lungs must be blown up.

Although he now has the balance of 30,000 redemption points, it is obvious that the night is not wanting to use 300,000 to repair a Dragon Bao Lada.

"The inventors of Longhuare Lada is a genius. The dragon-gun radar is very complicated and precise, so it is necessary to completely repair the 300,000 redemption points!" Exceptional except of the superhen system.

"KAO! The pothole system really pits!" The night did not help but complain, "Forget it, I still go to Burta home to find Burt!"

The position now is now in the north, and there is a distance from the West of Boojam's home, but it doesn't spend much time with the speed of the long-standing power of the dance.

bass! The vitality in the body is covered with the body, and the body of the night is slowly raised.

In order to save time, the night cost is not planning to use a light jet plane, and then, that is, it is no oil, and it can't be used again.

boom! The night long wind is in the air, and the night long-lived wind show 0.0 opens hands.

Light blue airflows are shot from the night long palms, and the anti-thrust speed has accelerated the speed of the night long in the air.

The nozzle of the night is like a blue electric light, soon disappearing among the realization of the Hualian.

"The speed is so fast, it is very powerful!" The artificial people waved in the direction of the night long, and then waited until the night of the night, turned to return to the bottom of the tower to release was arrested by Huad. Hosts.

And the night growing is to fly under the night, and finally came to the very prosperous west.

On the way, the night-long wind has a few times to supplement, and the stomach is hungry and falling. It also consumes some time. However, it takes less than two days, and the night is rushing from the north to thousands of kilometers. We west.

1075 chapter, goodbye Berma

Western is very bustling as a modern big city in the world's earth.

The wonderful high-rise building that can be seen everywhere, and all kinds of wonderful transportation is open to the eyes of the night.

Night wind does not know where Burma's furniture is, but as a thousand golden big masters of the capsule, Burt's home is very famous, and the night is asking for a few passers-by, I found Boojam's home address. .

"Well ... The house is quite big!" Night wind did not have a good job to the door of Burt, Burt's home is quite big, in this inch gold west, there is such a big residence. It can be seen that the financial resources of Booema are quite amazing.

Just when the night long weather wanted to press the doorbell, it was a roar in the top of the night length.

At night, the long wind came up, a familiar figure was driving a wonderful suspended motorboat, which is Boojam.

"Hello, Burma!" Nightly rushing 31 Marta waved.

"Well? Changfeng?" Burma took the goggles, and the face could not hide the color. "Your guy is finally coming to me?"

"Ah, Dragon Bao Radad is broken, I want you to help me repair it, just when I owe you a person!" Night wind took out Dragon Bao Ladar swayed in front of Burt.

"Hey ... I don't want to say anything, now I know me!" Burma looked at Longzhu radar is coming, and the night's hard wind is originally promised to find Dragon Ball together. Before running away, such Pul Ma is very angry.

"Okay, don't be angry, this time I take you to find Dragon Ball!" Night Changfeng has no way, Dragon Bao Radad is likely to be broken, there is no such radar to find Dragon Ball is almost impossible, Therefore, the wishes of the night grow ups have only lost.

"Hey! Come on you! Let's come in, we will go in!" After recently returning to the West, Burma is going to school, looking for the journey of Dragon Ball with night, compared with Burma, I am boring, she is going to find the night's wind.

Now that the night is always sent, Burt is also getting better, and the previous things will be thrown behind.

Under the leadership of Burma, the two came to Burma's home.

"I am back!" Burma entered the door, and a long-awacious machine servant will meet.

"Welcome home, Miss Burt!"

"How is your maid so ugly!" Night wind spit.

"You don't look at it. Its IQ can be very high. I will do anything!" Burma explained, "This is the first super-artificial intelligence of my father's research, so I have a commemorative meaning!"

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