The Prince of Tennis Super God System

Chapter 1141 of the Chapter 1141 of the Prince of Tennis

"Oh! It turns out!" Night-lasting style nodded.

"What about my father?" Burma asked the machine servant.

"It should be in the yard!" The machine serviced.

! ! Before Burma collected the night, the password was pressed before the night is coming to a high wall.

The high wall is directly rising, and it is an oversized courtyard in front of the night. There are various places and small animals, which is simply a primitive forest.

"Burma, your home is really a good!" The night did not help but sigh.

"It's okay, this is not my biggest yard!" Burma replied.

bass! At this point, a monitoring robot flew to the top of the two.

"Hey! Let me call my father!" Burma commanded the monitoring robot.

"Yes!" The robot quickly flew away.

"There is a lot of animals in this courtyard, all!" The night's wind sweeps a garden, smaller to hamster to dinosaur, it is a world world.

"Ah! My father puts the nearby wild cats and dinosaurous animals, I will go home! Changfeng, don't think about eating them, my father will be angry!" Burma turned.

"Know, don't treat me as a pure food, ok?" The night's hard work shook his head, his own food image appeared to have deeply entered the impression of Burt.

"Dad is coming!" Burma and the night's wind show a old old.

"Oh, this is my future father-in-law adult?" Night lived on the old, a white dress, and riding a bicycle, how to see the founder of Capsule, a Capsule, Burv.

"Burma, is you looking for me?" Buriff asked.

"He is the night grew that I have told you!" Burma pointed to the night's loud life.

"It turned out to be you!" Burf is a little fine up and down, "" The body is very strong, I listen to Balma said that your martial arts is very good! "

"Ma Ma Tiger!" Like the night.

"Oh ... Do you have a pro WEN? Our home Burt is like you!" Burve suddenly said.

"Dad! What are you talking about!" Burma's face was red, "I hate, no matter you, we went home!"

Burmara ran away with the night of the night, leaving only the Burve in the same place.

"When Burt is also shy, it is really rare!" Burf looked at Burma and night-to-day, the mouth of the mouth, the corner of his mouth came out.

The lens is transferred to the red silk army headquarters.

"What do you do to the west? There is no trace of Dragon Ball!" The Red Silk Army's commander drove.

"Ruide commander, the enemy's photo has been sent!" The bear took out a fax photo.

"Give me!" Ruide grabbed 487 photos, carefully look, "Destroyed the Hilba and Walt Legion, and the two Dragon Balls that snapped away were this milk odor."

"Bastard!" Ruid originally thought that the night's wind is a tall beast or what the terminator did not expect it to look like a small young man who is studying.

"You! Now transfer his photo to all the troops. Once you find it, you will immediately die!" Ryder turned to the bear.


"Be evil! Our army has no way to know that the radar of Dragon Ball is to know the exact position of Dragon, why is the kid to find it!" Ruide bite his teeth and his face is full of anger.

"He must have more precise radar assist in the two Dragon Balls so quickly!" A black man after Ryder.

"Mixing kid, I must win the dragon boy!" Ruide angryly holding boxing.

The lens is turned back to Burma home.

Dragon Bao, who is broken, will deliver Burma. After Booema opens the radar, it is simply replaced with a small component.

Then, the Dragon Bao Radad was lit, "Well! Practice it!"

"Wow! So fast, it will receive 300,000 redemption points, if you don't make a mistake!" The night grew well.

Chapter 1076, shrinking table

! ! Burma presses the button on the top of the dragon-gun radar, with two highlights on the center of the screen.

"Changfeng, can you find two?" Burma attacted that she thought that at least four or five strengths were at least four or five strengths.

"Don't mention, there is a red silk army is also collecting Dragon Ball, although it is a battle of five slags, but it is still a lot of time!" Night long-winded.

"Oh, I don't have me, I still can't!" Burt smiled, "I can't drop it again, otherwise I am really angry, let's go to Dragon Ball!"

"Okay!" The night is helpless, she shrugged, he didn't want to expose his identity, otherwise, you can bring Burto directly into the small world.

Although there is no new energy injection, it is still slow to grow slowly, it is more likely to be a world.

"Hey, rest assured, I will not bother you this time!" Burma saw that she was a bit of trouble, since the last time was pulling, Burta was studying a new one. The invention, just successfully successfully.

"Oh? Burt, do you invented a fast transportation?" Asked at night.

"No! I have this!" Burma proudly looked up the strap on his wrist.

"What is this? Smart watch?" Night wind looks at the Burma wrist's smart watch like night long-winding.

"It's only so backward original tool, this is the narrowing table of my new invention!" Burt said confident.

"how to use?"

Hey! Burma presses the button on the dial of the table. "When we wear it, press this button will shrink!"

The rumor, Burma is shortening in the nozzle of the cold face, and finally become a small man who hands the size.

"Wow! It's so powerful, it looks like a senior hand!" The night is surprising.

"What is the hand?` ▉? "Burta didn't understand what the night is saying again." Well, as long as you bring me, it is very convenient! "

"It's really convenient!" The night grew well looked at the shrinking Burma, and all the vulgar low-level fun pictures were unable to emerge.

! At this time, a beautiful woman suddenly walked into the room of Burma, as well as stepped on the shrinking Burma.

"Ah!" Burma screamed.

"Oh, you are the long wind of Burt, really handsome!" The American woman looked at the night and smiled at night, "I am Burt's mother!"

"Amount ... Hello!" When the night was bright, Burma's mother looked very young, and it was beautiful than Burt, and the mature breath was emitted.

bass! At this time, the Boolean body turned back to the original size.

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