The Prince of Tennis Super God System

Chapter 1142 of the Chapter 1142 of the Super Short of the Tennis Prince

"Ah, how do you run to your mother's feet?" Burma's mother was surprised.

"It's you stepped on me!" Burta looked at the [hip] dissatisfaction.

"Hey, you become so small, where do I see it!"

"You shouldn't suddenly come in!" The mother and daughter began to mix the mouth.

"Haha, Burt's mother is very interesting!" The night is smirking on the side.

"Sorry, my daughter is much more, she didn't let you worry? Changfeng?" Burma's mother called the name of the night.

Under the eyes of Burma murdered, the night is swaying, "no, complete! Burt is very good!"

"When will you get married?" Burma's mother asked.

"This ..." The night's wind is a dumb.

Booema is popular, "Mom, what do you ask this! I am going crazy!"

"Changfeng, don't mind, Burt is now in a rebellious period!" Burt's mother smiled at night long-lasting.

"Shut up!" Burma was crazy by her mother. "I have to go to Dragon Ball with the long wind now. These things will be said!"

"Oh, then I will go well, I also like the long wind!" Burt's mother rely on the night's long body, which is very intimate.

"This future mother-in-law is too enthusiastic, I am not that kind of person!" The night-long's style is already an unlaking picture.

"I hate it! Who will take you together!" Burma set up the coat, directly pulled the night's wind, and he was afraid that night long wind was taken.

"It's a rebellious!" Burt's mother looked at the back of the two, the Hohoho smiled.

"Dad, where do you put my capsule storage box?" Burma couldn't find his own storage box and came to the courtyard and asked Blyf.

"Oh, on my table, are you going out?" Buriff asked.

"Yeah, I want to go to Dragon Ball with the long wind!" Burma picked up a capsule storage box from the workbench.

"Ah! This is, if you collect seven dragon balls, you must help your father to find Shenlong to have a beauty!" Buriff laughed.

"I hate! How do you and your mother!" Booema's breath turned to pull the night's wind.

"Haha, your parents are really interesting!" Said the night is talking.

"It's not yet, I am mad!" Burma took out Dragon Bao Rada.

"Well! The first is the southeast direction, about 5,000 kilometers!" Burma looked at the highlights of Longhuad radar.

"So far? It seems that it doesn't speed up the speed!" Night wind plan to use the dance air to fully fly to the third dragon ball.

"Well! Then I will shrink!" Burma pressed the button to reduce the table on the wrist, soon became a small child again, and immediately drilled into the inner bag of the clothes before the night.

"Okay, let's go! Long wind!" Burma drilled into a head in the clothes of the night.

"You are really happy, this kind of righteous words are inexpensive, I really have no way!" Night (Good Wang is good) long-winding.

"I hate ... Let's go!" Burma remembered that he was still so close to a man for the first time, and suddenly his face was like a ripe little apple.

"Haha, you can get stable! I have to leave!" The night is long and the body is around the body.

Light blue gantry puts Burma, Boolean, feels very comfortable, every breath, the whole person is a comfortable.

"Is this a legendary vitality? It's amazing!" Burma was very surprised.

The body of the night, the body is rising over the sky. Burma's body has no way to bear the fast-flying air pressure, and the night is specially filled with points in their own chest, and a light blue protective cover.

A sound, the night cost is ahead, and the speed will soar to the limit.

His figure into a blue light, soon disappeared in the blue sky.

1077 chapter, sneaking into the sea

"Was bad, Burma took my capsule!" After night, Burma walked, Burf found that Burma took the wrong capsule storage box and took his capsule box.

On the other hand, the night-long wind rushed to the rush of Burma day and night, and finally arrived at this destination, a big sea is island, which is the location of the third Dragon Ball.

Red Silk Headquarters.

"The boy seems to be in the area responsible to General Brui!" The black man behind Ryder reported.

"The stink is really fast, is it the latest capsule aircraft?" Ruid is very surprised by the speed of the night, and the location of the long wind will change on the big screen for a few minutes.

This is a map of the night, which is really exaggerated.

"You! Pass the photo of the little ghost to the generals of Bruce, and told him that once the kid will kill!" Ruid turned his head and commanded.

"Yes!" The bear nodded was.

A unmanned island in the big sea outside thousands of kilometers, the Hong Kong Legion Brui leads his troops in this place, they are looking for Dragon Balls in this area. -923-

"So long, I haven't found Dragon Ball, and the Ruide commander is very angry. If so, I am afraid I have to be used ..." I didn't find Dragon Ball during this time, let Bruce is very dissatisfied with the performance .

"Everyone is already very hard, but I have to find such a ball in this sea, it is a big sea, General Brui!" The tiger behind the Bruce explained.

"I don't want to listen to these nonsense!" Brui brow wrinkled.

At this time, the Bruil Legion's communicationman took off the contact headset, "report the generals, the headquarters news, the enemy who snatched the dragon is now here!"

"Is it? Go to me to send it?" Brui exposed a smile.

"Hilba and Walt Legion were destroyed by the kid, you have to be careful!"

"Hey! They are the shame of the Red Silk Legion, this opportunity I have made up!" Bru took out the photo of the night, muttering, he thought that his strength was stronger than Hilba and Walt Qiang is hundreds of times, and it is not too big to clean up a child.

call! At this time, the night-length wind belt on the sea is above the sea.

"Stop! (Dbbe) is stopped! Dragon Ball is underneath!" Burt suddenly drilled his head from night long wind.

"Hey! Do you mean underwater?" Night long wind in the air.

"Well! Very likely!" Burma replied.

"Well! There is a boat that there is a boat, this wasteland is actually a person, first goes on the island!" The night is around, there is still a desolate island, and there is still someone in the island.

! The night long body is like electricity, and the two quickly landed on the island.

"Help ... so sweat!" Burt jumped out of the night long style, pressed the button of the reduction table, and the figure was again returned to the original size.

"Oh ... Why are you so tight!" Night long laughs. [

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