The Prince of Tennis Super God System

Chapter 1143 of the Super Short System of Tennis Prince

"I hate!" Booema powder fists the chest of the long wind under the night.

"Okay, you are waiting for me here, I will go down to find Dragon Ball!" The night's wind turned to Burma.

"Hey, that kind of original method is too stupid, I have prepared, I took a capsule submarine!" Burta smiled and took out the capsule storage box from the pocket. "≮ Alternation: ^ ≯ ≯

"Oh ... also has new capsules?" Night live wind is still more interested in capsules.

"Ah!? Why is there only one capsule!" Burma suddenly called, and then the reaction came over. "I remembered, this is the fattening box of Dad's capsules, I have been wrong!"

"Cut ... I am looking forward to a while, what is this capsule?" Asked the night.

"I don't want to see it, I must not be a good thing!" Burma slammed.

"It doesn't matter, maybe it is useful for what useful!" Night live wind is still very curious about the founder of the capsule company.

Burma looked at the capsule in his hand. "You said right, I believe in Dad once!"

! Burma presses the capsule button and then throws the capsule on the air of the sand.

The sound of , the incidents in the capsule are actually some beautiful writes.

"I am going ... this is the capsule of the Capsule company, it is too letting ..." Night winds have some speechless to grasp a photo, and the quality of his photo is for the veteran appreciator of the night. It is really not good.

"Don't look! This bad father, I don't believe in him again!" Booema fell to take the photo set in the loud wind, and then torn all the photo collections.

"Burma, you are still waiting for me, I dive down!" Night long wind turned to a hot Booma Road.

"Don't, I have to go! Otherwise, you ran again, what do I do!" Burma spoiled to night.

"It's really no way!" The night's wind shook his head, his right hand, showed a blue capsule appeared on the right hand.

"Well? Changfeng, you have a capsule, where is it?" Burma asked.

"Oh, it seems to be from the person who is called Hilba!" The night grew the wind on the air.

A sealed airship, a sealed airship, an empty airship, an eye.

"Wow! This is the latest three-purpose airship, the name called Hilba is very rich!" Booema looked.

"Let's go in!" The night grew in the air on the airship, Burma sat on the passenger seat.

The airship is very advanced, has an automatic navigation and driving function, and the position of the Dragon Ball is entered into the navigation system.

Hey, the transparent hatch of the airship is turned off.

Bang! The three-use airship carrying the night, flying directly from the sand, soon drilling into the sea.

"Sure enough, it is the little ghost!" The Bruil Legion's eyeliner found the night length and Booema, Brui also used the telescope to see the airship ride in the sea.

"Keep up with them!" The tiger commander in Brui opponent.

"Yes! General Bru!"

On the other hand, after the night grows and Burma dive, the three airship is very smart to find a rocky cave underwater.

"The long wind, just shown in the cave, Dragon Baorada shows that Dragon Ball is in this hole!" Burt is called.

"Know! Then let's go in!" The night-long wind opened the manual mode of operation, driving a airship into the cave of the deep sea in front of him.

And when the three-purpose airship entered the cave, the large submarine followed by the back of them was the submarine of the Bruil Legion.

"General Brui! The enemy has entered that hole!" The communication staff reported.

"Good! Give me an attack!" Brui immediately down the command of the attack!

1078 chapter, pirate secret base

"Torle launches!" After Bruis, the Brujeng's submarine head instantly launched a huge torpedo to the night wind and Burma drilled into the cave.

Bang! At a time, the torpedo hit the rock wall outside the cave, and the silence of the sea is becoming the waves, and the night long and Burma ride the three-use airship rocking.


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1079 chapter, mechanical monster

"You said what this cave has a treasure?" Brui heard the news of pirate treasures, the face is happy, "Hey, this is the exciting major discovery as Dragon Ball, the Ruide commander will be very satisfied!"

"Oh ... I'm so good, I have always want to find a treasure of pirate!" Burt is already a dangerous throwing red silk army, she is actually in front of the night.

After walking more than ten meters, the two came to a flat channel, and the walls of the whole channel were very flat, and the upper and small small holes were very small.

"This road is a bit weird, what is on the ground, the wall is there?" Burma stopped, "Well ... Maybe it is a special style of piracy!"

Burma has just wants to embark on this channel, and the night's wind pulls her back.

"Ah ... long wind, what do you do!" Burt asked.

"You are too exciting, this is obviously the agency of the pirate, you can't see it ..." Night winds are somewhat speechless.

Is these pirate brains that are paste? This obvious organ is an individual to see, can only say that the treasure of the pirate is easy to blind, and the treasurer is not dangerous.

Snapped! Night wind gripped the stone on the ground and throwing a throw!

! Suddenly the hole in the smooth wall emits a spear, the spear is extremely sharp, and the opposite wall is nailed.

"Ah! It's agency! It's good to have a long wind, you reminded!" Burma was scared and hid behind the back of the night.

"Well! This organ should be triggered, you look at these buttons on the ground, once stepped on, the walls on the wall will shoot sharp spears!" Night wind pointed to the ground of black buttons in front of the black button.

"What should I do? I can't go in front, and there is a chase of the Red Skille!" Burt is a bit anxious.

"Haha, these spears can't hurt me, go directly, you will follow it behind me"! "Night long laugh," But, or leave these agencies to eat behind us Gray slag! "

"What do you do?" Burma knew that night long winds must have a way.

"Hold me!" Night long wind turned his head and a self-righteous 'back smile'.

"I hate!" Burma said hate, but the body is still tightly hurting the night.

"Hold!" The night cost is directly in the air, and there will be more than 20 meters of organ channels in the blink of an eye.

"Hey, it is so! Flying past, you can not touch the organs!" Bolma fell in the neck of the night.

"Cough ... You can come down!" Night long-drying coughing twice.

"Ah ..." Burma found that he was too much and night's pose too ... she pretty face was red, and she launched her hands with night long neck. D

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