The Prince of Tennis Super God System

Chapter 1144 of the Chapter 1144 of the Prince of Tennis

Snapped! Snapped! The night is shot, "We have went in, have been wasted for a lot of time!"

"There should be no institution here!" Burma carefully followed the night length of the wind, never dared to walk in front of the night.

On the other hand, Bruce caught up with his hand to the investigation.

"What is the situation on the side of the enemy?" Asked Bru.

"The enemy seems to have stopped for a while, now I am walking forward!" Bru's hand, "right! I see two no weapons!" {≮ Alternative:? ≯ ?

"Hey! The devil must be a very powerful weapon to defeat Hilba and Waud, now there is no weapon, nothing more than ordinary kids!" The Bruce's mouth has a smile, "Oh ... laugh at the end People must be us! "

"There is nothing to worry! Rush, all destroy them!" Bruce waved the hand under the hand behind him, and since the night cost did not bring any weapons, Brui had been completely relieved.

"Rush!" Bru's hand picks up a variety of hot weapons and directly rushing to the front channel.

"Haha! Dragon Ball also has Dragon Bao Lida and pirate treasures are mine!" Bruges behind his hands, slowly, a bamboo is a look in the chest.

At this time, Brui heard the voice of his hands under his hand.

"What's going on?" Bruce hurriedly accelerated the footsteps, came to the corner, and the Bruce took his head.

"Hey ... how can it be ... actually is agency!" Bruce was shocked, his hand touched the organs of the organ channel, and it was full of spears, which turned out to be a full army.

"Yes, how did the little ghost have passed? Such a long passage is afraid that even the pirates will not go!" Bruo was pocket.

"Well ... Mobile has a secret channel!" Bruce began to find a secret organ on the wall, and was really he lucky to discover a unpatimental black small stone button.

"Haha, found it! That's this!" Brune's presses the switch.

Zazza ... Sure enough, there is a secret door to open it, and another special passage.

"Hey ... stinky boy, I must let you know that I am in Brui!" Bruce wily entered the secret channel.

The night-long wind has passed the organ channel with Burt, and after ten meters, he suddenly turned over.

A large space in a hundred meters is seen in front of the two.

"Wow! It's great! It is actually the harbor of the pirate!" Burta pointed to the huge warship on the front of it.

"This is very big, this pirate gang should be a famous big person in the world!" Night-lasting style nodded, "The hand of this base is very good, it should be a lot of effort!"

"If there is a warship here, it must have other exports!" Burma analysis.


"Because there is no capsule in the past, can you take the warship (king) to take away, so there must be another other exports!" Burma replied.

"Yes! This pirate is everywhere, and there are several exports are also normal!" Night long-range heads expressed consent.

"If you do it now ... It's better to wait for them to find Dragon Ball again!" At this time, Brui has come from another channel to this space, he hides in the dark to observe night long wind and Burma action.

"Who?" The night is suddenly heard a sound of Mo.

"Ah! Changfeng, you don't scare me, it is good!" Burma has shrunk behind the night of the night.

bass! At this time, a hoe's mechanical monster handheld a long knife appeared in front of the two, its tail is very long, and it is red light in the eyeliner.

"I am going ... this thing is that it is the finals of the terminator and the shaped binding!" The night's wind can't help the styling of the monster.

1080 chapter, pirate treasure

bass! At this time, the mechanical monster eyes flashed in the eye hole, and the long knife in his hand was the Booema next to the night, and the speed was extremely fast.

Snapped! The night-long wind is shifted in front of Burma, and the right hand is free, and the long knife is turned on instantly.

"Ah!" Burma screamed, "It is the ghost of the pirate!"

"Isn't a ghost, it is a robot, and the night long wind disappears in the original place. When it is once again displayed, it is already a safe area of ​​more than ten meters away from the mechanical monster.

"Burma, you stay here, don't move, I will solve it!" Night long winds.

"Well! Long wind, you have to be careful!" Burma nodded.

"It is actually a robot, and it seems to be a very advanced robot!" Bruis hidden in the dark, observed the movement of the night.

Da da da! At this time, the mechanical monsters launched their hands, and his hands had an out of the two guns and started crazy.

The night is not awkward, and the bullets will come directly to the mechanical monsters.

"This kid will martial arts, and so strong!" Bruce widened his eyes, he found that his eyes could not keep up with the speed of the night.

"I am attacking!" The night's wind suddenly had a hands, and the left and right hand clamped the two red barrels of the mechanical monsters.

-350 - For the flesh of the night-catching wind, even if you don't open the Buddha, the gun tube is continuously shooting this high temperature, he is completely regardless.

A loud life, lifting, lifting the hand, lifting the mechanical monster, in the air, the huge body of mechanical monsters is actually unable to confront the giant strength of the night.

Snapped! At this time, the long mechanical tail plate after mechanical monster was on the night of the night.

~ ▉ ▉

"It's too stupid, there is nothing to do, and you will also dare to play a big knife in front of Guan Gong!" The electric light that has flowed around the night is completely unaffected.

! The night-long wind threw the mechanical monster directly, and the heavy embedded steel wall behind it.

! At this time, the night-long wind will directly inhale all the electric lights in the body, the double-handed hands, the two hands of the night, all the light blue electric light.

Night long winds will be absorbed and the vitality in their own body is turned into a pale blue electric light on the palm.

"Wan Guo is shocked!" The night long wind was shot.

! The long flow of the two blue electrosens is directly bombarded in the mechanical monsters.

! The mechanical monsters are completely broken by electric light, and the red light in the eye cave is bleak, and it is ultimately completely.

Bang! The mechanical monster eventually exploded directly, and it's all-in-one parts were blown down, and the four were scattered above the ground.

Snapped! Snapped! And the night grows is a random pat, "" After you have finished your business! You can go to Dragon Ball! "

"The long wind became strong!" Burma on the side looked at the entire steel wall embedded in the mechanical monster, which was blown up more than a more than ten meters of big pit, which looks very exaggerated.

"Burma, how far we are leaving Dragon Ball!" The night long turned head.

"Oh, it should be this road!" Burma took out Dragon Bao Rada, and the two entered a long channel.

The passage is very long, the rugged, the night-length wind and Booema have gone to the end, and there is actually a square well in front of the two.

"This is a well, how can there be water well here?" Burma surprised.

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